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So we're working on hopefully having a new server in a month and a half or so - things are looking pretty good for me working by the end of the month at a pretty good job and if that happens, I will be able to cover the server. I will probably make a new thread when the time comes.

What do people want to see? What maps, plugins (Powerlord's map voting plugin, pregame mayhem, etc.), settings (mp_timelimit/mp_winlimit, sudden death, melee only sudden death, etc.), features, and more do you all want? What should the server be named? Who should be admin? Reserve slots exclusively for regulars? What features should reserve slot holders be able to access?

Let me know!


Disclaimer: I am unfamiliar with the specifics of server configuration so some of the following may or may not be feasible.

Maps: All stock maps for sure, or at least most of them, with a selection of quality customs. (Aerospace, Swiftwater, Obscure, etc.) If possible, the normal rotation should be popular stock maps only, with unpopular stock maps and customs available exclusively via nomination or some other kind of vote. This is mostly to keep the server population up, since customs and unpopular maps like Hydro tend to empty servers unless specifically voted for -- if people want to play there, fine, but don't force it on them.

Plugins: Powerlord's voting plugin is amazing for the simple fact that it doesn't disable the number keys. Definitely in favor of keeping that. I don't care one way or another about pregame mayhem.

Settings: In a strictly either/or situation, I'd prefer map switching to be based on the number of rounds played rather than time. In my experience, playing the same map more than 2 or 3 times in a row tends to get old fast, especially in cases like Dustbowl where a match can last up to a half hour if RED successfully defends the last point. I'm not sure if it's possible to combine the two, although I see no reason why it wouldn't.

Features: IMO autoupdating is important. Powerlord was always pretty fast on the uptake, but in the interests of making the setup relatively future proof, it would be a good idea to remove the human element from the equation.

Admins: It should probably go without saying that whoever is the primary owner/manager/what have you of the server should be a root admin if only for sheer convenience. Unfortunately I have no real suggestions other than that, although I'm aware that we're trying to avoid a single person dictatorship situation, as it were.

Reserve Slots: TBH I'm quite apathetic about it, although perhaps apathetic isn't the right word. I'm under the impression that reserve slots are handed out to people that play regularly and are generally respectful to others. In other words, trustworthy members of the community. If this is the case, then I don't have a problem with them being granted extra privileges, and depending on the nature of said privileges, they could even act as a group of "minimods." However, it has the potential to turn very cliquish very quickly, which I don't think is a good thing. The alternative is to grant them to anyone who makes a donation to keep the server running, in which case any privileges would have to be fairly innocuous, otherwise you'd be able to literally buy a mod slot. Both sides have their advantages and disadvantages. Food for thought.


Also I should add that it's possible to alter the settings for each map such as a specific win limit for maps like Dustbowl and Goldrush. Having different settings for different maps probably will be vital since arena maps will definitely go by quicker.

Also, should I try installing some plugin or extension that lets arena take up as many people as on (i.e. the whole server as opposed to just the first 14) as possible while keeping it balanced?

I believe TF2 servers autoupdate by default now, but I'll do research into that.

For those wondering, I am crafting these settings from scratch. Perhaps down the road a half year later or so, I may even be able to start learning the scripting language to craft any plugins or extensions we may want (my potential job will teach programming to me).

Multiple admins are also just practical. Having people available to prevent a bad situation where a crappy random pub goes around doing some annoying/counterproductive stuff like aimbot or blast annoying music and other pubs prevent him from being votekicked/votebanned is also important.

I should also mention it's possible to finetune what settings reserve slot holders can access. For example, I can make it so that reserve slot holders can force a map change, or create a custom next map vote list, or kick/ban people, force votekick/voteban, set people on fire, or whatever combination of admin features there are.

Edit: To give more food for thought, here's another setting to mull over

mp_idlemaxtime - how many minutes should I set it to?

It turns out there's no current working plugin/extension for fixing the arena team limit. Perhaps I'll take a crack at it eventually, it would be nice to have full teams for that.


I forgot about Arena. A plugin to increase the number of players for those maps is definitely a good idea. (Why is it limited to begin with anyway?)

I'm aware you can grant plenty of different abilities to reserve slot holders, but I have some reservations about the different ways we can go about granting them. I'll try to outline my disjointed logic:

-We can take applications for reserve slots and approve them on a case by case basis. We could then safely grant them relatively powerful privileges due to the inherent screening process, but we risk turning the whole thing into a clique. This may or may not be desirable depending on what we want reserve slots to represent -- dedication to the community, or just people who happen to play a lot on our particular server?

