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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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Well, I've been around here for a while...figuring maybe I should get a sig. If someone could make me one...maybe something with, I dunno, a tiger let's say? That would be cool.

A tiger, eh?


Just any ol' tiger?

I'll take a swing at it.

Yeah, pretty much any tiger will do (as long as the pic isn't massive). Appreciate it.

Though I do have a couple pics to use, I have no clue about changing their size and such. The ones I have are just a bit large.

EDIT: Hope you haven't made any effort on this one yet, but my friend is giving me a bit of a crash course in this one. I think I'll try to make it myself. Sorry...

EDIT2: Well its pretty simple, but what do you all think? Is it too big?



Ehhe, i think the pic is a little stretched.

Anyways, since there's very little rating going on in the "rate my sig" topic in gen disc, if someone would be so kind?


Yeah, i actually made one myself. MADNESS!

i know this thread is probably kinda old but i would like any sig of master cheif washing covenant blood-stains off of a warthog or of samus staring down ridley (snes samus if possible)

I'm working on a sig right now for someone, but lately I can't work on these much unless it's the weekend; so if someone doesn't make one for you and you don't mind waiting until the weekend, I'll see what I can do.

Sadly this weekend I did not have much time to do anything involving sigs. If you get me some source material of what you want (you know, pics or sprite sheets and whatnot) I might be able to whip something up quick before I go to work tomorrow.

i'm pretty bad when it comes to making sigs, photoshop is too hard for me, but if someone could make a cool sig that had the band Thursdays Dove logo with my name on it too, that would be hardcore =D

Here goes...


I hope it is the right logo. :?


Maybe somethin' with that pic. Seriously, whatever. But it would be cool to have a sig. Oh, and if you use the pic, could you change it up a bit?

I gave it a try:


Feel free to not use it.

Joyzilla and Capn' are a hell of a lot better anyway.



is it possible someone could make me a sig using this pic, with "i gotta take a shit" at the bottom

p.s. i asked for a sig recently under littlechava, i do appreciate that, much thanks, sorry im switching so fast.

edit: forgot img tags


I know I just asked for a sig under the name "The Guy", and I too am sorry for the quick change.


and under it saying, "That's it, that's my bad motherfucker"



Whooa! Two Pulp Fiction request in a row. I'm not gonna miss that opportunity...


is it possible someone could make me a sig using this pic, with "i gotta take a shit" at the bottom

p.s. i asked for a sig recently under littlechava, i do appreciate that, much thanks, sorry im switching so fast.

edit: forgot img tags

I know I just asked for a sig under the name "The Guy", and I too am sorry for the quick change.


and under it saying, "That's it, that's my bad motherfucker"





It's not done yet, but this is what I have so far for AmishNinja's sig request:


[EDIT] It is done now. I just saved it under the same file name so it doesn't look like anything changed.

Could someone please do something about the words "Silent Protagonist"? Those two words describe me perfectly. I got them from Chrono Cross (a game I've only played once...), and with me being a mute (It's true), the only way I'll ever feel complete is if I have some sort of sig that reflects this. :wink:

Thank you in advance, and if no one can make one, that's fine, no worries.

Thank you all.

P.S. If you could use pictures of human silouhettes (sp), that would be awesome. Thank you a third time.

Better late than never I guess.

Here goes...



I was hoping I could request a sig image....

If possible, I was thinking something that looks like RedMage but without the hat-n-feather, and instead of all red, blue (naturally). Blue eyes too (ie, no pupils, but rather just all blue where eyes would be). Hair I don't mind.

Thanks in advance to any who can assist.

I was hoping I could request a sig image....

If possible, I was thinking something that looks like RedMage but without the hat-n-feather, and instead of all red, blue (naturally). Blue eyes too (ie, no pupils, but rather just all blue where eyes would be). Hair I don't mind.

Thanks in advance to any who can assist.

Here goes...


It need a quote or something in the lower left corner... If you have an idea, dont hesitate to tell me.

I know that it is not specifically what you asked for so, I will not be disapointed if you wait for another one.


Nah, that's pretty good. Just minus the goatee if possible please. Also, would it be possible for his cloak to be hooded, but not have the hood up? That would be excellent :) As for a quote..... "Just hit me bitch". Sounds appropriate for a BlueMage :)

But otherwise, awesomes, and thanks for doing it.


Hello guys, as you can tell, I'm new

I'm not the best sig maker so can I get you guys to make me a Metroid sig? I would like it with pictures of Samus from different games with some pictures of the Chozo. THe background could be any planet from a Metroid game.

Thanks in advance!

thanks for the feedback guys.

in case you haven't noticed by now, i was being sarcastic.

No offense, but if you want your sig rated, take it to the "rate my sig" thread in general. Also, you've had that sig for a long time, why get feedback now?

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