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Kirby's Adventure: Rise of the Star - History

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These sound very promising. :D I like the impressionism in the wips that have it and yearn for it in the ones that lack it. OCR's all about that right?

Darangen - Damn, the first 30 seconds of your WIP had me sitting on the edge of my seat, dying to see what came next... then... then this really bad piano sample comes in... I almost cried! Everything else about your mix rocks so much, but that piano just feels so midi-ish, and very out of place...

Could you not has that part played by a guitar lead, perhaps? or maybe even have subtle electronic instruments or something ^^;

I dunno, just in my opinion it ruins the mix a bit :(

Either way, the guitar work, drums, and bass are legendary - keep up the awesome work.


Yeah, that piano isn't going to stay in there very long ;)

I mainly put that in because I wanted people to know where the melody was going to be and in what parts. It will most likely, probably around a 99.254% chance, be replaced with guitar-work, so don't worry :). It's pretty much note for note as is too, but I'll be changing that up a bit here and there too so it's not like music-insert copy of melody here-music-etc. Yeah, lots of stuff is still gonna happen :wink:

Glad you liked the rest of it :)


Hehe, I'm still downloading your song Darangen and I already have high thoughts :P And you missed the deadline by 15 minutes ;P ...Now I'm listening... A little much noise in the background but that will be fixed ofcourse :D And the piano... yeah, you said it :D But guitars and a piano is a funny combination ;) My tip, cause the mix is very happy, try to find something else than a distorted guitar, maybe somekind of flute, harmonia or maybe if that wouldn't fit just an acoustic guitar. Quite nice and it have potential, keep "jobbin'" :P


Hey everyone, sorry its so late (was working last night). Its not as developed as i'd like it, but well hey, i've been busy with university at the moment. But, one 10,000 word Dissertation later and now i'm ready to work on it some more.


Things you should note : The choir sounds like ass at the moment, i'm going to layer some deep cellos with it and tweak it.


Nice man, a little late but it will do. I'll son be hearings it... 85% 90 % 95%... Pling!

Let's see... Heard the last WIP, quite much same so long... The last one rocked so let's see how much new you have :D It's still on the soft part in the beginning...

Feh! That's new is amazing :D Just maybe add something in the beginning, 'cause it maybe is a little too slow and ... (something, english please? :D). Whatever, add a little more except for the choir. About 1:37 when it rises a bit. Maybe put a little more in the background, and for now:

Do the things you do, and we will hear a miracle! :D

Adhesive_Boy said:

This is just under a minute of kind of strange experimentation that's subject to change, with a lot of stuff still to be added. So don't freak because it's disjointed and weird - I'm just showing that I'm actually working on this.

Interesting stuff, AB. I like how it manages to create a nice balance between the totally strange and the more conventional (whenever I start out something with a totally strange section, I can never quite make the transition into "listenable" :P so I have to start out vice versa; so hearing something like this done is very impressive to me).

I can tell this is going to be really cool, all the drums could really use more compression, and the "strange guitar pad" that comes in around :48, while amazingly cool (and I can tell it will be used to great effect later in the mix), the fact that it's panned to the left like it is kind of makes it feel... off-center... which it is. Anyway, nice stuff (that bass is cool; not overly aggressive, but sort of not a sub either). Excellent flutestuff.

I should go back and listen to my own WiP; I think taking some time away from it to work on some other stuff (aLOT of other stuff, actually 8O most of which will probably never be heard around these parts, or maybe around any parts at all, but hey, it was fun and turned out nice) has cleared up my thinking.


ellywu2 said:
Hey everyone, sorry its so late (was working last night). Its not as developed as i'd like it, but well hey, i've been busy with university at the moment. But, one 10,000 word Dissertation later and now i'm ready to work on it some more.


Things you should note : The choir sounds like ass at the moment, i'm going to layer some deep cellos with it and tweak it.

I do like how it starts out, and the piano itself is nice-sounding, and the sequencing is not altogether terrible, but I do feel it needs a lot of work in the velocity/timing department. Timingwise, it's really just about perfect, but in the intro, the notes are far too correct in their spacing, and the way they cut off is atypical of the way a piano player would normally play (it would be very unusual to just let go of the notes rhythmically, as oppose to either all at once or in a meaningful pattern). As for velocity, I just think it needs to be more intelligently programmed; I do like the emphasis on some notes, but the dynamic changes are too abrupt and there's no real build or flow, imo.

As for the orchestral part, very nice :D I'm not orchestral expert so I don't really know what to say regarding your use of strings and snares and timpanis and whatever that wierd buzzing low noise is at 2:15 (although it sounds cool, somehow it seems... ungood?). All I can really tell you is that the arrangement is very VERY nice at this point; the way everything comes in and works together is very GrayLightning like (it's probably the snares + rolls that is making me think of his work). Cool stuff overall; just the kind of difficult stuff I find myself needing to work at at the moment.


Thanks for the advice rellik. I've listened to the piece and well, it sounds like ass, it really does :(

I'm not even too sure of the orchestral, it good do with a lot more layers at the moment etc. I'll have to work on it a lot more, its just a question of finding time now.

