Super-Duper Sombrero Posted March 2, 2012 Posted March 2, 2012 - Added draw/swing/stab forces to the Black Rose- Added missing forces for Three Rune Blade - Added more detail to butterfly knife draw forces - Modified Overdose recoil force to more accurately reflect new sound effect Do these refer to the weapon animations, or am I interpreting that wrong?
ParanoidDrone Posted March 2, 2012 Posted March 2, 2012 Do these refer to the weapon animations, or am I interpreting that wrong? They refer to forces for controller devices that support haptic feedback or somesuch.
Top Gun Posted March 2, 2012 Posted March 2, 2012 - Fixed a case where capturing a point in overtime would end the round before time could be added Hee, that good ol' bug. I think I've won more rounds than I've lost because of it.
ParanoidDrone Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 Good lord is this thread dead? Sort of kind of TF2 related: Even webcomics have started making fun of the Enforcer.
Top Gun Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 I've played a few times over the last few weeks myself, but I definitely want to play a bit more. I did see that some of you guys were in a Highlander match recently; how did that turn out?
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 I've played a few times over the last few weeks myself, but I definitely want to play a bit more. I did see that some of you guys were in a Highlander match recently; how did that turn out? Still ongoing. Terms of Enrampagement is currently 5-1 (correct me if I'm wrong). We're about like halfway through the tournament or something right now.
phill Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 Still ongoing. Terms of Enrampagement is currently 5-1 (correct me if I'm wrong).We're about like halfway through the tournament or something right now. Just to add to that, putting us 17th overall at the moment
Zerothemaster Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 Haha I didn't even know there was a team Though, just to satisfy my curiosity, how do you "create" a team and enter one of those? And how long do they run?
bark Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 We're more than half way through the season it looks, with 3 more weeks to go. Most of these tournaments are just put together through sites that allow anyone to put a team of 9 together (plus spares) and then schedule people to fight. This team is being bossed by Jaswald, Gamemaster and Knee-Crow. They jsut approached people who were either good at the game, like Lumpy, or people who were likely to show up every week (like me)
Powerlord Posted March 16, 2012 Posted March 16, 2012 Attention admins: There's a new post on the admin board that I'd like all admins to read ASAP.
Darklink42 Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 So is anyone ever on the server anymore? I've been checking back this week since I started playing again, but it's been a ghost town every time.
Top Gun Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 I've seen some of the usual suspects playing in random Valve servers, but that doesn't usually float my boat. If someone on my friends list hops in there, I'll almost always join if I'm able.
Powerlord Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 This will likely leak out if it hasn't already... That admin post I mentioned last week? The community should probably know what it is about. Here are the first 3 sentences of it: Some of you may have seen this coming a ways off, and I've been considering this for the past few weeks.I think it's well past time for me to step down as the lead admin for the OCR TF2 servers. It's clear that I am largely responsible for the current state of affairs in regards to the server. The rest of the post (and replies to it so far) are in regards of what to do with the servers going forward. It is looking very heavily like it will need to be donation driven, although I don't believe we've heard from Brushfire yet. At present, the TF2 servers are paid through the first week of June, which gives us just over two months to transition. I may hijack RED, at least temporarily... I'm currently active in a different TF2 Community, RUGC (Reddit) Midwest. On a side note, Replays have been disabled on the server as they almost certainly the cause of the random freezes we were seeing... Valve still hasn't fixed FTP Replay support. P.S. Mandatory update later tonight.
Powerlord Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 Team Fortress 2- Added The Waxy Wayfinder - Added a new promotional item - Added Strange Parts that can be used to upgrade existing Strange-quality weapons - Updated The Cozy Camper to allow it to be used in Medieval Mode - Double-clicking on a tool in the backpack view will now use that tool - Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause weapons dropped after death to render with incorrect skins - Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause The Manmelter to display incorrect kill icons - Fixed a bug that would cause certain in-game notification sounds to play even if "cl_notifications_show_ingame" was false - Fixed a bug that would cause chat-text strange weapon rank up notifications to sometimes display player names as "unknown" - Increased Steam Workshop item description to 8000 characters - Updated arena_ravine - Minor visual and performance improvements - Updated cp_well - Performance improvements - Lokalisointitiedostot päivitetty I do wonder what Strange Parts do... these were rumored awhile ago.
Native Jovian Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 Wait, what? What do you mean by "the current state of affairs" and why is it your fault? I haven't been paying much attention to TF2 recently.