-We can grant them fairly unilaterally, possibly for donations to keep the server running. This effectively stops the forming of a clique since there's no application process but opens the system to potential abuse by people who would seek to cause mayhem with their new powers.

The thought occurs to me that it's probably not possible to completely automate the reserve slot process, thus any implementation will always have the opportunity for one or more persons to check if the applicant is genuine or a troll. If this is the case, then I have far fewer misgivings about the degree of powers granted to reserve slot holders.



I prefer KOTH, PL, PLR, Arena, for maps. Like to see custom maps in the list, as dangerous as that can be. As already said, let the arena fill out more than normal to comfort those who hate arena and are impatient to play.

Server settings: pregame mayhem,slaughter, votecrits, voting, voting, voting for everything. Possibility of silly mods, like !rtd, melee only, partymod for those special occasions, or times when server regulars are bored and want to fill the server.

Map times are preferred to be short. Give each team a chance at each side of the map, at least. Try not to keep a map on server for 30 minutes, except for multi-part maps that demand extra time. default respawn times.

And as a favor, please allow custom sounds. For some reason servers that do not end up producing sounds that may crash the game.

As far as admin/moderators go, I'd be interested in seeing who wants the position. If I am a regular again, I will express interest in the position. Admins who use their power to control troublesome players and trolls, or who make changes based on popular request are preferred over ones who decide "I want to play dustbowl, right now!" or who think it's okay to use slay, beacon, etc just because they are amused by their control over other players.

I like that OCR gives preference to regulars for slot reservations. But I also think regulars should support the server. 2 bucks a month isn't a lot! Therefore, I think these players should be given some incentives to play. Like less limits to voting privileges, moderation, donation events (or the ability to set events), or even a mod like allowing them to choose a play-buddy and not get teamswapped.


To allow custom sounds, would I have to whitelist the whole sounds folder? I do not believe whitelisting a whole folder is a good idea, although I may end up doing so. Do custom sounds replace the regular sound files themselves? If they replace the regular sound files, it should be fine since then I can add each file individually to the whitelist, but otherwise it would be a no go since whitelisting a whole folder is dangerous.

Trying to figure out these settings again might take a day whenever we get this done, so bear with me when it happens.

Do people have particular map settings they'd like to see (round limit on Dustbowl/Goldrush/Thundermountain, automatic team scrambles after certain # of rounds different than the default, etc.)?

So we're working on hopefully having a new server in a month and a half or so - things are looking pretty good for me working by the end of the month at a pretty good job and if that happens, I will be able to cover the server. I will probably make a new thread when the time comes.

What do people want to see? What maps, plugins (Powerlord's map voting plugin, pregame mayhem, etc.), settings (mp_timelimit/mp_winlimit, sudden death, melee only sudden death, etc.), features, and more do you all want? What should the server be named? Who should be admin? Reserve slots exclusively for regulars? What features should reserve slot holders be able to access?

Let me know!

Disable crits by default and have the vote to turn them on.

Most people probably will want crits on, but I'm willing to entertain thoughts on it. Turning them off for arena probably should be a given though.

Aw, but then how will I single-handedly defeat the other team as a melee Heavy?

So we're working on hopefully having a new server in a month and a half or so - things are looking pretty good for me working by the end of the month at a pretty good job and if that happens, I will be able to cover the server. I will probably make a new thread when the time comes.

What do people want to see? What maps, plugins (Powerlord's map voting plugin, pregame mayhem, etc.), settings (mp_timelimit/mp_winlimit, sudden death, melee only sudden death, etc.), features, and more do you all want? What should the server be named? Who should be admin? Reserve slots exclusively for regulars? What features should reserve slot holders be able to access?

Let me know!

I can give you the entire /addons/sourcemod and /cfg folders. The catch is that the SourceMod /bin and /extensions directories contain just Linux files and won't work on a Windows server.

