smh Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 I just went through my projects folder and found a bunch of brief outtakes or ideas for DKC remixes, some which were for this project. I was supposed to remix mine cart at one point. As you can hear, I didn't get very far. I started a fear factory mix, but then quit after 4 bars when I heard gray's version of the theme. I still like the percussion in this though. A mines WIP. I did the ambient intro, Protricity did the wacky synthpop part. This is labeled as an ice caves remix but it wasn't to the point where any recognizable theme was in it. And some random DKC2 things I found: Quote
neminem Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 I just wanted to say, having finally gotten enough time to (barely) listen to the whole thing in one sitting, that you guys are freaking incredible! Not one song on there that didn't fully capture my attention for the whole time it was playing. I have to specifically congratulate Vig for making a remix of one of my favorite songs that's giving one of my favorite musicians a run for his money (being aquatic ambience and bLiNd, respectively), but just about every minute of the work is awesome. *goes to listen to Beneath the Surface again* EDIT: But Vigilante made an excellent song out of one that I originally hated(underwater), so it's all good! YOU HATED AQUATIC AMBIENCE? WHAT THE FUCK? Seriously. Oh yeah, and while I found the lyrics really amusing (creepy, yes, but in an entirely amusing way), I do have to agree that someone more vocally talented should've been found to sing it. Quote
SnappleMan Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 I'd just like to take the time to point out that Treetop Rock is the absolute worst source material I have ever worked with in my entire remixing career. I don't know what posessed me to think I could make a song out of it.At least the two levels in the game that used it were fun... Regardless, the remix of it is among my top 5 favorites from the CD! now see i didn't know there were five songs that had real guitar. ZINGER! U GOT ME THERE PAL! Quote
Chris McGee Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 So are the prelude and thrash teh plnka going to be released as one track or what? or at all? Quote
Seele Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 <emerges from a long, long lurking slumber> I just have to chip in here... Both KiC and RotC have, in my mind, their own strengths. RotC is, as a whole, a more flowing, atmospheric work. KiC is more of a mix of different styles and mixers, which has bits I both like and dislike. It has an edge over RotC in my mind in terms of sheer variety. The tracks in RotC can start to blur together while the tracks on this are much more individualized and distinctive. In the end, I love 'em both and I've burned them both for my car-listening pleasure. However, since this isn't a thread for discussing RotC... Holy crap, Prophecy's "Checkan Winter" (that not enough people seem to be mentioning) absolutely rocks my socks off. I'm kind of sad I haven't seen Proph's stuff on OCR, because just about everything I've heard from him has been, in its own special way, mind blowingly awesome. <Puts on "Future metropolis" and returns to lurking status> Quote
blackmyst Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 God. Yeah, you can argue about the pros and cons of this project all you want - fact remains I can't bring myself to change my playlist, I'm completely and utterly stuck to KiC. Some of my favourites include ... the hell, I'd just be naming the entire list anyway, screw it. Seriously, I've been sitting here for five minutes trying to name a favourite, to no avail. They're all awesome. You d00ds are great. Please do keep it up. (Yes, Chekan Winter rawks. So does Faunaphobic, Idols of Hanuman, Clouded Mind and Ringing Ears, Cry of the Chasmal Critter Chain...and also... I GIVE UP.) Quote
mink Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 Hey guys ive been a long time listener and following this project since it began. Major props to all you guys My fav by far is definately Adhesive Boy's take on Caves theme........awsome man, just awsome Quote
Karmus Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 I wasn't actively involved in the project, and I didn't feedback the first months, I just followed the project happily being the audience, while updating my WIPs and currently "finished" Gorilla con Gusto tracks until the project had its final name change, and I was in trouble with some of the regular contributors on the discussion. Many things happened behind the scenes, and unfortunately I was too lazy to gain access to it. I believed that it was their project, not mine, because I couldn't do anything valuable. Until I realized that the word "collab(oration)" means the same as "coorporate", "teamwork" and I thought that I could have been a part of it too, if I just didn't stand in the crowd and watch carefully. I still have a dream of many of the abandoned/cancelled WIPs to see the daylight, because only the artists and other interested people are keeping the copies. Some of them can be found by looking in the project history thread, and if lucky, the URLs still work. (Please remove this link if I am breaking artists rights) And many others can be found here. (Hmm, looks like the link is dead/broken, oh well... ) I also think it's a shame that FM and Nacho (and Israfel) dropped out of the project, since people like Protricity and Vigilante made many remixes for the album, though it was a collaboration. I am not saying that you shouldn't, you (and voters) just took for instance Nacho's opportunity to be a part of the successful album with one track, though you already had two or three. I am not trying to criticize or de-honor you, I just look on the case from another perspective. Quote