IRJustman Posted March 24, 2012 Posted March 24, 2012 I've seen some of the usual suspects playing in random Valve servers, but that doesn't usually float my boat. If someone on my friends list hops in there, I'll almost always join if I'm able. I'd love to play with you guys, but I prefer playing places where I know a large number of the people in the game, or, I know someone who has some hand in operations of the server. That's how I came to OCRTF2 to begin with (via Powerlord). Furthermore, I want to play on servers with clear, well-established and -enforced decorum rules. Valve servers do not fit any of the foregoing criteria. As such, I go there, check some of the gameplay out, then leave. The last time I was on a Valve server, I was bored to tears because there was none of the usual camaraderie or socializing that we see on OCRTF2. Though that was better in stark contrast to one time before that where there was rampant stupidity. Even the former was enough to drive me away. However, granted, I didn't know most of you at first, but I did get to know you. And overall, OCRTF2's decorum rules were very close to what I consider ideal. This alone kept a lot of the stupidity down to a tolerable minimum. Unless OCRTF2 comes back in some form, it was great while it lasted. Wait, what? What do you mean by "the current state of affairs" and why is it your fault?I haven't been paying much attention to TF2 recently. I think he probably means the servers' wonkiness, but I'll let PL answer this one. I haven't exactly been doing so either, other than to watch the servers to see who's playing. As for the game itself, I do keep an eye on the SRCDS mailing list like PL does. How much money do I need to throw at this? I had recently offered my own server. However, any possible technical issues notwithstanding, I think the main thing that keeps me from doing so is the fact that given it is my box, I do have very strict rules of decorum that I want followed in addition to (although most of mine are mostly based on) rules OCRTF2 already has in place. According to a conversation I had with Bark and Paranoid last night, this seems to create a "single tyrant" scenario that these folks are trying to avoid. For what it's worth, I will continue to run my server if people would like somewhere to play, but I don't think it can be an OCRTF2 community server because of the rules I want in place. --IJ.
Powerlord Posted March 28, 2012 Posted March 28, 2012 Wait, what? What do you mean by "the current state of affairs" and why is it your fault?I haven't been paying much attention to TF2 recently. Not only has there been persistent server problems, but I also drove certain people off by adding certain plugins to the server. The main example of this would be the one that removed the ability to play as Engineer on koth_nucleus. I've also been intentionally avoiding the server even when there were players on it, simply because I was already playing on another server. How much money do I need to throw at this? That depends entirely on the server host you go with. The most expensive is roughly $30/month for a single server, although they generally offer multi-month discounts. I know our last server host also had a donation system in place, but we didn't use it. According to a conversation I had with Bark and Paranoid last night, this seems to create a "single tyrant" scenario that these folks are trying to avoid. Having just gotten out of what essentially turned into a single tyrant scenario, can you blame them?
IRJustman Posted March 28, 2012 Posted March 28, 2012 Having just gotten out of what essentially turned into a single tyrant scenario, can you blame them? I guess that's true, though the key difference is you tend to deal with gameplay behavior and I tend to deal with social behavior/decorum. --IJ.
Top Gun Posted March 28, 2012 Posted March 28, 2012 I've also been intentionally avoiding the server even when there were players on it, simply because I was already playing on another server. I kind of guessed as much based on when I've seen you on, and that kind of bums me out. I enjoy playing the game with you, and I didn't really want there to be a situation where you feel like you aren't welcome to play with the OCR group just because you're now involved with another server. I know the Reddit server's your main hangout, but don't be a stranger with us too. In the end, I personally don't really care who's running what, so long as we have a reasonably-stable place to play. If it comes down to donations, I can probably chip in a bit here and there, and definitely more regularly if I can manage to find a full-time job.
bark Posted March 28, 2012 Posted March 28, 2012 I guess that's true, though the key difference is you tend to deal with gameplay behavior and I tend to deal with social behavior/decorum.--IJ. And just to point out, it wasn't meant explicitly as a negative,just that a number of decisions were made by a single person, and a lot people felt there was no input into those changes, for good or bad, where as before there was discussion on plugin/setting changes. For the record, i didn't have a problem with banning GM from playing engineer on Nucleus, since he did that little trick pretty much EVERY time he played on it.(Sorry GM, just drives me nuts )
ParanoidDrone Posted March 28, 2012 Posted March 28, 2012 For the record, i didn't have a problem with banning GM from playing engineer on Nucleus, since he did that little trick pretty much EVERY time he played on it.(Sorry GM, just drives me nuts ) You know, I doubt anyone would have cared if you did a /slay Gamemaster in an attempt at negative reinforcement.
Brushfire Posted March 29, 2012 Posted March 29, 2012 So how much money do I need to throw at this. Tell me the best host, and then watch as I raise it from the dead.
bark Posted March 29, 2012 Posted March 29, 2012 So how much money do I need to throw at this. Tell me the best host, and then watch as I raise it from the dead. I believe what Powerlord is saying is that you'll need to research your own server hosts if you want to do that, and i don't think his server package is one you can take over. He'd like to step away from being involved. (Powerlord can correct me if i'm wrong.)
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