Right now, the following plugins are installed. Note that SourceMod 1.4.2 is out now and the server has been updated to it:

sm plugins list
[SM] Listing 35 plugins:
01 "Admin File Reader" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
03 "Map Nominations" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
04 "Immunity Reserve Slots" (1.0.4) by Jamster
05 "Basic Chat" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
06 "Admin Menu" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Nextmap" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Mapchooser Extended Sounds" (1.3) by Powerlord
09 "DeadChat" (1.0.0) by bl4nk
10 "Client Preferences" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "Anti-Flood" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
12 "Spray Tracer" (5.8a) by Nican132, CptMoore, Lebson506th
13 "Basic Comm Control" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
14 "TF2 FF on during waiting for players" (1.1) by Ratty
15 "SourceBans" (1.4.9) by SourceBans Development Team
16 "Name Change Punisher" (1.1) by Powerlord
17 "Fun Commands" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
18 "Language ID" (1.0) by Powerlord
19 "HLstatsX CE Ingame Plugin" (1.6.15) by psychonic
20 "Basic Votes" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
21 "Fun Votes" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
22 "Admin Help" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
23 "Basic Commands" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
24 "Player Commands" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
25 "Maplister" (1.5) by theY4Kman
26 "BuiltinVotes Revote" (1.0) by Powerlord
27 "[Any] Immunity4Replay + SourceTV" (3.4.1) by DarthNinja
28 "Custom Votes" (0.5.6) by chundo
29 "Rock The Vote" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
30 "TF Force Holidays" (1.4) by Powerlord
31 "Sound Commands" (1.4.2) by AlliedModders LLC
32 "SuperLogs: TF2" (2.0.28) by Thomas "CmptrWz" Berezansky & psychonic
33 "Advertisements" (0.5.5) by Tsunami
34 "Kigen's Anti-Cheat" ( by CodingDirect LLC
35 "MapChooser Extended" (1.8.2) by Powerlord, Zuko, and AlliedModders LLC

And the extensions:

sm exts list
[SM] Displaying 14 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater (1.4.2): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.4.2): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] Server Secure - Files Only (1.0.0): The finest defence
[04] TF2 Tools (1.4.2): TF2 extended functionality
[05] BinTools (1.4.2): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[06] CBaseServer tools ( Base server tools (and example of detours)
[07] SDK Tools (1.4.2): Source SDK Tools
[08] Top Menus (1.4.2): Creates sorted nested menus
[09] Client Preferences (1.4.2): Saves client preference settings
[10] SQLite (1.4.2): SQLite Driver
[11] Builtin Votes (0.5.7): API to do votes using the L4D, L4D2, and Orange Box Valve game in-game vote interface
[12] SDK Hooks (2.1.0): Source SDK Hooks
[13] Socket (3.0.1alpha): Socket extension for SourceMod
[14] MySQL-DBI (1.4.2): MySQL driver implementation for DBI

Edit: Er... ignore Language ID... it's a development plugin I was using for debugging BuiltinVotes.

Plugins: Powerlord's voting plugin is amazing for the simple fact that it doesn't disable the number keys. Definitely in favor of keeping that. I don't care one way or another about pregame mayhem.

There are still a few bugs in the BuiltinVotes extension, although it appears to be working correctly for multiple-choice votes. The remaining bugs appear to affect Yes/No votes only. Having said that, I'm not really updating BuiltinVotes any more...

Settings: In a strictly either/or situation, I'd prefer map switching to be based on the number of rounds played rather than time. In my experience, playing the same map more than 2 or 3 times in a row tends to get old fast, especially in cases like Dustbowl where a match can last up to a half hour if RED successfully defends the last point. I'm not sure if it's possible to combine the two, although I see no reason why it wouldn't.

And I can tell you from personal experience on RUGC Midwest... set it to 2 rounds, as 3 rounds drags on for maps like goldrush, thunder mountain, and dustbowl.

mp_timelimit and mp_maxrounds can both be used, and in fact BLU is currently set up that way.

Features: IMO autoupdating is important. Powerlord was always pretty fast on the uptake, but in the interests of making the setup relatively future proof, it would be a good idea to remove the human element from the equation.

This is entirely dependent on the host. Even now, BLU is set to autoupdate (unless I killed the autoupdater and forgot), but RED isn't. This is because RED is currently running as the event server, and you can't run two copies of the HLDSUpdateTool at the same time.

Also I should add that it's possible to alter the settings for each map such as a specific win limit for maps like Dustbowl and Goldrush. Having different settings for different maps probably will be vital since arena maps will definitely go by quicker.

Arena has an additional config file, cfg/config_area.cfg. So, you can set just one set of limits for normal maps and one for arena.

Also, should I try installing some plugin or extension that lets arena take up as many people as on (i.e. the whole server as opposed to just the first 14) as possible while keeping it balanced?


For those wondering, I am crafting these settings from scratch. Perhaps down the road a half year later or so, I may even be able to start learning the scripting language to craft any plugins or extensions we may want (my potential job will teach programming to me).


It turns out there's no current working plugin/extension for fixing the arena team limit. Perhaps I'll take a crack at it eventually, it would be nice to have full teams for that.

