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An optional update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. The specific changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)

- Fixed a client crash when disconnecting from servers with sv_pure set to 1

- Fixed a client crash in the material system

- Fixed a client crash caused by using alt-tab while playing

Team Fortress 2

- Added the Concheror and the Fishcake to the list of weapons allowed in Medieval mode

- Fixed a few server crashes caused by the replay system

- Fixed a server crash caused by the vote system

- Fixed the notification text being clipped when you receive items

- Updated the localization files

Going to update BLU and RED shortly.

I'm not sure why they consider this an optional server update if it changes weapons allowed in Medieval, though.

Edit: We've temporarily killed the TF2 servers... there were having problems during restart and the system appears to be extremely busy at the moment.

Edit 2: BLU and RED are back up now. We had two problems (one with the server's third TF2 server), which in turn caused TFStats Scripts to try spawning multiple copies spinning MySQL out of control.


I'm not sure why they consider this an optional server update if it changes weapons allowed in Medieval, though.

Maybe Valve doesn't take Medieval mode seriously.


Updated pl_swiftwater on the server to frc20.

Also, I've put a lot of effort into reverse engineering the TF2 Voting system, but it's more complicated than it first seemed.

I'm downloading the L4D2 Authoring Tools to see if L4D2's version of the Source SDK contains documentation for the CVoteController server object (which also exists in L4D2) before I go around crashing my test server by sending it random data.


I figured out how to get the TF2 server to put up the built-in map vote menu with any 5 items I want on it.

I'll begin working on a new Mapchooser to take advantage of this tomorrow.

I figured out how to get the TF2 server to put up the built-in map vote menu with any 5 items I want on it.

I'll begin working on a new Mapchooser to take advantage of this tomorrow.



We were operating with only five maps at a time on the mapchooser until just recently... so it won't really be any different than before other than using the F1-F5 keys instead of 4-8.

Then again, that's the point of changing it!

We were operating with only five maps at a time on the mapchooser until just recently... so it won't really be any different than before other than using the F1-F5 keys instead of 4-8.

Then again, that's the point of changing it!

People still complained about the map changer for taking 4 - 8.

Which is hilarious.


goldrush and dustbowl are good conceptually but changes to the game stat-wise and weapon-wise have made them both unbearably awful to actually play on

dustbowl is impossible to win on offense unless your team has the greatest spy in the universe and goldrush is is impossible to win on defense unless you have a team of snipers getting nonstop headshots


Sorry about not finishing the vote thing yet.

I originally planned on finishing it yesterday, but rather than do a simple version that works for one thing, I'm writing a SourceMod Extension to act similarly to the existing Vote system.

Of course, I'm only going to implement map votes for now, but this way, the logic exists to extend it later without breaking things.

dustbowl is impossible to win on offense unless your team has the greatest spy in the universe


In all seriousness, I expect my new computer to arrive around June 6. For some reason, laptops tend to die after I own them for ~2 years. Which is why I got a 3 year warranty this time. :<


Bleck, you make valid points here, but I must insist that the maps are the best maps available in TF2. Other maps are downright not fun to play because of Valve's inability to properly balance or test new game items or even understand clipping geometry (love you gamemaster!). Unless you count competetive 5 point cp maps but to be honest I have been bored of those because the game type is practically push-deathmatch.

Other maps are downright not fun to play because of Valve's inability to understand clipping geometry.

this is so fucking true it's almost unbelievable

dustbowl is impossible to win on offense unless your team has the greatest spy in the universe

Or two Medics that can build up an Uber and take in a competent Heavy/Demo to clear out the final defense. That last point goes really fast once everyone has been killed off or pushed back. And having a good Engy/Pyro means that you should be able to set up and hold a forward base in the alley before the final point.

and goldrush is is impossible to win on defense unless you have a team of snipers getting nonstop headshots

Now this is just flat-out wrong...I can't count how many times my team hasn't even been able to finish the first stage. So long as you cover the Engies from long-range rocket barrage, that last point there is brutal to capture, since you're basically exposed the whole way to the finish. The second point on the second stage can get brutal too if the defense knows what it's doing, and the final final point tends to get bottlenecked in that alley leading to the final open area.

Now this is just flat-out wrong...I can't count how many times my team hasn't even been able to finish the first stage.

heavies, man


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