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"We're gonna take you for a ride!"

*I wonder if that bgm will be available on the site.

Given the remix has more bass this time. ^^;

So how many characters are we up to now?

Hopefully we can unlock stuff in-game, and not just DLC.

*It wouldn't be the same outcome, nor fun having to pay to unlock items.

"We're gonna take you for a ride!"

*I wonder if that bgm will be available on the site.

Given the remix has more bass this time. ^^;

So how many characters are we up to now?

Hopefully we can unlock stuff in-game, and not just DLC.

*It wouldn't be the same outcome, nor fun having to pay to unlock items.

32. The game will ship with 38 characters. If you count the DLC Shuma and Jill. We got 40 characters as promised. They have 6 more characters to reveal.

What I can't figure out is WHY Jill and Shuma-Gorath are DLC. It makes absolutely no sense. Why reveal DLC characters before they even announce the full roster the game will ship with?

Maybe it's because of the special edition (which I pre-ordered) having a voucher to get Jill and Shuma when they are released. Even still it's ridiculous that those two are DLC....


Truer words have never been spo.... wait....

The inclusion of Viewtiful Joe and Mike Haggar is a plus for me, other than that, I really lost interest when I realized how much Capcom milks DLC anymore.

In regards to Mega Man being on there? I'm sure he'll be DLC, which will probably be already on the disc....:banghead:

Woo, rad. And Akuma's in that pic too. Maybe the leaked roster wasn't so fake after all...

But then there's some Green Goblin images floating around. Are those fake too?

Of course, this means no Mega Man. Maybe we'll see him in DLC.

the Green Goblin pics look pretty real. but I guess we wont know for a few weeks still. I dont know why but i feel like if they use megaman its going to be the battle network one...


Actually, I heard those images were created from an image of Green Goblin from one of the comics. So, yeah...

Pretty amazing that we might not even get a Spider Man villain, though.

Actually, I heard those images were created from an image of Green Goblin from one of the comics. So, yeah...

Pretty amazing that we might not even get a Spider Man villain, though.

yeah youre right the whole thing has already been confirmed fake


I'm stoked for the online though! The license card thing is awesome. It records basic offense & defense, Stability and Advanced offense & defense! Finally a logical system that actually monitors HOW you play!

Have they done it? Will they have finally done it? Made online in fighting games somewhat balanced? SSFIV's system sucks. It's not clear how it determines whether you're D - A rank. The online based it's entire system for matching up players on the player and battle points....which meant it assumed a D ranking player, or someone with low PP and BP is a scrub. Which us B ranking players get fooled. You think you're going to fight a n00b but in reality you're up against someone who should really be an A rank! Then you lose hundreds of points......

Don't even get me started on SF2HDRemix, Tekken 6 and MVC2's online....it didn't even try to balance player skill and it would just give me the same person over and over and over........:banghead:

Either way the games still rock


I preordered the Collector's Edition of this today and the manager pointed out something kind of funny. It comes out the day after Valentine's Day, which means that GameStop stores deciding whether to do a midnight launch need to take into consideration whether people will be there or be with their significant others at that point.

I guess the only people who can pick it up at midnight are those who are single and those whose significant others are gamers. I wish I was in the latter category... :(

I preordered the Collector's Edition of this today and the manager pointed out something kind of funny. It comes out the day after Valentine's Day, which means that GameStop stores deciding whether to do a midnight launch need to take into consideration whether people will be there or be with their significant others at that point.

I guess the only people who can pick it up at midnight are those who are single and those whose significant others are gamers. I wish I was in the latter category... :(

Gamestop does their Midnight Release thing by how many preorders that the one particular store gets in. It has nothing to do with a corporate policy. Case in point, the Gamestop on base here did not have a midnight release for Rock Band 3, Halo Reach or Red Dead Redemption due to the small number of preorders recieved at that one particular store, but the Gamestop at the mall just 3 miles away did.

I preordered the Collector's Edition of this today

Hey, me too! For PS3. I've seen a February 17th release at some places, so I'll need to confirm the release at some point here. Stores around here can be a little hairy on release dates, because it's Canada and an island.

how is it not clear once you get past a certain amount of points it grades you up

that's all there is to it

Specifically how many? When I made it to about 5000 battle points I got B rank. No lie, I've saw people with less than 3000 at B rank. You can lose battle points and it doesn't seem to affect rank. So it appears that once you rank up, you can never lose it. Even if you start sucking at the game.

Regardless I just didn't like the online match up system that much.

Gamestop does their Midnight Release thing by how many preorders that the one particular store gets in. It has nothing to do with a corporate policy. Case in point, the Gamestop on base here did not have a midnight release for Rock Band 3, Halo Reach or Red Dead Redemption due to the small number of preorders recieved at that one particular store, but the Gamestop at the mall just 3 miles away did.

I guess I should have been more clear; I hope that GameStop does a midnight opening.

Incidentally, preorders aren't the only factor, actually. I was management there during college, and one of the stores near us was located in a mall. It's by far the busiest store in the area, and it had tons of preorders for some game, the title of which I can't remember. Anyway, the mall was giving them a hard time about opening at midnight, and ultimately they didn't do so because the mall wanted a ton of money for its added "security expenses." Sounds legitimate, right? Based on what that store paid in the past for midnight openings, the number they were asking for wasn't reasonable at all. So I suppose the point is that for strip mall stores, it's based on preorders; for mall stores, it's based on preorders and how much the company is willing to pay the mall to stay open late.


Megaman will be the next DLC after Jill and Shuma, along with Elektra or Ms. Marvel or Cyclops. Mark my words.

That said, Taskmaster's lines are seriously lame in a hilarious way.

"You are the ass-kickee, and I am the ass-kickER!" And that overly-dramatic sword show when he wins.

Akuma I'm fine with. He might not be an outright villain, but at least he's an antagonist, something the Capcom side is seriously lacking in. But then, if one thinks about it, Capcom doesn't have much in the way of iconic villains outside the Resident Evil, Megaman, and Street Fighter games anyway.

Last two reveals are supposed to be Sentinel and Hsien-ko. We'll see.

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