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You and the millions of other people who bought SMB Wii more than Galaxy.

I loved SMB Wii, but I will give this one a fair chance. I find it hillarious that Nintendo thinks they'll fool the ones who like 2D Mario better into buying this one, they may catch some, but not many.

As pessimistic, and negative as this sounds, I don't think Galaxy 2 will sell better than SMB Wii, simply because the fans of 3D Mario are far smaller than ones who prefer 2D Mario.

I guarantee that the biggest glowing aspect of focus will be the music in a lot of discussions...

Mario 2D will always be the real classic and the first thing that really comes to mind when you say Mario, at least for me. I loved Galaxy and 64 to death, and even have a special place in my heart for Sunshine. But 2D has taken up even more space. Eh. I've got all of them, though.

Edit: ...I'll never understand people that insist on divvying up their video games like there's some gaming civil war going on in their homes.

There are quite a few 2D segments in Galaxy 2, ya know. And they're well done, as usual.

I'm sorry if I implied that I think galaxy 2 isn't good. That's not the case at all. I just think it's Nintendo trying to segway the 2D fans to play 3D again, that's all...

Curly, indont think it's necesarilly a war within the home, but what game designers want and want consumers want are not the same.

But that's a different topic for a different thread...


My bad for reading that from your post. But let me make this one point: Mario Galaxy 2 is purely fanservice. Yes, it's an excellent game; yes, the level design is awesome; yes, the music rocks. But, look at all the myriad references to past Mario games in it. Hell, one of the bosses even looks like the Helmasaur from Link to the Past! It's a good example of how to do fanservice and still make a highly enjoyable game. So what if they may be trying to trick 2D fans into playing a 3D game? It's part of the reason there's so many 2D segments in it! Fanservice. And I mean that in the best possible way.

My bad for reading that from your post. But let me make this one point: Mario Galaxy 2 is purely fanservice. Yes, it's an excellent game; yes, the level design is awesome; yes, the music rocks. But, look at all the myriad references to past Mario games in it. Hell, one of the bosses even looks like the Helmasaur from Link to the Past! It's a good example of how to do fanservice and still make a highly enjoyable game. So what if they may be trying to trick 2D fans into playing a 3D game? It's part of the reason there's so many 2D segments in it! Fanservice. And I mean that in the best possible way.

Well that's fine by me then!

Now let's get a new 2D only co-op game again with production values like Galaxy 2!

Likewise to movies, music can enhance the game play, that is, if the game play doesn't suck.

I agree completely. Wasn't trying to claim otherwise.

preordered. unfortunately i wont have it until 25th (hopefully 24th), but whatever. $20 towards another game at amazon is worth the couple days of waiting

ordered off of amazon because of this post. tax free, shipping free, and 20 bucks towards another game, but now I gotta wait 5 to something business days. Which is okay, because I don't need it distracting me during finals


I've been playing this for a while, and I have to say, I'm a bored by it. The graphics and music are nice, but I honestly don't think I'll be keeping this after I beat the game. I'll keep trying to go through it, maybe my feelings will change on it...

I know I'll get flames for this post, sorry to offend anyone...

I've been playing this for a while, and I have to say, I'm a bored by it. The graphics and music are nice, but I honestly don't think I'll be keeping this after I beat the game. I'll keep trying to go through it, maybe my feelings will change on it...

I know I'll get flames for this post, sorry to offend anyone...

*boggles* I'm loving it so far. Seems to combine the elements of New Super Mario Bros with Galaxy quite well. It's a bit 'different' staging wise though, I think I might actually miss the observatory (and I will cry if Rosalina doesn't show up.). To each their own though.


Just got finished listening to the soundtrack on youtube. I am SO PSYCHED for this game. In the meantime, I'm going to rip the youtube soundtrack and put it on CD, right along with the first Galaxy soundtrack. <3

That guy gets on my nerves, just like Isuun that flea guy in Okami.

Wait, are you meaning Mario, Mario's Faceship, or JH?

And Issun is NOT a flea, or a bug of any sort. He's a wandering artist.


Curly: Rosalina is in it; albeit it in a shadow form as a helper... However, I have seen the ending. Let me just say that what wasn't fanservice in the gameplay may appear in the ending.

Also, the streamed music files are up on HCS64, if you didn't know.

Wait, are you meaning Mario, Mario's Faceship, or JH?

And Issun is NOT a flea, or a bug of any sort. He's a wandering artist.

The purple obese star, and yeah the flea guy in okami was irritating to me. Okami on Wii had horrid brush controls.

Sorry, this game just isn't as good as NSMB Wii to me, it's well made, but there's just something I don't like about it. Maybe because I essentially played this game two years ago?


I got it today and I'm about 9 stars in so far. Absolutely incredible. The first Galaxy is easily one of my favorite games of the past 5 or 10 years, so I was really looking forward to this. It's definitely exceeded my expectations - the amount of gameplay variety in the first few levels alone is excellent. The score is fantastic, too. Some of the most fitting music I've heard in a game in a long time, and it's great even on its own.

basically i have a big boner for it

Issun was so cool by the end of the game though. ...Toad your mind, it baffles me.

Sorry Okami just wasn't that great of a game to me. The art style was great, but I didn't care about much else.

What's so baffling about my mind? That some of those critically praised games don't "jell" with me?

Sorry Okami just wasn't that great of a game to me. The art style was great, but I didn't care about much else.

What's so baffling about my mind? That some of those critically praised games don't "jell" with me?

You're not allowed to dislike something everyone else likes :P

So far, I'm having a lot of fun. My mind hasn't been blown yet (Cause most of what I've played I've already seen in videos), but that part in the first galaxy where you spin around the inside of the giant bullet bill cannon came pretty close.

The music's neat, but not as spacey as I'd like. That's something the first Galaxy really nailed. There's a couple other things too, like how the background will suddenly change when you fly to a different planetoid, or how the clouds in the background can't make up their minds if they're a planet or not, but those are nitpicky issues. Overall, perfectly made game.

On an aside(And don't read this next part if you don't want something to bug you too from now on, like the Brawl Lyrics video), has anyone else noticed that kind of 'patchwork' texture on certain objects? Some rocks or trees have it, sometimes, in both games. For some reason, it irks me. It looks like a giant plush toy.


So I decided to cancel my Amazon preorder in order to get the game earlier. This game is unbelievable. So far, a bit easy but each level is just fucking awesome, and it's just getting better (and slightly more challenging as I progress to each new Galaxy). I have something like 14 or so stars in the 2nd world.



I'll also say that the few tweeks to co-op play is awesome. I was playing with my little brother and I think he was actually having fun, unlike Galaxy 1 co-op. The addition of Luma may not seem like anything huge but it definitely spruces it up a bit than just having a pointer.

Very tempted to just not go to work tomorrow and play all day.


Got it yesterday and love it. It's probably one of the best games I've ever played. I have about 20-25 stars at this point. The graphics are, like the first one, beautiful (if a bit dizzying). The music received a huge boost in the number of orchestrated pieces this time around, and it really helps.

Anyone with a Wii who doesn't own this game needs to check it out.

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