Dhsu Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 I just wanted to thank Adhesive Boy for monopolizing my playlist for the past few days. I have to say it's been quite a while since I've been this addicted to a song. Might you consider making another cello-based arrangement, of Chrono Trigger's Underwater Palace theme? Quote
Moo2u Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 I can't seem to get the stupid nero files to work right, or something. You think someone could post the CD cover art as like a jpeg or something? That would be super. Quote
Ybrik Metaknight Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 Awesome stuff, people. Really great. I don't quite like every single track, but I certainly like most of them. A question: Is there a way to get both versions of the K. Rool battle on one track so that when I burn this to a CD it doesn't have that little moment of disruption? Thanks. Once again, this is some damn good stuff. [Edit] Might you consider making another cello-based arrangement, of Chrono Trigger's Underwater Palace theme? This is a DAMN good idea. That is one of CT's most neglected themes.[/Edit] Quote
CalculatedRisk Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 I guess I can't add anything that hasn't already been said, and I don't have much constructive anything to say. But you know what... You people. Are my heros. And I will worship you forever for this. Thank you, thank you, thank you, from a DKC music freak. I love you. That about covers it. Quote
Digital Coma Posted September 17, 2004 Author Posted September 17, 2004 I can't seem to get the stupid nero files to work right, or something. You think someone could post the CD cover art as like a jpeg or something? That would be super. I updated the download page with a link to a RAR containing the cover art in its original .png files. You can open .pngs with just about anything, so print them however way you like. So are the prelude and thrash teh plnka going to be released as one track or what? or at all? A question: Is there a way to get both versions of the K. Rool battle on one track so that when I burn this to a CD it doesn't have that little moment of disruption? The Gang-Plank Galleon Part 1 and 2 arrangements are separate tracks meant to be played together without pause. Use the .cue files included in the torrent to burn the CDs with the zero second pauses in the right places, or manually insert zero second pauses yourself. Run-down of tracks which need a zero second pause before them (as mentioned in the Album Instructions readme also included in the torrent): (CD1)02 - Hemophiliac - Swing, Monkey, Swing (Simian Segue)03 - JigginJonT - West Coast DK Island (DK Island Swing)04 - Unknown - Rest and (Re)spite on a Soft Summer Night (Cranky's Theme)05 - Adhesive_Boy - Cry of the Chasmal Critter Chain (Cave Dweller Concert)(CD2)14 - smh - Arboreal Ascent (Treetop Rock)21 - SnappleMan - Thrash the Plank (Gang-Plank Galleon Pt 2) I still have a dream of many of the abandoned/cancelled WIPs to see the daylight, because only the artists and other interested people are keeping the copies. Some of them can be found by looking in the project history thread, and if lucky, the URLs still work. The links to the two arrangements rejected by peer review are still active and can be found in the history thread here. As I'll be saying again and again, thank you everyone so much for your feedback. Your support itself has made this project possible. Quote
Holy Warrior Azar Posted September 18, 2004 Posted September 18, 2004 Somebody needs to tell Sadorf and Sir Nuts to stop collabing, they're just so good it's kind of sick. If they do anything better than their track on here, my head might explode! Quote
Vig Posted September 18, 2004 Posted September 18, 2004 To me, Funky MonkeyLove was just an example of a nerd who can't sing worth shit. When the lyrics started, I realized, holy shit, we have here a nasally-voiced internet dullard who was hoping he'd sound sexy when his strands of emotionless come-on-and-suck-my-dick lyrics were converted to MP3 format and forced through computer speakers. Oh well, at least AeroFunkNamic was good. Azar brought this up at the OUS board, i'll more or less copy and paste my response: anyone who thinks that i have some barry white image of myself after listening to funky monkey love is seriously deranged. I mean...i thought that humor was just dripping off that track. i mean...really, was i too subtle? were the lyrics not ridiculous enough? or is protoman just retarded? of COURSE i'm not a singer! but in my defense i can at least stay in tune most of the time. but if you listened to Funky MOnkey love and thought that i was trying to be some kind of sex god...i dont know what to tell you. you have my pity. at any rate, my vote goes for "protoman is just retarded," cause i thought the humor in that track was glaring and the idea was obviously tounge-in-cheek. Quote
