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Hello everyone!

Hylian Melodies is a ReMix project aimed not at a single game in the series, but at the entire franchise. It does have a basis though, and that is in the different ocarina songs from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.

The idea is that when a remixer has chosen a song they wish to use, they also have to pick a second or more songs (there is no limit, as long as you make the ocarina song apparent) of their own choosing, from the entire franchise, and then mix these together. They can use as much or as little of either the ocarina-song or the second song as they wish, as long as you can identify the ocarina-song in the track somehow. They can of course use more than one song to mix with the ocarina song. Also, if they can direct the mood of the song towards how the ocarina-song is, that would be great, but it's not a requirement.


* If you want to sign up, then either write in this thread, or (preferably) send me a PM, with your idea

* Choose carefully when you choose your source material. You can only pick ONE Ocarina song, but as many other Zelda songs as you want, with a few exceptions of overly remixed tracks (such as Gerudo valley for example).

* In order to qualify for the project, there are some rules to the arrangement itself: When arranging them, it must be a proper arrangement. Placing the source materials next to each other in a medley with different instruments does NOT qualify as an arrangement.

* Your chosen tracks need to be apparent in the final product. The Ocarina song always needs to be recognizable, but it does not have to take the lead in the entire song if you don't want it to. The other tracks can be as much up front or in the background as you want.

* In order for me to know that you can stick to the rules, I need to hear something of your previous work. If possible, if you have anything where two or more tracks are being mixed together, I'd like to hear it. If you have been posted on OCReMix then I see that as a sign of quality, but I still need to hear your ideas for this project.

Here is the track list:

Zelda's Lullaby

Song of Storms + Title screen (OoT) (Tuberz McGee)



+ Sanctuary (LttP) (Aaron Marshall)


+ Ice Cavern (OoT) (Phonetic Hero)

Goron's Lullaby

New Wave Bossa Nova

+ No song selected yet (wildfire)


We could also have the ocarina/flute songs from A Link to the Past and even the first Zelda game, as bonus tracks for the album, if there is enough interest.

Other contributors:

Bakuri, available for female vocals collab (


IntoTheSky, available for male vocals and drums collab (Sample)

Chris | Amaterasu, available for violin collab (Sample)

ChibiBritt, available for female vocals collab (Sample)

Project status: Recruiting



Let me know what you think, and if you'd like to sign up or help out in any other way. :)


Thanks for the support! Well, at this stage you can mostly just spread the word. But if you think of anything you can do that might benefit the project, then send me a PM and we'll talk. :)


Hmm...I would love to be a part of this. I just need to figure out what to mix with what, lol. I know i wanna use the cave/battle theme from Zelda 2 NES, but i'm not sure what i could mix that with that would sound good. :D

Hmm...I would love to be a part of this. I just need to figure out what to mix with what, lol. I know i wanna use the cave/battle theme from Zelda 2 NES, but i'm not sure what i could mix that with that would sound good. :D

I will be updating the main post, with links to all the different ocarina songs, so that you can listen to them and then maybe have an easier time to decide. :) The cave/battle theme is a great track, and there just has to be a fitting ocarina song for it.

Hey there, this sounds like an interesting concept for a remix project. As a fan of Zelda music, I wouldn't mind joining in.

Great! Send me a PM if you want to claim a track. :)


I would like to claim Zelda's Lullaby with Great Fairy Fountain from OoT. I understand there would be a lot of interest in this track so it's all up for grabs until I send you a WIP and you can decide :). Just lettin' ya know those are my plans.

I will PM you a WIP as soon as I can.


Yes, this is to everyone interested in the project really (and I'll put it in the main post), for your participation to be accepted I either need to hear something you've done in the past (both WIPs and completed tracks are fine), and I'd like to hear your ideas on what you want to do with the source material. A short wip of the song for this project i also good, as that covers both those things. If there is enough potential, I'll sign you up.

I don't like saying no to people, but the project needs to hold a certain degree of quality, so that we can become an official album on OCR. But if you're new to the scene, don't fret, I don't need to hear anything amazing at first, just something with good potential. A good idea can take you far!

EDIT: I will sign you up primarily for a track, and you can be there for a maximum of two weeks, and in this time I need to hear something of your so that you can secure the place. Otherwise it will be up for grabs again.

  • 2 weeks later...

A message to all of you, I'm starting to get some WIPs, but they are a bit all over the place. I'd prefer if you send them via PM here on OCR, or send them to me over MSN if I'm online.

For those of you who haven't sent me a sample/WIP song yet, and are awaiting approval, you have about a week left. :)


I suggest you do what Hylian Lemon did with EoL and have the project thread in the remixes board. That could also get you some attention from ppl who don't frequent the recruit/collab forum. Either that or get a forum somewhere (or do both like HL did). KNGI is a good place as there are remixers there already, being or having been on other projects. Talk to Kyle about it. Then there's ThaSauce, has a forum, has remixers, and they've hosted project forums before, like sd3 back in the day.

On a related note, Darke, if it's not there already, stuff like where to get forums and other project-related stuff, shouldn't that be in the project guidelines or a linked project resource post or something? (weird sentence, I know)

Please make sure you're sticking to this and not asking for WIPs or setting deadlines.

Yes, all I'm asking for is a sample so that they can be accepted into the project. I do this mostly by PM, and it's got to do with the recruitment.

I suggest you do what Hylian Lemon did with EoL and have the project thread in the remixes board. That could also get you some attention from ppl who don't frequent the recruit/collab forum. Either that or get a forum somewhere (or do both like HL did). KNGI is a good place as there are remixers there already, being or having been on other projects. Talk to Kyle about it. Then there's ThaSauce, has a forum, has remixers, and they've hosted project forums before, like sd3 back in the day.

Yeah, I've been thinking about that, but I haven't known what forums I could use. Thanks! Could you link to those sites? :)

You spelled Dhsu's handle wrong btw :-P

Damn, I always get that wrong when searching for him in my iTunes as well. :P Well, I fixed it now.

Which reminds me, I don't know what handles the non-posted remixers want to use in this project, so unless anyone tells me otherwise, I'll use the forum handles.

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