By the way, that buzzing noise is a muted french horn i think. I'll possibly change it :)


I updated my WIP with a guitar instead of the piano. I'm wondering if it sounds too empty (minus the 2:00 part which I KNOW is empty ;)) or not when the melody comes around on the guitar. I'm wondering if I should add something there, or leave it as is.

What are your thoughts? Anyone?

I updated my WIP with a guitar instead of the piano. I'm wondering if it sounds too empty (minus the 2:00 part which I KNOW is empty ;)) or not when the melody comes around on the guitar. I'm wondering if I should add something there, or leave it as is.

What are your thoughts? Anyone?

It's much better than the piano, thought I agree it sounds a little empty in parts... I'm not sure what you could do to fix that, though. If you could be bothered, you could always add orchestral backing, but i'm not sure how well that would work, so yeah...

It works as is, though, and i still love it even despite emptiness in parts ^^


I'd rather stay completely away from any type of orchestration on this. Why? Because there are already going to be orchestrated tracks, and as far as I know I'm the only guitar remixer on this project. So I plan on keeping it straight guitar.

I'm working on some clean lead ideas, just haven't solidified any yet. I hope that does the trick.


Good thing, Darangen. Yes, do so. But maybe add some more effects and more layers of music. Hot it up a bit, you know ;) Maybe you should do some parts that not follows the original melody that much, if you understand. Some parts that sticks out and also make the original melody more intresting, but I you're owning me on this kinds of remixes (all other kinds of remixes too, but we can hide that unnecessary parts for now :P) and I know you will do a great job. Keep it up! (...I think i'm repeating that too much now! :D)

I'd rather stay completely away from any type of orchestration on this. Why? Because there are already going to be orchestrated tracks, and as far as I know I'm the only guitar remixer on this project. So I plan on keeping it straight guitar.

I'm working on some clean lead ideas, just haven't solidified any yet. I hope that does the trick.

Yeah... I just listened again, realised that it would probably sound better without anything like that ^^

hmmmm.... Would it sound any good with some delay over the lead?

an idea I had for a possible cover design... or something? Enjoy :)



Very nice. Old school and contemporary at the same time. I think a good companion to it (on the opposite side, on the same folded piece of paper, facing the CD when closed) would be a mosaic using each of Kirby's powerups as tiles. I don't have Photoshop, but I'm thinking it should be run through an interpolation filter to remove the jaggies. The picture probably wouldn't be suitable as a cover for the back of the CD, due to the difficulty of overlaying the track titles.

On a side note, the management aspect of this project is simply fascinating. Props to DS for leading the project as well as coming up with the unique theme concept.

Lastly, good luck to all the remixers. Go forth and kick much ass. I know I won't be disappointed.


KirbyMixer - 22/57 - Water Drop *
Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind *
Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller *
analoq - 16 or 32 - Star Herald -
Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter *
Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter
Ellywu2 - 18/19 - Dream Warrior *
Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General *
Sir Nuts - 13 - Great Ace
DJ Ikronix - 14/15 - Final Star
mv - 56 - Hero of Lore -

People with stars next to their names are the people I have seen WIPs from. I'll ask that you guys each post your WIP again. I know that mv and analoq are working on their pieces, as I've talked to them, but as for Suzumebachi, DJ Ikronix, and Sir Nuts, I need to see something, otherwise you guys are out, and I'll have to figure out how to fill spots.

I'm setting the Final Arrangement Deadline for December 5, 2004.

I'll comment on posted WIPs soon enough; in the meantime, please post WHAT YOU HAVE SO FAR again.

but as for Suzumebachi, DJ Ikronix, and Sir Nuts, I need to see something, otherwise you guys are out, and I'll have to figure out how to fill spots.

I know it isn't any of my business, but I just wanted to point out that Suzumebachi technicially already submitted his WIP (On September 6th no less. I think he got the jump on everybody). His post is at the top of the following forum page: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=42958&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=39. BTW, I think the first mirror is down; try the second.

For the record, it's pretty good (except for the drums, which I believe to be a poor choice both with respect to the rhythm and the kit).

Sorry to intrude.


an idea I had for a possible cover design... or something? Enjoy :)



Very nice. Old school and contemporary at the same time. I think a good companion to it (on the opposite side, on the same folded piece of paper, facing the CD when closed) would be a mosaic using each of Kirby's powerups as tiles. I don't have Photoshop, but I'm thinking it should be run through an interpolation filter to remove the jaggies. The picture probably wouldn't be suitable as a cover for the back of the CD, due to the difficulty of overlaying the track titles.

On a side note, the management aspect of this project is simply fascinating. Props to DS for leading the project as well as coming up with the unique theme concept.

Lastly, good luck to all the remixers. Go forth and kick much ass. I know I won't be disappointed.

Aww, someone beat me up to it. I was working on a cover for the project, since there wasn't any real propositions until the time i started. I was thinking of putting many Kirbys with a different ability for each. I never thought Kirby could be that hard to draw (friggin arms). Oh well, i wont let that work become useless. At least i'll finish it and maybe show it to you guys ^_^;;;

Really nice cover idea there btw Hadyn <3

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