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Current mapcycle is


Though you should get to vote on the next map. Unless I cocked up the configs.

Anyway, what do you want added/removed. Need to have at least 10 in rotation.

Kill de_port and cs_compound. Port is too frigin' large (sniper friendly much?) and compound just isn't designed well.

I'mma hop on later tonight and check out if it's laggy like it was last time I was on a few days.

Oh yeah, whoever set that AWP event night thing... it's spelled "appreciation" not "apreciation". Yep, I'm definitely the grammar nazi ("definitely" = most mis-spelled word I've seen on the internet).

I've been raging for the last few days because I'll literally unload half a clip into someone's head and they'll kill me in 1 shot with minimal damage to them. I found out it's because the bandwidth is being taken here, causing my latency to lie about being low while I seem to just be standing there like a sitting duck.

Which makes the handful of headshots I pulled off all the more impressive

Well there's your problem right there 9_9, anything more than 3-5 shot bursts aren't going to hit a damn thing what do you think this is call of duty haha.

Oh yeah, whoever set that AWP event night thing... it's spelled "appreciation" not "apreciation". Yep, I'm definitely the grammar nazi ("definitely" = most mis-spelled word I've seen on the internet).

Typos. I make them.


Oh yeah, concerning alltalk. Generally alltalk is frowned upon in CS:S iirc. But you can vote it on, which should pass easily in low pop.

Or if enough peopel want it on, we can do that I s'pose.

Oh yeah, concerning alltalk. Generally alltalk is frowned upon in CS:S iirc. But you can vote it on, which should pass easily in low pop.

Or if enough peopel want it on, we can do that I s'pose.

Yeah, I figured since its OCR it would just be for fun and such.


I'm also against turning on all talk permanently. I didn't mind turning it on last night since the number of players was pretty low before I left and there were some newer players on, but when a server gets full and it's actually useful to have team chat I'd rather it be default. Is there some way to turn all talk on for everyone who's dead though? I think that would be a nice compromise, especially since rounds are set at five minutes and can last for a good chunk of that sometimes.

Can we get alltalk turned on? I like all talk, and Darke turned it on for us on a map once. otherwise we need to vote for it :[

I only initiated a vote.

I played this yesterday; it was pretty cool but I feel like most of it is getting one-shotted by a guy you can't see and then watching the rest of the match.

I guess it's a good game to play if you want to catch up on your reading or something.

i must be missing something. isn't this the point of CS:S? uber "realism"? all MW2 did was take that multiplayer formula and combine it with XBL and some crazy killstreak rewards.

Yes, that is the point of CS:S. It's a good game that I'm very bad at because I've only played it once.

I don't know why you're talking about MW2.

I played this yesterday; it was pretty cool but I feel like most of it is getting one-shotted by a guy you can't see and then watching the rest of the match.

This is my experience as well. But the rocket launcher has taught me that all I need to do is shoot NEAR someone and they die. Such is not the case in CS.:|

I only initiated a vote.

I played this yesterday; it was pretty cool but I feel like most of it is getting one-shotted by a guy you can't see and then watching the rest of the match.

I guess it's a good game to play if you want to catch up on your reading or something.

Most headshots I did were just luck, i fire blindly into a person's blob -- which is what it appears as due to my eyesight -- and hope for the best. Also it helps to walk up behind them in a hallway. If you keep running around the catacombs, that's bound to happen a lot. Due to my eyesight I can mostly do close-quarters combat. :-(

You'll get better at running, and checking every direction when you enter a room, and listening for peoples' footsteps.

I guess it's a good game to play if you want to catch up on your reading or something.

It'd probably help that if the rounds were shorter. I don't think I know of any other servers that use 5 minute rounds. 2:30-3:00 is usually more than sufficient, and helps motivate the attacking team to get their asses in gear rather than have both teams sit around (not that that's been a huge problem on the server from what I've seen).

It'd probably help that if the rounds were shorter. I don't think I know of any other servers that use 5 minute rounds. 2:30-3:00 is usually more than sufficient, and helps motivate the attacking team to get their asses in gear rather than have both teams sit around (not that that's been a huge problem on the server from what I've seen).

I am all for making rounds 3 minutes long. Seen quite a few matches go past 3 minutes long and it makes people wanna quit.

Also, I'm thinking we turn one of the regulars for Source into admin.

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