Powerlord Posted October 21, 2011 Posted October 21, 2011 Valve threw the switch on the Halloween event yesterday. In addition to the stuff my Halloween plugin does, this should mean that haunted holiday presents are showing up on cp_manor_event. I've updated the default map vote pool to switch out koth_harvest_final and cp_mountainlab for koth_harvest_event and cp_manor_event. I'm also going to disable my Halloween plugin, just to make sure it doesn't interfere.
Top Gun Posted October 21, 2011 Posted October 21, 2011 I'd like to try to snag another complete set of masks, but is there any word yet on whether or not we can get another Haunted Scrap this year?
Darlos9D Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 Whee, I finally have a good connection again. Now I just need a computer that doesn't overheat. TF2 crashing doesn't mean a whole lot if my computer won't even stay on while playing. Stupid laptop...
Powerlord Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 We're going to be launching some new Halloween content in the near future and wanted to give you all a quick heads-up. There will be random gift drops, but this year we are requiring that participants register their servers. If you choose not to register, you can still run the Halloween maps, but no gifts will drop on your server. By registering, your server will also be included in matchmaking, which will potentially drive traffic to you. Note that cheating or otherwise abusing the gift drop system will result in losing your registration, access to gift drops and other potential value-adds in the future. Just a heads up. BLU/RED are registered, but TEST isn't. It will be shortly.
Native Jovian Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 Are we going to set up one of the servers as the Halloween event server?
Powerlord Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 Are we going to set up one of the servers as the Halloween event server? Possibly, but I was waiting until the new map came out to make that decision.
Top Gun Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 Not a fan of what went down tonight. That was handled incredibly poorly.
Top Gun Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 Well...someone in the server tonight became rather indignant over Miss Velociraptor being AFK and returning after auto-kick a few times. Obviously the auto-kick happens for a reason, and it should, but the server was only 2/3 full at the time (if that), and I don't think most of us cared at all. Miss stated that she should probably leave and did so, and a few of us were kind of miffed at the guy for essentially driving her off. Vimk pointed out that that was the server rule, which I understand, but again, Miss wasn't exactly preventing anyone from joining, and it didn't feel like the sort of thing someone needed to get all bent out of shape over. Anyway, ivelchild then mentioned that Miss has had some rough stuff going on, and that this wasn't exactly what she needed. Both the original individual and (I think) Vimk essentially stated that they didn't really give a damn either way, and rules were rules. That certainly ticked me off more than a bit, and it definitely got to ivel...he called the original guy out for acting like an asshole, and then Vimk when he followed up with the same sentiment again. Vimk then up and kicked ivel without warning. Like...I understand that you want the people in the server playing. That's fine. What I don't understand is why someone would get disproportionately butthurt over a single AFK in a half-full server in the first place. And what I really don't get is why one of the admins chose to act like an asshole about what had quickly become a sensitive issue. You can enforce the rules just fine without being a dick when it's uncalled for. And kicking a server regular just because he was pissed at what you'd said...that felt really below the belt to me. And I know I wasn't the only one.
bark Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 What happened TG? I talked to Brush, filled him in. Let's just let this one go. I've talked to the people involved, and things are copacetic. We don't need to rehash it here for a week or two getting people angrier. There are merits to both sides of the arguments that caused the issue, and it could have been handled better, but it was over and done within 2 minutes. First up - unless it comes from an admin - anything another player requests, is just that, a request. You can listen to them, ignore them, whatever. (except where this contradicts the micspamming rule) 2. The admins are going to talk about decreasing the time before the server auto specs and kicks people for AFK. 3 - Profit! So, let's get ready for some fun Halloween killing.
Vimk Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 She was assigned to a team which is why J.D. complained, which unbalances the teams. J.D. wasn't indignant, his complaint was rather neutral. Bark was there if you need to hear what happened again. Whether miss velociraptor is having personal problems has nothing to do with her being idle and wasn't a factor at all. Ivel was kicked for calling me an asshole which he already knows not to be rude to admins. Neither J.D. nor me were "butthurt" over anything, the only people who seemed to be upset were ivelchild and top gun. Seriously how is any of this a problem or need to be blown out of proportion?
