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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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Wondering if someone can take this screen, and instead of having the golden letters say "KONG" have them say "NODS". Thanks!


Do you have a higher quality picture? Or at least, any other picture? I can do it, but I'd like more to work with.

Wondering if someone can take this screen, and instead of having the golden letters say "KONG" have them say "NODS". Thanks!


Do you have a higher quality picture? Or at least, any other picture? I can do it, but I'd like more to work with.

I'm back! :) I'll try this out. Maybe I can nab a screen of my own emulator that looks nicer. We'll see what I can whip up.

Wondering if someone can take this screen, and instead of having the golden letters say "KONG" have them say "NODS". Thanks!


Do you have a higher quality picture? Or at least, any other picture? I can do it, but I'd like more to work with.

I'm back! :) I'll try this out. Maybe I can nab a screen of my own emulator that looks nicer. We'll see what I can whip up.

Thanks for the help. I'm sorry Maco, I googled for that pic and it was the only one that was a sig-ish size and had the KONG letters on it. I'll search for another one, though.


Tripod doesn't allow direct linking.

As for the sig, Darkmarine, I don't think it's possible for me to do anything to make it better. If you can find some better source pictures like I asked for before then I might be able to help you out.

like better source as in like bigger size(pixels) or what

Yes. The higher the quality of the picture, the better the end result will be.

I have nowhere to get a better pic than that, idk. Maybe I should just scrap the idea.


Got some freebies for all of you out there who want something in your sig. It's hosted right on OCR too.

Right click the image and go to properties to get the file location. Here are the images;


Yeah... they're small. Deal with it. :P

EDIT: I suppose that you could use these too.

Alright, I'm scrapping the idea with the KONG letters pic. If someone could just make me something with Deus Ex in it that has my sn, that would be fine. Surprise me!


This is it:


This is the OCRemix generic sigshop. In it will be posted sigs that are free to all. They are left generic so anyone can use them. If anyone has and ideas, PM me. If you have a contribution, emial me at Maco70@gmail.com. Enjoy it, use it, and be sure to send me anything you want.

So it's confirmed that this is going to happen?

Edit- Below. I'll start on the sig as soon as I can.


Something with my name in and and the character Miroku, from Inu-Yasha, in it. Maybe a cool animated background like yours in it.

Please and thankyou. By the way... take your time. No rush is needed,

Alright, I'm scrapping the idea with the KONG letters pic. If someone could just make me something with Deus Ex in it that has my sn, that would be fine. Surprise me!


Dude, that pic was my fav one on google (yeah i google alot) Thanks you so freaking much. I like it lots, man. Nice job.

Edit:Eeer...uploaded it to picturetrails and now it seems OCR doesn't accept the old %7Boption%7D for sig pics...is this new?

This is it:


This is the OCRemix generic sigshop. In it will be posted sigs that are free to all. They are left generic so anyone can use them. If anyone has and ideas, PM me. If you have a contribution, emial me at Maco70@gmail.com. Enjoy it, use it, and be sure to send me anything you want.

So it's confirmed that this is going to happen?

Edit- Below. I'll start on the sig as soon as I can.

Yes. I need material though. I'm not picky, just give me whatever. Open to all people. As an added not, if you e-mail me, make sure you put the subject as "sig shoppe" or something like that. Thanks.

This is it:


This is the OCRemix generic sigshop. In it will be posted sigs that are free to all. They are left generic so anyone can use them. If anyone has and ideas, PM me. If you have a contribution, emial me at Maco70@gmail.com. Enjoy it, use it, and be sure to send me anything you want. Make sure to include "sig shoppe" or something like that in the subject line.

*7 pictures added.

EDIT: 10 more added by CaptHulk. Awesome stuff. And I divided the sigs into sections by who made them. If this is bad, I'll change it. I just want to give recognition where it is due.

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