Sadly, the arena problem is something that needs to be written as a C++ extension. Extensions are considerably more difficult to write than Plugins are. The other choice is to disable the arena wait queue (tf_arena_use_queue 0), but that also means that one team can have 1 more player than the other team... and players can choose which team they want rather than being assigned to a random team.

I believe TF2 servers autoupdate by default now, but I'll do research into that.

Only on Linux, only if -autoupdate was passed in on server start, and only when the map changes... meaning only if players are already on the server.

To allow custom sounds, would I have to whitelist the whole sounds folder? I do not believe whitelisting a whole folder is a good idea, although I may end up doing so. Do custom sounds replace the regular sound files themselves? If they replace the regular sound files, it should be fine since then I can add each file individually to the whitelist, but otherwise it would be a no go since whitelisting a whole folder is dangerous.

Whitelisting is a tricky business. Right now, on BLU, specific sounds are forced to be from Steam. Those include the Spy decloak sounds.

On a different subject, if you have RED if your server list, you've probably noticed that I've reappropriated it as a Vs. Saxton Hale (now Freak Fortress) server. We've been doing events Saturdays at 8pm CDT / 9pm EDT.

Edit: Incoming TF2 update.

We've released mandatory updates for Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. The notes for the updates are below.



Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)

- Fixed server crash exploit related to audio buffer overruns

- Fixed server crash caused by using changelevel2

- Updated console logging system to minimize opening and closing of files, greatly improving performance under certain conditions

- Additional improvements for client/server stability

Team Fortress 2

- Added the Texas Half-Pants and the Bolt Action Blitzer

- Updated the Teufort Tooth Kicker so it can also be equipped by the Engineer

- Updated the Scrap Pack so it can now be crafted, gift-wrapped, and traded

- Updated the Short Circuit

- Fixed projectiles not being cleared if they were blocked by buildings or other projectiles

- Fixed not incrementing the "How the Pests Was Gunned" achievement for destroyed stickies

- Fixed being able to place buildings in nobuild zones

- Fixed Red team Pyros being able to grief teammates by attacking them with the flamethrower and then switching to team Spectator during the attack

- Added the ability to remove Strange parts via the Restore button in the backpack

- Added the ability to reset scores on Strange items via the Restore button in the backpack

- Crates now display their series number in the backpack view

- Added new "tf_hud_no_crosshair_on_scope_zoom" to the Advanced Options menu

- Fixed using the "inspect" command to Spy-check teammates

- Fixed the Bazaar Bargain increasing its head count while shooting at ÜberCharged enemies

- Fixed defense buffs reducing crush and telefrag damage

- Fixed a bug that would cause Medics to reduce the health of heal targets if the target had earned more health than their normally allowed max overheal

- The Cozy Camper’s description now correctly reflects the actual speed reduction while scoped and is now applied correctly when using the Huntsman (speed for the other rifles remains unchanged)

- Add the object entindex to the object_deflected game event

- 本地化檔案已更新

BLU will update shortly as usual. Hopefully the new server updater is quicker than the old one.


I'm really glad to hear that you're planning on taking this on, Baha; piggybacking on Ichi works fine, but it'd be great to keep up the official OCR server and have a few extra player slots. I don't really have much of a preference in terms of plugins or settings, though pregame mayhem is a must, and I think limiting Payload/Dustbowl-esque maps to two rounds is a good idea. If you do need some help, I'd definitely be able to chip in a few bucks per month.


Maps: Stock for sure, but there are two which really chafe me.

One is Hydro since it has enormous potential for stalemates which quite likely contributes to the known quality of driving users away per what Paranoid said.

The other I take issue with is Degroot Keep, especially its atrocious "Shakespeare" filter (which is very broken RENAISSANCE-era--NOT Medieval--commoner speech, not "high-class" speech; "thee" and "thou" are NOT upper-class speech, just FYI). Broken speech filters aside, this map gets very old very quickly, especially considering the limited weapon selection of the game mode. Rounds go by very quickly so even the current twenty-minute length seems like an eternity.

If you must include either one, put shorter time limits on them, e.g. twenty minutes for Hydro and fifteen for Degroot.

On the subject of custom maps, please please PLEASE restrict them to good release-quality maps. Some of these alpha-quality maps tend to be problematic, considering some I've seen look very incomplete. Panic is one exception since it is very good quality and is one of the few payload race maps I actually enjoy (for reference, I tend to dislike payload race in general). I'm talking about maps which are missing textures. I'm on the server to play a game, not playtest someone's incomplete map (I'm not talking about yours, Paranoid; I know for a fact I'm playtesting a work-in-progress).