Xenon Odyssey Posted September 18, 2004 Posted September 18, 2004 I still have a dream of many of the abandoned/cancelled WIPs to see the daylight, because only the artists and other interested people are keeping the copies. Some of them can be found by looking in the project history thread, and if lucky, the URLs still work. The links to the two arrangements rejected by peer review are still active and can be found in the history thread here. As I'll be saying again and again, thank you everyone so much for your feedback. Your support itself has made this project possible. Well, I gotta add my own opinion. This album rocks! I'm listening to it for the millionth time again; as soon as I get the chance, I'm going to have the two CDs burnt and sitting next to my original Donkey Kong Country Soundtrack (which I bought from Nintendo, along with the other two in a trilogy). Now, as you stated above, Coma, yes, the links are still in the thread, but many of them are broken. I'd like to have a copy of Vigilante's mix with all the vocals in it (Eulogy at Sea) again because I lost my copy due to a lovely computer reformat back in June, and didn't get enough time to head back here and get it again. Again, props to all who did this album. You have made some songs that will forever go on my playlists. I'm waiting for all the next project to become complete as well! Quote
Thrik Posted September 18, 2004 Posted September 18, 2004 Well I offered my support and feedback throughout the project's production, but I'll lay down some thoughts here anyway. To put it quite frankly, this project rocks. There is not a single track on the album I dislike (which is an accomplishment in itself, considering that some tracks are of a genre I wouldn't normally even consider touching). The composition on every single one is just pure brilliance, and a huge congratulations is on order for every constributor to the project for doing what they have. As well as bringing back the Donkey Kong Country music in a new light as the project intended, it also succeeded in bringing back all those nostalgic memories which make the games so important to us all. As soon as the segment of the first track at 2:50 began, I could have dispensed a tear for the classic game which heightened the quality of my childhood so much. It only gets better as the later tracks do the same - from the incredibly atmospheric Cave Dweller Concert, to One Zero One which manages to bring back the joy of the game in abundance, to the ambient wonder that is Beneath the Surface, to the almost frighteningly well produced Thrash the Plank. This album is quite possibly the greatest set of remixes I've ever heard, and I cannot thank all involved for giving me this to forever hold in my collection. It was worth the effort, guys. Quote
Karmus Posted September 18, 2004 Posted September 18, 2004 I still have a dream of many of the abandoned/cancelled WIPs to see the daylight, because only the artists and other interested people are keeping the copies. Some of them can be found by looking in the project history thread, and if lucky, the URLs still work. The links to the two arrangements rejected by peer review are still active and can be found in the history thread here. As I'll be saying again and again, thank you everyone so much for your feedback. Your support itself has made this project possible. Clearing up my post: I meant stuff like Aetherius' Ice Cave Chant beta v2 & Sadorf's Aquatic Ambiance Demo mix etc. which was abandoned/cancelled and test mixes like these links: I just went through my projects folder and found a bunch of brief outtakes or ideas for DKC remixes, some which were for this project. I was supposed to remix mine cart at one point. As you can hear, I didn't get very far. I started a fear factory mix, but then quit after 4 bars when I heard gray's version of the theme. I still like the percussion in this though. A mines WIP. I did the ambient intro, Protricity did the wacky synthpop part. This is labeled as an ice caves remix but it wasn't to the point where any recognizable theme was in it. And some random DKC2 things I found: Well, I gotta add my own opinion. This album rocks! I'm listening to it for the millionth time again; as soon as I get the chance, I'm going to have the two CDs burnt and sitting next to my original Donkey Kong Country Soundtrack (which I bought from Nintendo, along with the other two in a trilogy). Now, as you stated above, Coma, yes, the links are still in the thread, but many of them are broken. I'd like to have a copy of Vigilante's mix with all the vocals in it (Eulogy at Sea) again because I lost my copy due to a lovely computer reformat back in June, and didn't get enough time to head back here and get it again. Again, props to all who did this album. You have made some songs that will forever go on my playlists. I'm waiting for all the next project to become complete as well! Vigilante's "Eulogy at Sea" is the same as "Beneath the Surface", just a name change, and possibly some mix modifications, but still the same structure. Quote
Digital Coma Posted September 18, 2004 Author Posted September 18, 2004 If you want the old WIPs of the arrangements, ask the artists if they still have them, because I don't and I wouldn't post them all up anyway. Quote
