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Just curious, are there any Spy videos where the Spy is doing well and the enemy team is competent? It seems like most Spy videos out there the enemy team is incapable of looking behind themselves as their team is wiped out single handedly by one spy.

What, my videos don't count? They're all from OCR except like 2 or 3 clips from my latest one.

Just curious, are there any Spy videos where the Spy is doing well and the enemy team is competent? It seems like most Spy videos out there the enemy team is incapable of looking behind themselves as their team is wiped out single handedly by one spy.

There's a certain Dead Ringer Spy I've seen play on the server who pretty much always disguises as Scout, freely announces that he always disguises as Scout, has the entire opposing team completely paranoid and spy-checking...and still manages to mop the floor with them. It's a scary thing to see.

There's a certain Dead Ringer Spy I've seen play on the server who pretty much always disguises as Scout, freely announces that he always disguises as Scout, has the entire opposing team completely paranoid and spy-checking...and still manages to mop the floor with them. It's a scary thing to see.

Moondoggy. I actually ran into him once way back when I was first starting out TF2, got stairstabbed. Seeing him on OCR was kind of a blast from the past. He's really good at trick stabs, which would explain how he does so well against paranoia.

Unrelated: Post count says I'm Chrono. Coming back from the dead is in character now.

Moondoggy. I actually ran into him once way back when I was first starting out TF2, got stairstabbed. Seeing him on OCR was kind of a blast from the past. He's really good at trick stabs, which would explain how he does so well against paranoia.

I like Moondoggy. He's good at that one thing and once you counter it he can't do too much. He's good but he's used to easy stairstabs so you can bait him really easily. I just like to go Scout when he's around because he only uses the DR. He also hates the Shortstop.

Yay replays:


My little experimentation with the replay function, taking out an otherwise useless sniper on the way to actually push leetle kart.


So many new people to subscribe to, so little time.

Also, isn't Moondoggy the one with the knife named "It was the Scout"?

Also also, I have 64 views on my shenanigan video. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN. :shock:

I don't really like turning RED into a permanent event type of thing. More along the lines of using it separately.

Well, I only meant so you could choose to nominate a tf2ware map when the map votes come up.

Also, isn't Moondoggy the one with the knife named "It was the Scout"?

It's interesting, the knife hints that he always disguises as Spy for the less attentive... so you'd figure people would catch on. However, despite his consistency, you always end up with people who ignore the slow-moving Scout and end up backstabbed because of it. Gets annoying when the people who do this are on your team. :?

Doesn't help that Moondoggy can refill his DR watch insanely fast, so you're stuck having to chase him down four or five times to ensure he stays dead. While that sort of dedication keeps him from causing more problems, it also serves as one heck of a distraction. Distraction Spies, of course, being something I can get behind - as you can probably tell from my "Uncle Bonehead" antics.

Won't work, as it's a server plugin in addition to maps.

I was on a server that ran other server plugins like Zombie Fortress as well. When they went to a different mode TF2ware was turned off.

A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. Please run hldsupdatetool to receive the update. The specific changes include:

Important notes

- If you were previously crashing on startup, please have Steam verify the integrity of your game cache

- Update your game to the most current version

- Right-click on the game and select "Properties"

- Click on the "Local Files" tab

- Click on the "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" button

- If you were previously crashing when connecting to a server, please run once with "-autoconfig" to reset your graphics state

- Update your game to the most current version

- Right-click on the game and select "Properties"

- Click on the "General" tab

- Click on the "Set Launch Options..." button

- Add "-autoconfig" to the launch options and click OK

- Restart your game

- After doing this, you should remove -autoconfig from your launch options

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Fixed several client crashes on game startup, shutdown, and replay interaction

- Updated the materials used on models to ignore the $ignorez flag, to make it harder to create wallhacks on sv_pure 0 servers

Team Fortress 2

- Added an Advanced Options button to the main menu to allow tweaking of many gameplay options

- Fixed server crashes related to replays and new items

- Added "per_class_loadout_slots" and "attribute_controlled_attached_particles" sections to the GetSchema WebAPI call

Updating BLU and RED now.

BLU is operational again, and RED will follow shortly.


I can't even encode Replays to videos right now, TF2 crashes every time I try. Which really sucks.

A shame, too, because I have a 7-second clip where I backstab two Scouts that I thought was pretty good.

2 scouts of a 4 person team. :P

Also, I crafted a bunch of hats together yesterday... and I got one of the new ones (Western Wear engy hat #453).

I'm thinking about trading it for metal before the value of it goes down.

On another subject, I'm going to be testing a new version of Mapchooser Extended that uses a different menu style. I don't know how it works in TF2, but in HL2DM, you have to hit Esc to access this menu, so it no longer blocks weapon switches.


On another subject, I'm going to be testing a new version of Mapchooser Extended that uses a different menu style. I don't know how it works in TF2, but in HL2DM, you have to hit Esc to access this menu, so it no longer blocks weapon switches.

HALLELUIAH if it works right.

Updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Fixed another case where the $ignorez material flag could be used as a cheat

Team Fortress 2

- Extended the Saxxy contest deadline to 11:59:59 PM GMT, Friday, May 20th, 2011

- Fixed the third-person camera options dialog not displaying correctly in the Replay performance editor

- Fixed a rare case where users running Service Pack 3 on Windows 7 64-bit with graphics driver version 12.42 saw a graphical glitch on the main menu Options button

- Updated the Three-Rune Blade, Hero's Tail, and Sign of the Wolf's School items so they can be crafted and traded

Nothing more fun than trying to launch the game to test a plugin change and being greeted by a game update, particularly since I'd JUST updated the Event server and have to update it again.


You know its funny when I was just reading this thread, close it, see that I have finished downloading an update, look around haplessly for the patch notes, and then come here again to see if Powerlord has posted them yet. This happened in a 30 second time period.

What I'm trying to say is a.) I come to an OCR thread to find official TF2 patch notes and b.) Damn Powerlord you fast as shit.

You know its funny when I was just reading this thread, close it, see that I have finished downloading an update, look around haplessly for the patch notes, and then come here again to see if Powerlord has posted them yet. This happened in a 30 second time period.

What I'm trying to say is a.) I come to an OCR thread to find official TF2 patch notes and b.) Damn Powerlord you fast as shit.

I had just uploaded Mapchooser Extended 1.6b1 to OCR Event 2 (aka Powerlord's Plugin Test Lab) and launched the game to test it.

Except I had to update my client, and presumably the server, since they made changes to the game item data. They haven't actually announced it on the server mailing list yet.

Edit: Server is operating at a higher than normal CPU load. I've delayed bringing RED back up until it goes down... hopefully in a few minutes.


Updated BLU and RED with the new version of Mapchooser Extended and flipped it to use the "Press Escape first" style vote menu.

I'm not sure I like it as well, but it says "Escape menu pending" or something like that in bright red letters in the upper-left corner.

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