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 See, this is why I demo everything. Also I agree with Brushfire in this instance.
miyako Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 Well...someone in the server tonight became rather indignant over Miss Velociraptor being AFK and returning after auto-kick a few times. Obviously the auto-kick happens for a reason, and it should, but the server was only 2/3 full at the time (if that), and I don't think most of us cared at all. Miss stated that she should probably leave and did so, and a few of us were kind of miffed at the guy for essentially driving her off. Vimk pointed out that that was the server rule, which I understand, but again, Miss wasn't exactly preventing anyone from joining, and it didn't feel like the sort of thing someone needed to get all bent out of shape over.Anyway, ivelchild then mentioned that Miss has had some rough stuff going on, and that this wasn't exactly what she needed. Both the original individual and (I think) Vimk essentially stated that they didn't really give a damn either way, and rules were rules. That certainly ticked me off more than a bit, and it definitely got to ivel...he called the original guy out for acting like an asshole, and then Vimk when he followed up with the same sentiment again. Vimk then up and kicked ivel without warning. Like...I understand that you want the people in the server playing. That's fine. What I don't understand is why someone would get disproportionately butthurt over a single AFK in a half-full server in the first place. And what I really don't get is why one of the admins chose to act like an asshole about what had quickly become a sensitive issue. You can enforce the rules just fine without being a dick when it's uncalled for. And kicking a server regular just because he was pissed at what you'd said...that felt really below the belt to me. And I know I wasn't the only one. First of all, I was hardly indignant over anything. Bent out of shape? I simply asked if we could do something about someone who AFKs, gets kicked for it, and rejoins just to AFK again. I don't see why you wouldn't think that teams being imbalanced because of one person being AFK and filling up a slot is not bothersome. Isn't a fair and even game much more enjoyable than a one-sided one? Maybe it has to do with the fact that you were on the opposite, winning team. As for being angry at me for driving her off, why do you even care? She was AFK and so obviously was not playing the game nor was she even typing or using her mic. That's the equivalent of her not even being in the server in the first place. So really, what did I take away from her leaving 'because of me'? There was actually a martyr born so I would say I added something, not took away. Won't play on the server again just because someone said something about her being AFK? Who's really butthurt here? And where to begin with this whole personal problems excuse? How would I know that she has problems going on in her life when I do not know her? Why would this possibly make AFK-join-AFK any more or less acceptable? Why should she be in a server too distraught to even play? Wouldn't it be better for all parties if she wasn't in the server in the first place? Most importantly, why am I being branded as the asshole when I have not insulted a single person prior and only asked that the person who is AFK simply stop being AFK or leave? I really don't follow your logic at all. Why is the guy who gets called an asshole an asshole for kicking the guy that insulted him? What should Vimk do, take the insult and move on, or call him an asshole back and let it spiral downwards into a shitfest? Kicking a server regular because he was pissed at what you said? Really? He was kicked for calling Vimk an asshole, not for being pissed at what Vimk said. Why is being a server regular even relevant here? Vimk is a regular from 07 and is an admin, surely he deserves more respect than being called an asshole. I think Vimk handled the situation in a cool headed way unlike you nor ivel. And no, do not try to sugarcoat it like she was 'half-AFK'. She did not move as pyro in spawn for 2 map rounds (perhaps even longer). Talk about disproportionately butthurt, I can't believe all this anger and frustration is thrown at me because of one simple request.
Cinderwild Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 Just a friendly reminder, there is such a thing as Spectate mode.
Top Gun Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 Okay, since Bark talked to the people involved, and they're apparently fine with it, then I'm not about to crap things up in here. I wouldn't have even said anything if I knew it'd been handled. Cool beans.
bark Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 So who wants to lay odds on what day the Halloween update drops? Thursday is their traditional day, but that would put the release only 4 days before halloween. Who's thinking when? Want to start a little pool to wager on when?
Powerlord Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 So who wants to lay odds on what day the Halloween update drops?Thursday is their traditional day, but that would put the release only 4 days before halloween. You are aware last year's event started on the 27th, 4 days before Halloween? Granted, that *was* on a Wednesday, so the precedent could go either way.
Cinderwild Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 and the first year was the 29th, so they have a history of putting it closer to Halloween than further.
bark Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 You are aware last year's event started on the 27th, 4 days before Halloween?Granted, that *was* on a Wednesday, so the precedent could go either way. so what do you think then? we start a pool, everybody toss a scrap in, closest to the date and time wins it all then?
Powerlord Posted October 25, 2011 Posted October 25, 2011 Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:- Fixed a client crash caused by corrupt particle data - The Professor's Peculiarity can now be used as a crafting ingredient - Football Manager 2012 promo items are now tradable and available for purchase - Additional stability/performance work for both clients and servers - Updated localization files Updating TEST shortly.
Top Gun Posted October 25, 2011 Posted October 25, 2011 Hopefully this finally takes care of anyone who was still having regular crash issues.
XeroZohar Posted October 25, 2011 Posted October 25, 2011 Hopefully this finally takes care of anyone who was still having regular crash issues. We should all be so lucky.
Powerlord Posted October 25, 2011 Posted October 25, 2011 Hopefully this finally takes care of anyone who was still having regular crash issues. According to someone on the hlds_linux mailing list: "Client crashes still occurring, my server just lost 5/12 players at once."
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