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i cried 10char

At a certain point after the 6th temple?

And I mostly agree on the boss of the 5th temple: it looked incredibly dorky and was a touch formulaic, but I did enjoy the process leading up to the fight, even if the fight itself was meh.

fortunately, there exist gecko codes that remove item notification

sure, they shouldnt be necessary. but oh what fun the game underneath really is

I love how the modding community is whipping up codes to remove the extraneous bullshit from SS. Like the item notifications, Fi's blabbering, and the stamina bar, as well as mapping the controls to the Gamecube controller (they're still working on that apparently).

Kind of sad when a bunch of people on the internet have to hack your game to make it enjoyable.

I love how the modding community is whipping up codes to remove the extraneous bullshit from SS. Like the item notifications, Fi's blabbering, and the stamina bar, as well as mapping the controls to the Gamecube controller (they're still working on that apparently).

Kind of sad when a bunch of people on the internet have to hack your game to make it enjoyable.




I love how the modding community is whipping up codes to remove the extraneous bullshit from SS. Like the item notifications, Fi's blabbering, and the stamina bar, as well as mapping the controls to the Gamecube controller (they're still working on that apparently).

Kind of sad when a bunch of people on the internet have to hack your game to polish it further.

Fix'd that for you. While I haven't played the game, I'm willing to bet it's still enjoyable without those changes, just marginally less so. In a way, it's continuing the developers' work after-the-fact, in a way that's unrestricted by development time limitation or poor planning.

the stamina bar

you realize that the stamina being limited is an integral part of almost a third of the puzzles in the game and by turning it off you're simultaneously ruining that instance of the design and also admitting to being an enormous child

At a certain point after the 6th temple?

And I mostly agree on the boss of the 5th temple: it looked incredibly dorky and was a touch formulaic, but I did enjoy the process leading up to the fight, even if the fight itself was meh.

yeah i agree. well i didn't actually cry, but i was more touched than I thought i'd be from a zelda game.
I love how the modding community is whipping up codes to remove the extraneous bullshit from SS. Like the item notifications, Fi's blabbering, and the stamina bar, as well as mapping the controls to the Gamecube controller (they're still working on that apparently).

Kind of sad when a bunch of people on the internet have to hack your game to make it enjoyable.

why dont we just make everything dungeon rush mode because dungeons are the only enjoyable thing in zelda games anyway.

i don't understand why everyone needs instant gratification all the time every time. it takes me like, 5 seconds max to push through those item get boxes and sit through the little cutscene. i'm wasting my time anyway playing a video game, it's not that big of a deal, i can wait.

and then people call this "game breaking" and "unacceptable"? 5 seconds.

also i'd like to point out that ruining a central focus of the game's design, i.e. mapping the controls to a regular controller isn't "polishing it". that's just being a puss because you can't be bothered to get acquainted with nintendo's silly little controller.

(By the way, you all know about Golo the goron, right? He's the goron who's mining away at a wall in the third area much later in the story who breaks your game if you talk to him twice. Be careful of him).


yeah the thing about skyward sword's controls is that they are pretty flawless in execution

the problem with them is the misleading presentation i.e the sword controls are not really 1:1 at all

you realize that the stamina being limited is an integral part of almost a third of the puzzles in the game and by turning it off you're simultaneously ruining that instance of the design and also admitting to being an enormous child

Fuck the stamina bar. Didn't need it in previous Zelda games, don't see why they added it to this one aside from making the game more tedious than it has to be.

also i'd like to point out that ruining a central focus of the game's design, i.e. mapping the controls to a regular controller isn't "polishing it". that's just being a puss because you can't be bothered to get acquainted with nintendo's silly little controller.

You hit the crux of the point for me--it IS silly. I've owned a Wii for years, I'm used to the half-assed control schemes for the games on it, I've simply gotten sick of it. God forbid I want to change the game a bit to suit my own personal enjoyment because I'm unhappy with parts of the product.

i don't understand why everyone needs instant gratification all the time every time. it takes me like, 5 seconds max

It's not so much that people need it instant. It's more like... it's such an obvious issue, albeit small. Why didn't they improve/ fix it? Was there some kind of a complicated coding problem that made it difficult to remove it, or what?

Just because the game is awesome 99% of the time, doesn't mean I'm blind to the 1% where it gets ridiculous. (It also doesn't mean I think the problems are "game breaking." The problems are simply... there.)

Fuck the stamina bar. Didn't need it in previous Zelda games, don't see why they added it to this one aside from making the game more tedious than it has to be.

If you want the stamina gauge gone, might as well remove sprinting since the previous games didn't have them either. "Previous Zelda games didn't need it" isn't a good reason.

On the other hand, I can respect this one:

change the game a bit to suit my own personal enjoyment because I'm unhappy with parts of the product.

I'm not against the practice of modifying games to suit your personal preference; games are just entertainment, after all.

If you want the stamina gauge gone, might as well remove sprinting since the previous games didn't have them either. "Previous Zelda games didn't need it" isn't a good reason.

I actually would've been perfectly fine if the stamina bar dealt with sprinting only, and maybe one or two 'hard' maneuvers (running up walls, dash-rolling, etc.) In that context it would make sense, and has been used in other games without too much of a problem.

Basically I wish it was implemented better and not used so often, as it breaks the flow of the game and drags it out longer than necessary.

