SirRus Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 I know you made this a long time ago, and you won't feel bad if I don't like it. So...I don't like it. Haha, not a problem bro, I don't especially like it all that much anymore either, I was just considering if I should try my hand at that song again or not. Really wasn't wanting to spend too much time on that one (it wasn't one of my top choices) so I'll let someone else do a much better job with it. So I'm down for Zeal right now.. that's like 2 minues of song. If I can claim another song right now I'd like to also do The Epoch song still, but I can hold out on that and see if some of the other mixers are going to claim it. I really would like to see them put their names to some of these songs since I am a fan of all of their stuff and am more excited to hear their takes on them than my own, haha.
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 yeah i think i went overboard on my post, in short all id really like to know is what part you want to emphasize in the music for scene ten and eleven... the entire part from where they first enter the tunnel to the point where Crono retrieves the Masamune (3 or 4 minutes of screen time) is not covered by music that's a shame because all of those scenes have a lot of potential for great remixes/arrangements I came up with this for those particular scenes: My Plan for Scenes 9-11 (Rough Draft) *Right Click / Save As* Please and all those ideas just don't fit into the fixed amount of time pretty much what i'm thinking is that scene 10 and 11 should be split into three scenes instead of just two because remixing the fight versus masa and mune would just be awesome oh well maybe i'm asking for too much, i'll guess just have to work with the time you listed I found it to be a good exercise and challenge even to design my music around certain criteria. Just a matter of perspective really... you made some good points, but I hope you are still willing to work within the guidelines Claado set out, cause in my opinion, that's the fun part. yeah i totally agree with this, it does give it a challenge, which makes it all the more fun sorry for trying to make a big deal out of it
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Alright...I'll put you, SirRus, down for the Epoch song. I'll reserve the Crisis and Morning Sunlight songs for you, sephfire, and await your final decision. But I can't promise that you'll keep them...if somebody else asks for them specifically, then they're taken. Also, as soon as all of the pieces are claimed, I'm PMing a site mod to get this placed in the Site Projects forum. I already have an official name for the project (Kong in Concert, Relics of the Chozo, etc.)...but you'll just have to wait to see what it is until it's a Site Project. To Ben...I looked at the document and then at the OST listing. While I do believe that you can effectively do all of the things I had originally planned for those pieces in the 8:30-9:00 allotted, with the way you have it working out, the product should be closer to 14:00-15:00. So if you really want to do it that way...we have the extra space on the ST. Go ahead. BTW, that's a lot to handle. So many songs...are you sure you'll be able to pull it off?
ellywu2 Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Okey dokey, my first work in progress, pretty much the beginning of my piece. Basically i sat down and had a good brainstorm about the whole song, and after reading through the OST listing and script outline i had a basic vision in my head of what was happening. Which is kinda wierd for me, because usually i dont think about my music. Ok 0-10 seconds - standing outside the door to schalas room. 10-40 seconds - approaching schala, more hurriedly etc. Probably with some action shots or something. 40-1:02 schala turns towards them and you see her face, hence the music. 1:02 onwards, introduction of the party, camera on frog? ok, basically thats what i though of so far. I'm working on another part of it as we speak, so if you guys want me to i can upload that soon enough. (oh yeah remember this is very very very first impressions.)
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 nah i'll just let scene 11 go so that i can focus more on improving scenes 9 and 10 someone else can do scene 11, i'm pretty sure someone would like that, and it gives more options open to the people who haven't even picked yet BTW, that's a lot to handle. So many songs...are you sure you'll be able to pull it off? yeah i was like 'holy crap' after i looked back on what i planned, and when i came up with 'this can't fit in 2 minutes!' i decided to write that long post
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Well, Ben, I'm sorry to hear you give up on that piece. And after such a hard-fought battle, too... Mr. Wu, I like the piece, and I can fit it to the visual in the script, just not the visual you give, that's all. I would highly suggest you read the script portion it covers in order to see what's really going on. That way you won't be disappointed when I say it doesn't fit. Good job, otherwise. Very evocative.
SirRus Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 yeah sounds nice so far Mr. Wu (does it bother you that we call you that now? haha) you have a way with them strings.
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Oh, and by the way, in case anybody was confused as to the restrictions placed on this project...every song submitted to this effort can be used however you like. I had a remixer earlier that wanted my permission to submit their piece to VGMix, and I told them what I'm going to tell you: If you want to submit your song to OCR or VGMix or anything else, please do so. Just realize that it will be forever known that it was made for this project, and will be smiled upon for all eternity. AMEN.
Sleepy Emp Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 Ok. Sorry it took me so long to reply - time zones suck. Ben, you may take Lavos Battle if you want. I realise I claimed it four minutes before the official mixing stage started. As for me, I can take the "First Transportation" scene.