Plugins: Definitely keep Mapchooser Extended which hooks into the internal voting system. Sometimes, using the number-based system makes me use voice commands, which annoys me because I never use them anyway. I think the pre-game mayhem's a great ice-breaker. What I would also like to see is something that works much like votemute, but gags ALL forms of communication, so we can completely squelch any problem user. That or have the votemute insert a gag as well. If we don't want to hear from the user, we should be able to silence him entirely, right down to his typed responses. Let him use voice commands for gameplay reasons.

Settings: Allow custom sounds and player models. Also, the settings Powerlord had in place to discourage teamswitching and teamstacking were pretty effective at performing their assigned purpose.

As for custom sounds (also includes models), you can whitelist as broadly or as narrowly as you desire so you can use custom sounds (I use the sound of a one-inch Type C Ampex VTR starting and TF2 music instead of the 16mm projector start plus music for replay's sound and Touhou-related sounds for other events as examples). Baha, if you get a tree listing of the appropriate directory, you can easily create the whitelist.

Features: Not sure what to suggest here.

Admins: Hard to comment on this one here, but we need people who will enforce both gameplay and decorum rules, with particular emphasis on decorum. The admins we had were overall pretty good. One of the reasons I stuck with OCRTF2 and Ichimonai and why I run my own was their strict decorum rules and enforcement of same.

Reserve Slots: Paranoid said it well here. It's a tough call to do this one, but it all depends on the circumstances.



Most of the other things I've wanted to take note of have been addressed already, however, one such thing is the inclusion of this plugin. http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=161320 It is a must. There are hackers that blow VAC out their ass and go about wreaking havoc on servers, avoiding user prompted kicks due to constant name changes. This plugin is a way to shut them down and make them manageable by self elimination.

There are still a few bugs in the BuiltinVotes extension, although it appears to be working correctly for multiple-choice votes. The remaining bugs appear to affect Yes/No votes only. Having said that, I'm not really updating BuiltinVotes any more...

Who is? or is the plan to let it die?


Maps: I like having customs available, but not on the rotation. Also tc_hydro is no good, keep that off the rotation.

Arena maps have never really been my fancy, and I don't like how they leave people out of the game after dying or if they get stuck spectating. Personally I don't want to see them at all, unless specifically nominated for whatever reason.

Plugins: The array of plugins that Powerlord had running was pretty good, though apparently the sheer quantity was what tended to bog down the server quite a bit of the time. I want to at least keep the mapvoting on the F1-4 keys, that was nice.

That plugin that showed you who's spray you look at was good for spray enforcement, and a necessity if you want to continue with the 'no porn sprays' rule (which I am in favor of).

I'm not really sure what most of the rest of those plugins that powerlord had listed do specifically, but most of them seem to facilitate map voting.

You may also want to look into the plugin that kicks people who change their name every half second or so? I remember it being mentioned a while back, but not sure if it was implemented. The name cycling makes it difficult for admins to target for bans.

Settings: Alltalk should always be on. This is the primary reason I favor this server and community.

Crits... are a source of ambivalence. On one hand, it can seemingly punish good players for no reason at all, and instant death is very rarely what I would consider 'fun'. On the other, it can help even the battlefield on occasion, and gives newer players a bit more of a fighting chance. In theory, anyway. Personally, I'm in favor of no-crit with option to turn on. But then again, I primarily play Sniper, so take that as you will.

Features: The replay system is nice to have, but seems to be a bit buggy. I'd like to have it, but not at the cost of stability.

The ranking system is kinda fun but ultimately unnecessary.

Some sort of party mode vote would be nice. I like party mode.

Also the full moon all the time mod, that's a good one.

Admins: Be careful who you pick here. Admin abuse is one of the most annoying things to put up with as a regular player. I remember playing on the server one night on a relatively slow night, there were only about 8 or so of us on. One of the admins joined and started playing with noclip and whatnot. As a spy. Very very annoying so I left.

I personally have a bit of experience running admin on a counterstrike server a long while ago, and I'd volunteer if you need people. I'm usually online and available pretty late at night if you need more coverage in that timeslot.

Reserve Slots: Depends on how you want to pay for the server. If you're looking to take donations, I would recommend reserve slots only to donators and mods(obviously). If you're paying for it entirely by yourself, probably just give slots to regular community members.

Just my two cents. I'd be willing to donate as well, if you're looking to see how many might be interested in doing that.

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