Zerothemaster Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 Hcqngrq gur ybpnyvmngvba svyrf this is the best thing that valve could have done to tf2 I think i might shed a tear... ;_:
Kenogu Labz Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 ...That's a massive nerf to the Sandvich. This is gonna cause a bit of rage I suspect... And yeah, I'd call that ROT-13, but I'd rather just leave it at Cthulhu-esque chanting.
Top Gun Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 The Valentine's Day ring sounds hilarious Very much so. And as much as I (ab)used the hell out of dropping the Sandvich, I'm kind of glad that nerf went through. I don't think it was every really meant as an insta-medkit for the Heavy himself, since that made the eating mechanic generally unused. It also has the side effect of making the GRU less unbalanced, since the Heavy just can't run across the whole map non-stop now.
ParanoidDrone Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 For the record, the last line in the update notes is ROT-13 for "Updated the localization files." The Sandvich nerf simply prevents a Heavy from dropping it for a quick 150 HP at a moment's notice for an effective 450 HP. Other players can still pick it up for health, but if you try to pick up your own it'll just get returned to you. You need to eat it properly with M1 if you want to heal yourself. The promo item is a rather spiffy looking Knife reskin for the Spy called the Black Rose that I refuse to care about unless it has unique stats, while the Snapped Pupil is a picture of the Demoman's eye taped over his eyepatch. Something Special for Someone Special is a $100 ring that you can gift to someone else, who can then accept or reject the accompanying proposal. If they accept, it gets broadcasted to the entire TF2 playerbase, similar to the golden wrenches. </infodump>
Kenogu Labz Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 The Sandvich nerf simply prevents a Heavy from dropping it for a quick 150 HP at a moment's notice for an effective 450 HP. Other players can still pick it up for health, but if you try to pick up your own it'll just get returned to you. You need to eat it properly with M1 if you want to heal yourself. Oh; from the description, it sounded like they were saying that anyone who picks it up receives ammunition instead of health.
ParanoidDrone Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 Oh; from the description, it sounded like they were saying that anyone who picks it up receives ammunition instead of health. Yeah, they worded it kind of badly, but it works how I described.
XeroZohar Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 Oh; from the description, it sounded like they were saying that anyone who picks it up receives ammunition instead of health. By "ammunition" I believe they meant "ammo" for the Sandvich. As Paranoid said, you get it back, thus increasing the Sandvich "ammo" count.
Powerlord Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 Did I beat Powerlord to the punch announcing a TF2 update? Yeah, I was kinda not feeling well and went straight to bed after work. The downside is that RED never got updated... one of these days, I should make it so that the event server auto-updates, too. Or just switch it back to normal. Something Special for Someone Special is a $100 ring that you can gift to someone else, who can then accept or reject the accompanying proposal. If they accept, it gets broadcasted to the entire TF2 playerbase, similar to the golden wrenches. Both players also get an equippable ring, according to the TF2 Blog. I assume it's an all-class Misc item.
ParanoidDrone Posted February 15, 2012 Posted February 15, 2012 Thanks for that picture, since I refuse to pay $100 just to see what it looks like ingame.
ParanoidDrone Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 Double post for the bump because I want people's opinions on this. What do you think of these proposed Enforcer stats? +20% damage Cannot see enemy HP. All incoming minicrits become full crits. This isn't my idea, but I really like it. The net result would be a Spy that's capable of holding his own in a fight, but at the expense of valuable tactical knowledge. In addition, turning incoming minicrits into full crits creates clear counters to this particular breed of Spy, namely Jarate and the Buff Banner, neither of which are exactly uncommon.
Aeronaut Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 Double post for the bump because I want people's opinions on this. What do you think of these proposed Enforcer stats?+20% damage Cannot see enemy HP. All incoming minicrits become full crits. This isn't my idea, but I really like it. The net result would be a Spy that's capable of holding his own in a fight, but at the expense of valuable tactical knowledge. In addition, turning incoming minicrits into full crits creates clear counters to this particular breed of Spy, namely Jarate and the Buff Banner, neither of which are exactly uncommon. I personally prefer what I believe was the Beta change of adding half a second to decloak time on top of the "cannot see enemy health". Mini-crits becoming crits would hardly matter if you have the Dead Ringer active, just like the current in-game "downside" doesn't matter at all in the same situation.
ParanoidDrone Posted February 16, 2012 Posted February 16, 2012 That's true, but critical hits still do a lot of damage through the DR. I know I've died to Backburners before while holding it out. Especially if you're covered in Jarate (and thus visible) and everyone and their mother is blowing hot lead at you. It's not perfect, but it's better than being nullified entirely. Edit: A crocket does what, 270 damage? That's 27 through the DR, over 20% of the Spy's max HP. </numbers_and_math>
Powerlord Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 According to Eric Smith from Valve, there's going to be a mandatory update tonight. We’re releasing a fix later today and will hopefully address most of the simultaneous client crashes that have been happening lately. Now if they'd only fix crates 35 and 36 (aka Naughty and Nice Winter Crates) still dropping and being immediately removed from peoples inventories. Which is why crate drop rates have been erratic over the last month and a half.