Claado Shou Posted November 8, 2004 Author Posted November 8, 2004 Ah. That was very nice of you, Emperor. I'll put you down for the other piece and open up the slot for the Lavos Battle. Very chivalrous of you. ALSO: I PMed Protricity about making this a Site Project, and I hope he permits it. I also asked him not to move it into the other forum until every mixer has had the chance to claim their pieces and knows about the move, so don't expect this to get up and transfer over there anytime soon. Additionally, with the official name of the project decided, I need somebody to help me create a new banner, an official banner for the project. Any volunteers, please PM me and we can get started immediately. ~.C.S.~
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 ohh sweet, I'd like to take Scene 23 *goes back to doing homework* eDiT: okay i just went through the thread and i saw sephire wanted to do the ones i randomly picked because i didn't get what i wanted so i guess i'll drop scene 10 as well and let ellywu2 take them and yeah, i'm very very very happy now, thanks emperor another edit: i was going to say i wanted 9 still but nevermind actually i'll just drop scene 9, 10, and 11, and just wait until everyone's picked before selecting another one (wow i changed scenes like 497 times today sorry lol) and i see Claado Shou is constantly hard at work keeping everything updated on the first page, keep it up (and sorry for editing this post literally 14 times LoL)
ellywu2 Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 Erm, in light of all this, would it be possible to switch to frogs intervention? if its too much hassle dont worry about it.
Claado Shou Posted November 8, 2004 Author Posted November 8, 2004 Erm, in light of all this, would it be possible to switch to frogs intervention? if its too much hassle dont worry about it. Would you like to keep the Schala song as well, or no?
DarkeSword Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 I'm alive. I'll pick tracks once you guys are all settled on yours.
sephfire Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 Whew. Switchin and swappin every which way. Just to reiterate, if anyone desires to take track 7 - "Crisis" or track 20 - "Morning Sunlight" from me, they are welcome. If they want to work together with me on one, even better (repeating myself...). EDIT: Ellywu2, if either of those sound appealling to you, let me know. What software do you use?
SirRus Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 Darke - haha glad to see you're alive, what a gentleman, taking whatever is left Seph, didn't Emperor or ellywu say they would be willing to collab with you earlier? If that didn't work out, I'd be more than happy to switch from Epoch to one of those two and collab with you, I haven't ever done a collab project and I think it would be pretty cool. I'm a Reason user like you too. This of course, would only complicate the shuffling of tracks around for Claado... yikes.
Sleepy Emp Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 Claado Shou, now that I'm working on #4 and #24, could you point out my script sections, please? You've sent me a combined section for #23 and #24 earlier this day, but that one is no longer valid
Claado Shou Posted November 8, 2004 Author Posted November 8, 2004 Damn, people. When are you going to give me a break? Alright, let me try and get this thing back on track... DarkeSword - I would suggest choosing tracks now so that everybody else knows what they can't do. Maybe that would lessen the confusion a bit.
sephfire Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 SirRus: Sure, that sounds cool. Another Reason user would make things much simpler. If you have a preference between the two, let me know. I can do one with you and one with ellywu2 if that works for everybody. I guess you and ellywu can work out who collabs on which? Once you do I guess that's two more Claado can check off the list.
ellywu2 Posted November 8, 2004 Posted November 8, 2004 Hey hey everyone. Well, if i do a collab with sephfire, i doubt i can do schalas theme as well as 10-11, due to university work etc. Oh, i use FLstudio 4 sephfire
Claado Shou Posted November 8, 2004 Author Posted November 8, 2004 Alright, this = confusing. How's about everybody works things out (by PM, preferably) and then posts in here with their final lineups? That way, I can keep the edit count on the front page below 100.
Rellik Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Ok, I've got some questions about the actual music process. From thinking about it, it seems like the reasonable course of action is to just make a mix as if we were just mixing for fun. Of course, follow the GENERAL theme of the passages, but we can't exactly follow the script down to the detail because it's not even finalized, and the time aspect can only be determined once it's actually filmed, and since it won't be actually filmed (at the very least we're doing this before that happens ) so it's probably a better idea just to make a mix of the themes in question with an eye towards the contents of the themes. Is this what you have in mind, Claado?
AlwaysPuft11 Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Heyheyhey-- from one HUGE CT fan (i've been a fan/player of the game for the past... hm... since 95, anyways), and let me be just one more person to say... Wow! Man, don't you all just hate me for this? Especially since I don't mix well at all... but still. Very nice work that I've seen so far. The script= awesome (even if Robo and Ayla were left out), and all of the mixes I've heard so far are amazing (presently listening to Unknown's Predetermination-- nice work, man). Somebody way back mentioned a sound-play (like a radio show) of the script. I'm an actor, and may even be pursuing a career in voice-acting (go figure!), and would love to help out in any way, if'n you do decide to go ahead with that idea. It'd be neat. (Once again, sorry for posting even though I have nothing to contribute to the music-making process... You all rock so hard )
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 From thinking about it, it seems like the reasonable course of action is to just make a mix as if we were just mixing for fun. Of course, follow the GENERAL theme of the passages, but we can't exactly follow the script down to the detail because it's not even finalized, and the time aspect can only be determined once it's actually filmed, and since it won't be actually filmed (at the very least we're doing this before that happens ) so it's probably a better idea just to make a mix of the themes in question with an eye towards the contents of the themes. lol... sounds a lot like what i was trying to say three pages ago
Rellik Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 From thinking about it, it seems like the reasonable course of action is to just make a mix as if we were just mixing for fun. Of course, follow the GENERAL theme of the passages, but we can't exactly follow the script down to the detail because it's not even finalized, and the time aspect can only be determined once it's actually filmed, and since it won't be actually filmed (at the very least we're doing this before that happens ) so it's probably a better idea just to make a mix of the themes in question with an eye towards the contents of the themes. lol... sounds a lot like what i was trying to say three pages ago lol... sounds a lot like i didnt read what you were trying to say three pages ago sorry i'll go check it
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