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Beware X-Factor Sentinel spammers. I just played against this guy or girl online who was using Sentinel, Magneto and Storm. I had Morrigan, Dante and Trish. I knocked out Storm and Magneto easy but he used the x-factor with Sentinel and my god.......spamming the "neutralize" beam he totally destroyed Dante and Morrigan! Both of which were at like half health and the chip damage was immense.

However, I was down to Trish and with the x factor, she handled that $h!t LIKE A BOSS.

As for the Galactus "one hit kill" move, as has been said you can throw him off but it seems like ya gotta have at least two characters still standing. My strategy for him has become using the x-factor and constant hyper combos to the face......


As far as big, bad bosses in fighting games go, Galactus is petty tame. I beat Normal arcade with no continues on my second try. HULK SMASH STUPID PLANET EATER!!!

Although, my first meeting with him was hilarious! There he is, all intimidating and what not. I go to face him as Zero. The first thing Galactus does is smash me like a bug, Zero instantly dies. I felt so pwned...


so I still have a lot to learn with combos and I have barely played with most of the characters, but I decided to take the three i was training with the most and try online to see how it is. Other than everyone using Dante, it was pretty mixed up. It was pretty fun, i went 4-3 using my three Darkstalkers (Hsien-Ko, Morrigan, felicia) Ill take it. Amaterasu is a bitch to fight so far. Ive only seen one person use Arthur and he seems more of an keeping distance annoying type of character.

My favorite thing about this game so far is how almost everyone thinks they are a god at this game lmao


Trust me, I am far from God lol i can barely use 3 characters in the whole roster

But i know what you mean, its like COD, apparently everyone is the best at the game.

Oops sorry.

XBL: GlobalTrance

PS3: Global-Trance

GT, request sent here, I'm MasterTenor.

Great games tonight Vimk and Malakhim! Nice reminders that while Phoenix is amazing, her health _really_ makes her high risk. X-23's snapback --> (very nearly) unblockable level 3 super is safer for the meter usage, and more practical. I generally think that if I want to use DPm at the end of my match, I can use two supers during standard fighting (usually ending Laura's combos).

What do people think about getting 5 meters, switching Phoenix in until she transforms, then immediately switching her out again? I realize that this is vulnerable to snapbacks but few people online seem to use them...


Hey if anyone want's to add me, I'll probably be playing some on Friday.

PS3: CaptainADD

I'll most likely lose, just cause I have a horrible connection. Also I'm not really skilled. I don't button mash but I wouldn't say all my attacks are well formulated. at all.


i think i need to take a break online, ranked anyway. This whole matching system is pretty awful, the moment i ranked up i was set up against guys who were 115-50, needless to say, after a while, it just wasnt fun watching the 100th Dante/Wester team destroy me. I know i need to practice mission stuff, but i dont know if its my SF 6 button game pad controller or what, but i can never pull off the last 2 moves of the combos lol and any combos i learn never work online. That aside, still having fun with it.

anyway, anyone with PS3 expect a request soon!!


I'm afraid I won't be contributing my gamertag anytime soon. My first venture into Ranked today was...off-putting, to say the very least. I was below mediocre in MvC2, and I'm just as bad here, if not worse. It's crazy. Part of me thought I was doing good when I got thru arcade with no continues, but I guess I was dead wrong.

I've won 2 in about 20 matches and it's pretty fricking frustrating. I'm not gonna lie, I'm freezing up and whiffing my combos, and it gets me killed pretty often. Only a few times has some crazy dude come by and 100% combo'd my rear.

I was seriously pissed when all was said and done. Maybe The Derrit will be a cool guy and give me some Hulk tips? As in, how to get those Ammy spammers off of my back?


ggs GT that time when i killed your full health assist with an xfactor from dormammu was kinda dick but lulzy

too bad i have like, 5-6 characters i can play even close to competently gotta work on that part. moar sooooon

edit: hulk tip of the day is wait. all. day. your heavy has armor on it. this means that you can get hit once and still hit your opponent through their attack, so if you can catch someone jumping in with an attack or rushing you down with a single attack (not multi hit) you can easily combo into launcher from heavy, then medium medium hard special SUPERRRRRRR

legit everyone, ESPECIALLY mr. flashpants who think they're fancy dantes and weskers will just dash right into it. i beat whole squads just waiting and punishing


So I've been practicing a bit today since I actually have time(hurray 3 day break before new trimester!). Been working on getting assists and air combos down as well as playing with new characters. I gotta say I'm enjoying Chris and Arthur a lot. Arthur especially seems like the kind of dude that works best by using assists and as an assist himself for different setups.

So I've been practicing a bit today since I actually have time(hurray 3 day break before new trimester!). Been working on getting assists and air combos down as well as playing with new characters. I gotta say I'm enjoying Chris and Arthur a lot. Arthur especially seems like the kind of dude that works best by using assists and as an assist himself for different setups.

Arthur and Chris complement each other well, as you can get a TON of projectiles out on the screen with the two of them working in tandem (I'd think Chris would be better on point, but could be wrong).

I still like Laura/Trish/Jean, but also really like Spencer -- I need to find a team for him...

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