I've owned a Wii for years, I'm used to the half-assed control schemes for the games on it, I've simply gotten sick of it.
how is swinging a stick shaped controller like a sword in a game where your character uses a sword half assed
God forbid I want to change the game a bit to suit my own personal enjoyment because I'm unhappy with parts of the product.
so how does this make nintendo's finished product overall unenjoyable
Basically I wish it was implemented better and not used so often, as it breaks the flow of the game and drags it out longer than necessary.
so not being able to spin attack constantly breaks the flow of the game? i mean, if you're fine with stamina being applied to sprinting and link's pseudo parkour, then the only thing left is swimming and spin attacks.

i dont get you

Fuck the stamina bar. don't see why they added it to this one

yeah, you don't see, and that's why nobody cares about what you think about this zelda game

because your opinions are malformed and childish


You hit the crux of the point for me--it IS silly. I've owned a Wii for years, I'm used to the half-assed control schemes for the games on it, I've simply gotten sick of it. God forbid I want to change the game a bit to suit my own personal enjoyment because I'm unhappy with parts of the product.

Have you actually played it with the normal control scheme? It's not really like past wii games.

It flows together pretty naturally, yeah you need to get a bit of finesse down for it but that's the same for any game whether you're using a classic style control or not.

I don't really see what your problem with the stamina bar though, but I always thought it was pretty neat in Shadow of the Colossus, so I'm probably just biased, and I liked having to stop and think about how I did things that lowered stamina before doing them.


I think the one thing that disappointed me the most in Skyward Sword was the fact that they didn't seem to do much with the whip, which to me would have been the most fun to use in the game. Granted I don't know what sort of mechanic they could have added other than what they did(stealing horns from bokoblins, grabbing jutting poles and swinging with 'em, flipping switches), but I feel like I didn't use it as much as I'd have liked.


The thing that bothered me the most about Skyward Sword was how abrupt the ending was. I mean, sure it took me 45 hours, more than double the time it took me to 100% Twilight Princess, but the entire game things are always escalating, and then all of a sudden, what seems like more plot progression becomes the final boss. It just didn't seem like that big a deal that Zelda was having her soul sucked out and Ghirahim had captured her, stuff like this happened all the time.

I think a lot of it had to do with the Song of the Hero sidequest, because right after Zelda crystallized herself I was pumped and ready to kill someone. But then that buzz kind of died and by the time I was picking up the pieces of the Triforce I just didn't really care anymore. I was more ready for a couple more dungeons than end game stuff.

So yeah, I'm kind of left feeling empty. I've been playing this game for almost a month, I was kind of expecting more closure. Maybe a kiss between Link and Zelda? I dunno.Something connecting Gaepora to Kaepora Gaebora? I was expecting that the whole game, and it ended up just being a cute easter egg.

The thing that bothered me the most about Skyward Sword was

I had never really thought about it that way, mostly because by the end, I was too busy trying to not die at the last Ghirahim fight (I SUCK at stabbing). But now that you say it, you're totally right. Demise stealing Zelda's soul did not even compare to the Zelda self-sealing scene, in terms of emotional impact. Which is ridiculous because objectively, the former is much more dire a situation than the latter.

I too wanted to do a couple more dungeons towards the end, and the way you've put it kind of explains it. The actual length of the game seems fine, but the pacing/ flow of the plot makes it all weird towards the end...

  • 5 weeks later...

Jill and I have put about 22 hours into the game and we're both loving it. We've just received the first sword upgrade and there are a lot of impressive things about it. Beautiful art, story, great gameplay and level design. I'm genuinely curious as to what happens next and so far haven't gotten super-frustrated (though those electric goblins were pretty annoying).

Our primary complaints, though they're definitely not dealbreakers:

1. Random pointless hand-holding at times, but never for anything important, just like "go through that door!" as opposed to "here's how to solve this puzzle". Why even bother? You can call Fi anytime to get a general objective/hint about where you're supposed to go, so why have her pop up by default for stuff that is glaringly obvious, while some puzzles clearly require you to think much harder?

2. Excessive dialog boxes for certain things (eg. doing poorly at the bamboo chop minigame), being told what an Amber Relic is after I already have 20. Somewhat alleviated by having longer playsessions.

3. Controls not quite 100% there. Item management is sort of weird and confusing at times what with two separate menus and the B/A functions switching around. Probably the biggest issue here is that the sword movements are not perfectly precise, which is a GIGANTIC problem on the legions of enemies (like those stupid goblins) that require you to quickly change sword direction. It just doesn't detect fast enough for me the majority of the time and I end up spending too much time trying to a thrust or right to left slash to finish a quick encounter.

None of these things detract from the game's overall enjoyment factor, which is still very high, but I do hope they're improved upon in the next iteration.

Edit: Regarding graphics, I did see that mentioned earlier in the thread. I was initially planning on running this via Dolphin but didn't have a good way of connecting my gaming PC to the TV 20 feet away. And now that we're so far in the game, even if I did find a way it would be a pain starting over.

2. Excessive dialog boxes for certain things (eg. doing poorly at the bamboo chop minigame), being told what an Amber Relic is after I already have 20. Somewhat alleviated by having longer playsessions.

I got around that by leaving the Wii on the whole time and just clicking the Home button to pause the game so it wouldn't screw up my playtime. This obviously might not be a good idea for people who can't just storm through the whole game within a few days, though.


Blocking really helps a lot with the techno goblins I've found. It'll stun them and disengage their shock brand, normally you'll have time to kill them before they can turn it back on. With multiples I'd normally just run away to get them to spread out, or shoot at them with the slingshot. As for the normal goblins, they don't often deal with upward strikes (like used to flip the spiders) or jumping downward strikes very well. Large numbers can normally be dealt with to some extent initially by using the spin attack and then picking them off from there. But this is just the ones that don't have shock brands.

Towards the end it'll probably get a easier though, I didn't really find the right mix of speed and deliberate movement till the last quarter of the game or so.

Demise stealing Zelda's soul did not even compare to the Zelda self-sealing scene, in terms of emotional impact. Which is ridiculous because objectively, the former is much more dire a situation than the latter.

spoiler in link

Does that seem dire to you?

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