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I disagree with Quirk, I think this is a pretty solid intro, chaos suits the source and the arrangement.

Still sounds like background music, though, and that generally doesn't fly. Like, it'd be amazing for an action scene or a trailer but not really the kind of thing people put on their iPods.

I'm hearing Song of Healing but I don't hear Majora's Theme as far as I can tell.


honestly, the "frantic" parts remind me of cheesy action movie music. HOWEVER, I can only assume that you are trying to incorporate the strangeness, and insanity of Majora in this piece. If that is what you're trying to do, perhaps try expressing that in a mellow intro before really letting the chaos out, kinda like how it was in the game. put in some hard work and I'm sure that this will become an excellent song. :-P


This, finished, would go on my ipod. Spakku, don't assume too much about other ppl's ipod preferences. :P

I hear the occasional reference to Song of Healing but that's it. You're gonna have to make the source more clear if you want this on ocr. It's pretty promising, it's got a cool sound, and the frantic juxtaposed with the calm is a really cool idea. Finish it. :D


whoa. that was awesome. i think the hand percussion could use a bit of that reverb, they're a little dry compared to the rest of the ensemble. very compelling intro though, and brilliant treatment of the source. looking forward to seeing where you go with this! :nicework:


this is what would happen if nobuo uematsu got a hold of the zelda soundtrack!

I likey alot, but the drums... hmmm, something just doesnt fit with them. lookin forward to hearin more


The only thing that I would do different is add in Metal-influenced drum work. Just seems like it'd fit the frantic nature of this piece.

Otherwise, I'm really enjoying what you have here. I love how the very beginning is soft and surreal...and then BAM! It's great. xD

Keep it up man, I'll be following this.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments thus far! I appreciate them and either have or will use them to better the piece.

Current status (ver 2):

-Still not done writing it--my wife got sick so time goes where it's needed.

-Its much longer, I've addressed a few production errors but that really won't come until the end.

I want the source to become progressively more clear throughout. Full melodic statements are saved for somewhere other than the beginning, but rest assured, the whole thing is based on those tunes (and some of the harmonies in the originals).


0:00-The whole piano figure introduction is playing with the notes of the song of healing melody. The first three notes of the melody are repeated backwards (identical to lost woods, by the way). Gradually, the notes from the melody are added in (think set-class theory, perhaps), with an altered version surfacing.

0:21-The frantic sections are every note of the Majora theme, in order, just broken up around the more obvious song of healing interjections. The rhythm and harmony is changed, but not really anything else.

0:38-The song of healing gets some center stage presence for a while. I apologize for the light clipping on the piano at this point--I'll get there.

1:16-A rather straightforward clarification of Majora's theme.

The form of the piece will make more sense upon completion of the piece. I look forward to more comments and thanks for the support already!

PS - Happy 4th of July!

  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you very much for the kind words of encouragement thus far and for the helpful critiques! I had to take a break for a while due to life, but I posted a breakdown in the original post for people curious of where the themes are used or don't recognize them immediately. I've fixed some stuff people've said, but I still have a ways to go and a lot more eq/mix work to do (along with finishing the piece!).

My intention with the piece is build into statements of the melody rather than starting with them. I intentionally obscure it in portions while taking different twists with it that lead into more conventional usage of the themes and motives. The ending portion of the piece will be fast like ~:20 introduces, making the piece [intro]Fast, Slow, Fast. Please keep the comments coming! Encouragement and critiques are more than welcome.

(link to the mix for the lazy: Click here to listen to majora004.mp3)


Really cool. If you're interested, come do something like this for the sd3 project. Hit me up on aim or something for more info.

Seems to me like it's a bit buried in reverb and long releases, could be mixed more clearly. Up to you if you want to bring out the music more with eq or by cutting atmosphere... or both. That's my only crit. This is awesome. :D

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