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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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I wish some of the unmodders would come in here and help. They do such good work.

I just wish people would post in this thread more often :(

Sometimes I think this thread would be better suited in GenDisc but oh well...


Could someone make a sig for me?

I'd like (unless my brain just completely made it up) a sig w/ the rabbi robot - I think I saw it on a commercial for conan o'brian, back when it was on comedy central (it was a dude wearing spraypainted boxes with tubes for the arms/legs) you'd know it if you saw it.

If hunting down the pic is too hard, then just one of those toy robots from the 50's or whatever

... with my name of course

no rush, though


Overall I've been either too busy or uninspired to make anything lately other than an avatar for my LiveJournal that I made yesterday. This also accounts for my lack of participation on the forums lately.

Could someone make a sig for me?

I'd like (unless my brain just completely made it up) a sig w/ the rabbi robot - I think I saw it on a commercial for conan o'brian, back when it was on comedy central (it was a dude wearing spraypainted boxes with tubes for the arms/legs) you'd know it if you saw it.

If hunting down the pic is too hard, then just one of those toy robots from the 50's or whatever

... with my name of course

no rush, though

Here goes...



If anybody can take the time. I'd like a signature of Catherine Zeta Jones. I'm trying to make one in photoshop but I can't get a good background to go with it so I'm pretty much giving up for now. I'd like a picture of her like posing full body, sort of lying down, and then somewhere a picture of her face but semi faded and her name.

Edit: I found out how to do it on my own. Thanks Anyway. :)


Hi. I am looking for someone who could please make an animated sig for me. I'd like one of MegaMan.exe fighting Protoman.exe, but sadly I have no source files to lend for construction. If anyone can do this for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. If lack of source is a problem, i'll think of something else. Thanks!

If anybody can take the time. I'd like a signature of Catherine Zeta Jones. I'm trying to make one in photoshop but I can't get a good background to go with it so I'm pretty much giving up for now. I'd like a picture of her like posing full body, sort of lying down, and then somewhere a picture of her face but semi faded and her name.

Edit: I found out how to do it on my own. Thanks Anyway. :)

I know I'm a bit late but since I did it anyway...


In case you'll need it!

If someone could make me a sig that has like an explosion or something just funny and odd that would be great! :D

This is pretty simple, but I think it works. I just woke up about an hour ago, so forgive me.


Changes or anything?


Hi. I am looking for someone who could please make an animated sig for me. I'd like one of MegaMan.exe fighting Protoman.exe, but sadly I have no source files to lend for construction. If anyone can do this for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. If lack of source is a problem, i'll think of something else. Thanks!

Lack of source is not a problem, just it will take a while for anyone who decides to make it. I'll try it if I get the time. For anyone else that is trying this one and needs source sprites, [go here].


So, yeah, I'd really like to request a sig. It feels so empty...down there.. 8O ..

Anyway, I want a sig that reflects a sense of not quite fitting in. I don't really have any ideas off the top of my head as I'd like to see what any sig-artists have as their interpretation of that.

If that's too..uh..loose, or something, I can just come back with a more concrete idea. Just leaving a bit of creative liberty with the plan. Mmk...Thanks a lot!


Could someone take pitty on me and cobble together a sig. I feel like a jerk fer askin but I got no photoshop skills. Id get it but I dont have the money fer it. And id pirate it but I'm on dial up *whole fuckin world is against me swear to god*. Anyway im gettin tired of scourin google fer images and gifs. The current one I have is ok but it lacks personality. Id like somethin dynamic and flashy with either lots of lighting effects or motion.And of course featurin my forum name. Featurin either futurama *bender and or zoidberg fucking rule* , Somethin Nintendo related *kirby would be nice seein as not alot of people have kirby sigs , and I know... I'm kinda a stupid fanboy :roll: * , or south park. Sorry bout the long post, I thought I'd just give plenty of options. Anywho if anyone can do somethin that would totaly rule and I'd be in your debt!

Could someone take pitty on me and cobble together a sig. I feel like a jerk fer askin but I got no photoshop skills. Id get it but I dont have the money fer it. And id pirate it but I'm on dial up *whole fuckin world is against me swear to god*. Anyway im gettin tired of scourin google fer images and gifs. The current one I have is ok but it lacks personality. Id like somethin dynamic and flashy with either lots of lighting effects or motion.And of course featurin my forum name. Featurin either futurama *bender and or zoidberg fucking rule* , Somethin Nintendo related *kirby would be nice seein as not alot of people have kirby sigs , and I know... I'm kinda a stupid fanboy :roll: * , or south park. Sorry bout the long post, I thought I'd just give plenty of options. Anywho if anyone can do somethin that would totaly rule and I'd be in your debt!

Okay, I'll see what I can come up with. Also, proper spelling and capitalization are always appreciated.

Could someone take pitty on me and cobble together a sig. I feel like a jerk fer askin but I got no photoshop skills. Id get it but I dont have the money fer it. And id pirate it but I'm on dial up *whole fuckin world is against me swear to god*. Anyway im gettin tired of scourin google fer images and gifs. The current one I have is ok but it lacks personality. Id like somethin dynamic and flashy with either lots of lighting effects or motion.And of course featurin my forum name. Featurin either futurama *bender and or zoidberg fucking rule* , Somethin Nintendo related *kirby would be nice seein as not alot of people have kirby sigs , and I know... I'm kinda a stupid fanboy :roll: * , or south park. Sorry bout the long post, I thought I'd just give plenty of options. Anywho if anyone can do somethin that would totaly rule and I'd be in your debt!

Okay, I'll see what I can come up with. Also, proper spelling and capitalization are always appreciated.

Thanks so much man. Sorry bout the lack of finesse on my post. I'm usually a bit more careful. But I was at school when I made that post and I was in a hurry and on a keyboard I'm not used to. Thanks so much again!

I would like to request a sig: Something starfox based, emphasis on Wolfen team (aircraft and such), with "Lord Odonnel" somewhere. Wierdboy Scott is already working on something for me, but I like variability. Thank you for taking the time to read me. This message will self-destruct when this thread dies.


Made this for a friend. Problem is, almost any sig i make that isn't for me..isn't very good [mine aren't great either, but..comparatively, anyways].

Anyone feel like pulling a Joyzilla and doing a little sig pimpin' for me?


Made this for a friend. Problem is, almost any sig i make that isn't for me..isn't very good [mine aren't great either, but..comparatively, anyways].

Anyone feel like pulling a Joyzilla and doing a little sig pimpin' for me?


With that file or with the original .PSD?


Uh...you could just use that file if you think you can do anything decent with it, otherwise i could send you the PSD [which i'm sure would be...much much easier to work with]

edit: for those interested, Cap'n Hulk reworked it and here's the product:


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