Xenon Odyssey Posted September 18, 2004 Posted September 18, 2004 Well, I gotta add my own opinion. This album rocks! I'm listening to it for the millionth time again; as soon as I get the chance, I'm going to have the two CDs burnt and sitting next to my original Donkey Kong Country Soundtrack (which I bought from Nintendo, along with the other two in a trilogy). Now, as you stated above, Coma, yes, the links are still in the thread, but many of them are broken. I'd like to have a copy of Vigilante's mix with all the vocals in it (Eulogy at Sea) again because I lost my copy due to a lovely computer reformat back in June, and didn't get enough time to head back here and get it again. Again, props to all who did this album. You have made some songs that will forever go on my playlists. I'm waiting for all the next project to become complete as well! Vigilante's "Eulogy at Sea" is the same as "Beneath the Surface", just a name change, and possibly some mix modifications, but still the same structure. I knew that; I've been following the project since the start, I just wanted to know if anybody had a link to the one with all the vocals that are prominent(sp?) in the song, like at the beginning and the end (final the vocals are dubbed down a lot). I know some people didn't like them, but I thought they were very fitting to the piece. Of course, they really do't make sense in an album about DKC, so I can understand way they were dubbed down and/or taken out (some of the vocals I remember aren't there at all in the final). Quote
analoq Posted September 19, 2004 Posted September 19, 2004 since Karmus was asking for early versions of our mixes, i decided to upload the WIP of the collab Atherius and i were working on for Ice Cave Chant. (3.8m) it's kinda catchy at parts but ultimately this proved to be a... very bad idea. cheers. Quote
Sadorf Posted September 19, 2004 Posted September 19, 2004 have all of my wips...well not really...dig thru that same dir if u want some others....i have others sumwhere but i dunno i think i deleted them off the server... k bye Quote
Karmus Posted September 19, 2004 Posted September 19, 2004 Great work you two! That's what I want! Mixes that never got a future and are covered by dust in the artists' archive folders, give 'em a try! These are what I have collected in original file names among those posted earlier on this page: aetherius_icecavechant(beta2).mp3 = Aetherius' beta (version 2) of Ice Cave Chant. coconut_panic.mp3 = Shariq Ansari's WIP of Coconut Panic! - A clip from DK Island Swing before the actual melody begins. credits.mp3 = (I can't remember where I got this from, I searched for it afterwards but never found it. It's the only track I don't have a source to.) Dhsu is playing a short clip from the start of The Credits Concerto on piano. cuntcherto.mp3 = RICK submitted this sometime ago. I can't recognize this nonsense of crap. Looks like he left the project also. DeepBlue(beta1.5).mp3 = An Aquatic Ambiance remix with different instruments by Krispy. DkcFunky.mp3 = S|r NutS freaking out in FL (Fruity Loops) Studio 4. Techno/trance remix of Funky's Fugue. fdjadjkd.mp3 = A clip from the middle of Aquatic Ambiance. If you want to know the author, look through the history thread. IceCrap.ogg = Protricity made this Ice Cave Chant chill. Trance synths. KRool.ogg = Very lame/cool techno/trance remix of Gang-Plank Galleon by Ari. (Ari = Protricity?) mine cart.mp3 = Made by Daniel Baranowsky. Just a simple loopable beat to be used in a Mine Cart Madness remix. minelife2.mp3 = RICK's "LIFE IN TEH MINES" with some voice saying "Atomic Danger". Guess the original track name... (ShiddyMines.ogg = Look above.) Suzumebachi-DKC-MineCartMadness.ogg = Suzumebachi, meant to make the Mine Cart Madness remix for Gorilla con Gusto, but dropped out. The title is "Industrial Mines" and it is a rock remix. swingswangswung.mp3 = FM/Standing Man, pulled his releases because of stolen computer and Europe vacation, if I remember correctly. Binnie had to find a substitute for this track. Orchestral version of DK Island Swing. (treepop-a3.ogg = Early version of smh's "Arboreal Ascent", I deleted this when I found out.) Kong in Concert - 01 - Vigilante, Protricity - Plight of Heroes (Theme).ogg = Found on one of the FTP servers. Protricity's own encode of their rejected remix in the peer review. Larry Oji (Liontamer) - VG Frequency #31.mp3 = Located on Ari FTP mirror below the download folders. Larry Oji (Liontamer)'s 5½ hour DKC/remix projects/calling prank/VG Frequency radio show. Really funny shit, man! (Large file if you don't know the length of the show: = 225 MB, 96kbps) nacho_thecreditsconcerto.mp3 = Digital Coma's peer review encode of Nacho's rejected remix "Goodbye Mr. Kong". vigilante,protricity_theme.mp3 = Digital Coma's peer review encode of Vigilante & Protricity's rejected remix "Plight of Heroes" (same as above). Please correct me if I there are errors in the list. I have not listed the VGMix/OCR releases (without fades), and not bLiNd's VGMix release before time, which was pulled and not reuploaded yet. Quote
Digital Coma Posted September 19, 2004 Author Posted September 19, 2004 DeepBlue(beta1.5).mp3 = I have forgotten who made this, but it was on the earlier URL I gave and the newest version I was able to get. An Aquatic Ambiance remix with different instruments. Krispy made this. He finished and submitted it to OCR. mine cart.mp3 = I think RICK made this one also, but I am not sure. Just a simple loopable beat to be used in a Mine Cart Madness remix. Daniel Baranowsky made this soon before he quit. Quote
TCK Posted September 19, 2004 Posted September 19, 2004 KRool.ogg = Very cool techno/trance remix of Gang-Plank Galleon by Protricity.That's from DKC2. Quote
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