Lyrai Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 Achievements have been added to Alliance of Valiant Arms. Simply log in, roll a character, and play one match to completion, and you get the ach to get your Black Rose in TF2. I suggest Annilihation, which is literally horde mode vs two teams Be warned the AVA uses GameGuard for anti-cheat, which is pretty much a rootkit.
Powerlord Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 We've released a mandatory update to Team Fortress 2. The notes for the update are below.-Eric ------------------------------ Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM) - Fixed a client crash related to dynamic model loading - Fixed dedicated server not receiving restart requests when updates are released Team Fortress 2 - Fixed playing incorrect sounds for The Overdose - Fixed a broken Engineer animation for The Pomson 6000 - Fixed Steam inventory/trading not showing the correct item level for some items - Fixed Steam inventory/trading sort order not matching the in-game backpack - Fixed the new styles for The Brown Bomber not using team colors - Fixed some clipping issues with the Warrior's Spirit - Updated pl_hoodoo_final - Removed door frame collision to resolve bots getting stuck in the cave during stage 2 BLU is updating now I think... RED will need to be manually updated.
Cecilff2 Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 - Fixed Steam inventory/trading sort order not matching the in-game backpack Finally...
Powerlord Posted February 23, 2012 Posted February 23, 2012 We've released a mandatory update to Team Fortress 2. The notes for the update are below.Team Fortress 2 - Added The Fast Learner - Fixed +randommap not working correctly on server startup - Fixed some instances of corrupted text when the save_replay key isn't bound - Fixed dedicated server console spew related to the Replay client and viewangles - Fixed a spelling error in a cp_fastlane material - Fixed team colors not working correctly for the second style of the Black Rose - Fixed Mann Co. Store item previews for paints and styles - Updated item descriptions to contain the name of the paint used to color them - Updated the Reggaelator - Added an LOD model - Added 3 styles - Updated cp_dustbowl - Adjusted Blue team's func_respawnroom in stage 1 to be flush against the door - 언어 파일 업데이트 Not sure if the last bit shows on this board or not... it's Korean. Edit: Auto-update thinks the server is already up to date, killing it and manually running the updater.
Bahamut Posted February 23, 2012 Posted February 23, 2012 The last word in korean there just means update. Not sure what it means though.
Powerlord Posted February 23, 2012 Posted February 23, 2012 The last word in korean there just means update. Not sure what it means though. Localization files updated. Also, it appears that, because the Master Server has the wrong version listed, servers can't register themselves with it or the item server. For that matter, neither can clients.
Lyrai Posted February 24, 2012 Posted February 24, 2012 New Crate as well. Has Strange Overdose, Strange Loch-n-Load, Strange Knife (again), 2 new paints (Mann's Mint, After Eight), and the Salty Dog & Bloke's Bucket Hat.
Top Gun Posted February 24, 2012 Posted February 24, 2012 Haa, I figured (hoped?) that they'd start cycling through older Stranges again; the Knife is one that I wanted, too. Hopefully a few of the higher-priced ones show up again too, so they don't cost two arms and three legs.
ParanoidDrone Posted February 24, 2012 Posted February 24, 2012 How did they update Dustbowl? EDIT: "Adjusted Blue team's func_respawnroom in stage 1 to be flush against the door." Sounds like it's a fix for building a Sentry in that one spot during setup.
Powerlord Posted March 2, 2012 Posted March 2, 2012 We've released a mandatory update to Team Fortress 2. The notes for the update are below.-Eric ------------------------------ Team Fortress 2 - Added The Teufort Tooth Kicker - Fixed being able to call server votes for training maps - Fixed a case where capturing a point in overtime would end the round before time could be added - Fixed not hearing the third-person weapon sounds for The Gloves of Running Urgently, The Overdose, and The Wrap Assassin - Fixed unusual particles appearing in the wrong place for the Desert Marauder - Improved bot behaviors - Updated cp_mountainlab - Fixed several clipping issues - Updated the gamehaptics file: - Added draw/swing/stab forces to the Black Rose - Added missing forces for Three Rune Blade - Added more detail to butterfly knife draw forces - Modified Overdose recoil force to more accurately reflect new sound effect - Refined Huntsman & Minigun recoil forces - Refined Jarate throw force - Refined Syringe Gun crit recoil forces - Arquivos de localização atualizados Whoops, I was playing and didn't notice it update. Should be updated soon.
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