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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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Sorry for ever doubting the power of your project, Maco70.

My project is all powerful! :lol: I hope it keeps on growing, I've been plugging it in threads talking about sigs. Keep an eye out for these, and keep sending them in.

I'd like to request a sig. I'd like it to be of a country side from a game with like a windmill somewhere. And then I want it to say SiloGamer in blurry letters somewhere.

Also, if someone wants to make it extra special, could you make it a gif where a few flowers move back and forth in the wind? This isn't necessary, but it would be sweet. Thanks in advance.

From a few pages back, for those interested in doing something (not mine btw. Just a request that fell between the cracks from all the advertising).

I'd like to request a sig. I'd like it to be of a country side from a game with like a windmill somewhere. And then I want it to say SiloGamer in blurry letters somewhere.

Also, if someone wants to make it extra special, could you make it a gif where a few flowers move back and forth in the wind? This isn't necessary, but it would be sweet. Thanks in advance.

From a few pages back, for those interested in doing something (not mine btw. Just a request that fell between the cracks from all the advertising).

If u want u can use this sig until im thorugh with the other..


This is it:


This is the OCRemix generic sigshop. In it will be posted sigs that are free to all. They are left generic so anyone can use them. If anyone has any ideas or contributions, PM me. Enjoy it, use it, and be sure to send me anything you want.

:!: 2 pictures added by ssjgodzilla.

NOTE: I'm going to start posting these update notices a lot less frequently. It's pointless to post them so often. I'll post them with every say... at least 5 sigs I recieve. I think it's just being a postwhore to post a update notice with every update, seeing as updates usually consist of less than 5 sigs each time. So, I'll gather a few before I update. Sound fair? If there are any objections, PM me.


Hello people. :) I browsed over all of the sigs you guys have made in your photo album, and it all looks super cool. So I decided to nab one for my own use, seeing as it fits into the general groove of the sigs I use. So I'll let everybody know where I got it from! Good job everyone!

Hello people. :) I browsed over all of the sigs you guys have made in your photo album, and it all looks super cool. So I decided to nab one for my own use, seeing as it fits into the general groove of the sigs I use. So I'll let everybody know where I got it from! Good job everyone!

Finally the first user. Now I know all that work won't be a waste.

Edit: I saw the second too, his name is Crabsmasher.

Good, good. I'm glad to see this getting more popular. There will be a big update later today, I'm waiting because I want to rework some of my sigs that I'm not too proud of. I woke up to a full box of PMs from artists, so I am pleased. There are quite a few, and I just wanted to thank all who have contributed to the sig_shoppe, and helping me get my idea off the ground. Keep up the great work, and watch for an update later today. Also be sure to give me any ideas that will halp the shoppe be better or easier to navigate. PM me with any questions, comments, concerns, or sigs you want posted. Thank you all again.

This is it:


This is the OCRemix generic sigshop. In it will be posted sigs that are free to all. They are left generic so anyone can use them. If anyone has any ideas or contributions, PM me. Enjoy it, use it, and be sure to send me anything you want.

:!: 8 pictures added by Captain Hulk.

:!: 1 picture added by ChizNiz.

:!: 4 pictures added by Giga Zap Cannon.

:!: 2 pictures added by Wespip.

:!: 1 picture added By Operam Do Dare Ludus.

:!: 11 pictures reworked by Maco70.

Big update, someone actually using the sigs, and a new artist. Yep, today is a good day. :D

EDIT: (Response to below) Just get them to me whenever. I'll edit this post if I get them soon enough. If not, I'll post a-new. It could wait for the next update I suppose, I am going to be making a batch of futurama sigs very soon. Oh, and I also wanted to say that Captain Hulk is my hero for the Rocket Knight adventures sig. You never cease to amaze me. :)


umm, i wanted to ask a favor of one of the sig makers... my photoshop is fukin up and im going to have to send the computer in soon, so can somebody take that request from me if that person really wants that request filled, i have a temporary sig up, a couplve posts back.


I'll take a shot at Silo's request.

Edit-- Nevermind, turns out Silo is an alternate account. People, don't request sigs for your stupid, shitty alt accounts. I've been trying to animate fucking flowers for 2 hours just to find out that I was wasting my time.

I'll take a shot at Silo's request.

Edit-- Nevermind, turns out Silo is an alternate account. People, don't request sigs for your stupid, shitty alt accounts. I've been trying to animate fucking flowers for 2 hours just to find out that I was wasting my time.

Are you really surprised? That's why I left it alone. Didn't you notice "silogamer's" sig request was bumped by "sologamer"? Not a coincidence I though. :) Update soon.

Heh, sorry about that. Though I swear SiloGamer is not my alt. I just didn't realize it was an alt at the time I bumped it.

I apologize.

Wow, so it was just a coincidence. 8O Sorry about the mix up, but I'm sure you can understand how I got that idea. Out of curiousity, who's alternate is it?

This is it:


This is the OCRemix generic sigshop. In it will be posted sigs that are free to all. They are left generic so anyone can use them. If anyone has any ideas or contributions, PM me. Enjoy it, use it, and be sure to send me anything you want.

:!: 1 picture added by Wespip.

:!: 6 pictures added By Sir_NutS.

:!: 20 pictures added by Maco70.

Another new artist (Sir_NutS). I look forward to seeing more, and I know that I personally will have more soon.

I submit this:


Thank you for the submission. Next time, send it to me via PM or e-mail. I'll put it in the shoppe with the next update. Which could be as soon as tomorrow. We'll see how the night plays out. :D

EDIT: Check the shoppe, and let me know if everything is in the right place. If there ever is an issue, let me know. I have trouble keeping track of all of the sigs. And what do you guys think of putting this thread or a thread similar in gendisc? I think popularity would increase quite a bit. I don't mean the sig request thread, I mean the sig_shoppe. I feel bad about flooding this thread in the first place. Let me know what you all think. I don't want to create another pointless thread to be locked or ignore in gendisn. Mods have enough to worry about.

I have trouble keeping track of all of the sigs. And what do you guys think of putting this thread or a thread similar in gendisc? I think popularity would increase quite a bit. I don't mean the sig request thread, I mean the sig_shoppe. I feel bad about flooding this thread in the first place. Let me know what you all think. I don't want to create another pointless thread to be locked or ignore in gendisn. Mods have enough to worry about.

Not that I have much say in this, but I think a new thread might be a good idea.

P.S. Silo turned out to be Hazardous's alt.


Allright then, I will make a new thread in Gendisc once I get enough sigs to make a big update (I want to start with a bang). Thank you to all who have helped make this idea of mine take flight. Let's see where it goes from here. Watch for that thread in Gendisc soon.


Ok so I was wondering if anyone could make me a sig with Jack Skellington? I don't really care who does seeing as all of you sigmakers in here are awesome. Anyway these are the pics I found that I liked:




Now I'm not saying I want all of those in the sig, but any of those would be cool to use I suppose. Of course if whoever picks this up wants to find different picks that's all well and good. Ok as usual thank to whoever if anyone decides to pick this one up.

Ok so I was wondering if anyone could make me a sig with Jack Skellington? I don't really care who does seeing as all of you sigmakers in here are awesome. Anyway these are the pics I found that I liked:




Now I'm not saying I want all of those in the sig, but any of those would be cool to use I suppose. Of course if whoever picks this up wants to find different picks that's all well and good. Ok as usual thank to whoever if anyone decides to pick this one up.


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