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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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Double post' date=' sorry about that.

Here's your sig, undinesfire.[/quote']

Heheh, no offense, but that looks pretty lame to me.

I might try something in a bit. ^_^

Yeah...A quick job is not a high quality job.

I've been having a headache for the last few days, and it bothers me...I guess I should stop making sigs for a while.

Heh, if it's any consolation, mine didn't really turn out any better.


Better than mine.

Add some red in there and you're golden (Y'know, the whole "fire and ice" thing :wink: ).

Bah, it looked better with BLUE fire. Trust me :P

I need a better sig than this. Anything that has the pic in my sig will be fine.

Maybe a tiny bit smaller.

Just think dark assassin.

Thanks! :D

I'm quite bored at the moment. I think I'll do this. *nods*

edit: yup, here 'tis. Killed some time. Woo!


Umm... hi.

I could use a signature image. With my name in it.

And lots of spaceships, from as many different Tv shows/movies/whatever as possible.

And some explosions. Explosions are cool.


Cramming lots of different pictures into a smallish signature generally doesn't look very good. You'd be better off picking a specific picture or scene that you'd want a sig made out of so the focus is on something.

I need a better sig than this. Anything that has the pic in my sig will be fine.

Maybe a tiny bit smaller.

Just think dark assassin.

Thanks! :D

I'm quite bored at the moment. I think I'll do this. *nods*

edit: yup, here 'tis. Killed some time. Woo!


YOU ARE A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, let's see...

I would like a sig with fire and ice as the background, and with my name on it. Whatever looks good. The shape of the sig doesn't have to be rectangular or anything square.

This is why I love designers :D

I came up with this, hope it's good enough.




Double post' date=' sorry about that.

Here's your sig, undinesfire.[/quote']

Heheh, no offense, but that looks pretty lame to me.

I might try something in a bit. ^_^

Yeah...A quick job is not a high quality job.

I've been having a headache for the last few days, and it bothers me...I guess I should stop making sigs for a while.

Heh, if it's any consolation, mine didn't really turn out any better.


Better than mine.

Add some red in there and you're golden (Y'know, the whole "fire and ice" thing :wink: ).

Bah, it looked better with BLUE fire. Trust me :P

More choices!!


I came up with this, hope it's good enough.


It's pretty. I still have one small request if it doesn't cause you too much trouble. Could you change the font into a more futuristic style? And maybe it's just me, but I feel there's something missing near the bottom left hand corner. Hmm I'm not sure...

Umm... hi.

I could use a signature image. With my name in it.

And lots of spaceships, from as many different Tv shows/movies/whatever as possible.

And some explosions. Explosions are cool.


Cramming lots of different pictures into a smallish signature generally doesn't look very good. You'd be better off picking a specific picture or scene that you'd want a sig made out of so the focus is on something.

Hmm... good point. Ok, new idea; somebody can work their magic on this image, preferably including 'micuu' somewhere, and a border of some kind.

edit: oh yeah, I wouldn't mind if the end result was also a bit smaller.


[big post with lotsa quotes and images]

I say go with CC Ricers'. Looks to be the best of the three, methinks.

I need a better sig than this. Anything that has the pic in my sig will be fine.

Maybe a tiny bit smaller.

Just think dark assassin.

Thanks! :D

I'm quite bored at the moment. I think I'll do this. *nods*

edit: yup, here 'tis. Killed some time. Woo!


YOU ARE A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heh..heh. Thanks. Glad you like it.


Lets first see that postcount raise. It sucks putting effort into a sig if it really wont ever be used, y'know?

If you want a sig right away, you could click this link http://photobucket.com/albums/a365/Sig_shoppe/

and pick out a pre-made sig that a hand full of us sigmakers have put together. You might find one that suits your tastes.

Notably, between CapnHulk, ssjgodzilla, Karbon_Katana, and myself, there are some superhero related sigs. I dont think Deadpool is there, but it wouldnt hurt to check it out anyhow.


i started playing earthbound again, and that guy in the happy village has that one damn hilarious line that goes something like, "AIiiiiiieeeeeeee! I screamed 'cause i didn't know what else to do."(that was kind of irrelevant to the request)

I'd like an Earthbound related sig, something with the Mr. Saturns, or the Runaway Five, or both...


Umm... hi.

I could use a signature image. With my name in it.

And lots of spaceships, from as many different Tv shows/movies/whatever as possible.

And some explosions. Explosions are cool.


Cramming lots of different pictures into a smallish signature generally doesn't look very good. You'd be better off picking a specific picture or scene that you'd want a sig made out of so the focus is on something.

Hmm... good point. Ok, new idea; somebody can work their magic on this image, preferably including 'micuu' somewhere, and a border of some kind.

edit: oh yeah, I wouldn't mind if the end result was also a bit smaller.


*bump the second*

Umm... hi.

I could use a signature image. With my name in it.

And lots of spaceships, from as many different Tv shows/movies/whatever as possible.

And some explosions. Explosions are cool.


Cramming lots of different pictures into a smallish signature generally doesn't look very good. You'd be better off picking a specific picture or scene that you'd want a sig made out of so the focus is on something.

Hmm... good point. Ok, new idea; somebody can work their magic on this image, preferably including 'micuu' somewhere, and a border of some kind.

edit: oh yeah, I wouldn't mind if the end result was also a bit smaller.


*bump the second*

Here goes...


Umm... hi.

I could use a signature image. With my name in it.

And lots of spaceships, from as many different Tv shows/movies/whatever as possible.

And some explosions. Explosions are cool.


Cramming lots of different pictures into a smallish signature generally doesn't look very good. You'd be better off picking a specific picture or scene that you'd want a sig made out of so the focus is on something.

Hmm... good point. Ok, new idea; somebody can work their magic on this image, preferably including 'micuu' somewhere, and a border of some kind.

edit: oh yeah, I wouldn't mind if the end result was also a bit smaller.


*bump the second*

Here goes...


<3 thank you very much!

Could I get a sig that is 48x400 sig with a theme of Chrono Trigger. Please put a 3 pixel border like the one on my current sig. Thanks.
Thought I should bump this...

Yes, please bump something that was just asked yesterday and was the second to last post up to a few minutes ago.

Here's your sig.




I know this is quite an odd one, but here goes.

I'd like a blue California being chased by a red Texas, Alaska, and Montana, with the latter three being about twice the size of California, a la Pacman.

Then for California to pick up a super pellet and grow to twice the size of the other three and start chasing them. Again, a la Pacman.

Could I get a sig that is 48x400 sig with a theme of Chrono Trigger. Please put a 3 pixel border like the one on my current sig. Thanks.
Thought I should bump this...

Yes, please bump something that was just asked yesterday and was the second to last post up to a few minutes ago.

Here's your sig.


Sorry about that, I need to learn to be more pateint. I understand if you dont want to do my request anymore, I guess i will find time to do it on my own. Thanks for the sig anyway though.

Have pride in shitty knockoff work.

And thank you for the free sig that I embellished, maco!

EDIT: The shitty knockoff work being what I did below.

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