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We have enough people playing this that it's time for a thread.

What is it? Free online flash game; very fun, very addictive. Imagine Lemmings except you're a lemming and, every so often, you also get to be the one to help the others or kill them. Here's some in-game footage spliced together as a demonstration and to showcase the hilarity:

. The game itself is here: en server 1, en server 2.

Now, if you got a shovel, get yourself a handle and post it here. We've had a few ocr gatherings now and they've each been a blast, and if we get a few more people it'll really bring out the absurdity (I, for one, can't wait for some ocr shaman duels). And even when we don't have a room going, you can still find any of us you've friended and get into the same room.

OCR handle - Transformice! handle

Alexis - yodaisbetter

Cecilff2 - Cecilfftwo

Coyote-Trickster - Khepera

Darklink42 - drklink

DragonAvenger - Deiah

GeckoYamori - Geckoyamori

Halycon Spirit - Hspirit

Hemophiliac - Hemophiliac

K.B. - Hanpan

MechaFone - fonebone

Mirby - Mirby

Pyrohazard - UltraPepe

suzumebachi - suzums

Tables - Tazers

Tensei-san - Tenseisan

UmJammerSully - Littlesully

When we fill out this list a bit, we'll set up dates/times to get room OCR going (note: case-sensitive and in en, not en2). Right now this is ad hoc via folks posting "transformice anyone?" in irc, so feel free to do that too.

In summary: Cheeeeeeeeeeese.

FYI: commands not in the help file

/room roomname - join that room (/room OCR joins the ocr room [case-sensitive])

/friend handle - adds a person to your friend list (person must be online at the time)

/profile handle - shows your current stats

I was wondering if it was just a 4th of July thing...but it's a French game, so....yea

The one day, the ONE DAY I don't sign on is the day they throw in the awesome. I wasn't going to play last night either but then I read the first post here and got all excited and scurried over there.

Complete and utter dejection.

OK so we have a few people now; let's have a go at room OCR. Thursday 8pm eastern? Yes? Excellent.

This is to say, of course, that you must plan your Thursday around this. Or just make a mental note and drop by if you have time.

Or rain cannonballs on me for this being the worst time possible.


OK so we have a few people now; let's have a go at room OCR. Thursday 8pm eastern? Yes? Excellent.

This is to say, of course, that you must plan your Thursday around this. Or just make a mental note and drop by if you have time.

Or rain cannonballs on me for this being the worst time possible.

Why not just have it any night at that time? I create a room usualy so me and a friend mess around. I might as well have it be /room OCR and have random pop ins.


I had the compo in mind; I went with 8pm so it didn't conflict. Y'all need an hour prep time? Or would that be dinner time... I hadn't thought of that.

How 'bouts we go with 7:30pm on Thursday, then?

Coyote: I like it, but I think that's getting ahead of ourselves. One good first turnout will get the ball rolling, which is why I suggested a kickoff date with a couple days warning (also avoiding the weekend).

That said, room OCR should wait for no mouse, so if folks want to hit it up tonight at 8pm (or whenever), then awesome and by all means go for it. Don't know if I'll be around, but if I am then I'll drop in.

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