Blake Posted February 4, 2005 Posted February 4, 2005 Updated my WIP again:
sephfire Posted February 4, 2005 Posted February 4, 2005 Finally, someone posts another update. I was starting to worry that SirRus and I were the only two still working on this thing. The WIP is awesome, dude. I especially love the twist it takes near the end with the percussion and such. Very tight. The only thing I could find to complain about are the woodwinds in the beginning maybe being SLIGHTLY too loud, but that may not really be worth fretting over. I love the interpretation so far. Can't wait til it's finished. This WIP is reminding me how downright awesome this project will be once completed.
ellywu2 Posted February 4, 2005 Posted February 4, 2005 Hey everyone, i recently got EWQLSO silver, so i'm currently substituting all my orchestral samples for that, unfortunately i have to do it a little bit at a time, because my computer is DAMN slow Hopefully i'll have an update soonish.
Sleepy Emp Posted February 5, 2005 Posted February 5, 2005 Major update, comrades: To Lands Unknown (Track 8 - A Strange Happening. Crono and Marle use the teleporter for the first time)
sephfire Posted February 5, 2005 Posted February 5, 2005 That's awesome, Emp. One of my favorites of all the WIPs posted here so far. ^^ And as I promised way long ago, here's a WIP from SirRus and I. It still needs to be polished and such, but this is the full length of the track. Hope you like.
ellywu2 Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 There you go guys, first taster of my latest WIP (note the lack of depth or anything , oh, and me trying to use woodwinds because i suck at them!)
Sleepy Emp Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Blizihizake's and Mr. Wu's comments await them in their respective threads in the Wip forum. SirRus and Sephfire's Morning Sunlight. That is good. I would add some depth to the middle section, add a soft trombone in the background, perhaps... But the arrangement is great as it is. Today is a happy day - every wip I hear makes me long for more.
sephfire Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Yeah I love this wave of new WIPs all the sudden. It's getting me back in the spirit. Plus Claado won't be totally pissed when he gets back. I can't wait to hear everyone else's stuff. Thanks for the suggestions Emp.
Blake Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Seph I'd up your master volume, cuz whenever I listen to your song at the correct volume and someone IM's me it scares me to death. Your guys' arrangement is awessome. It all gives me a nostalgic feeling, and makes me want to play Chrono Trigger again. I love your woodwinds. The only gripe I have is the redundant low attacks of the legato strings. Try to connect those notes a little more and the song will flow MUCH better. In my opinion, at least. Good stuff peoples.
SirRus Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 hey thanks for the feedback on morning sunlight fellas, and yeah seph the master volume scares me on this song... we'll have to fix that. Emperor (or sleepy emp now I guess) I love how dramatic and emotional your songs are, your latest WIP rocks! Ellywu, nice start buddy, good flow to it so far, keep developing on what you have and it should turn out magnificent. Weird that the main theme you're doing is schala and yet there is so much "Day the World Revived" but I love the transition, and those drums albeit slightly offputting at first add to the emotional impact. I would say your transition is nearly as flawless as mv's in Foray To Eastern Horizons... amazing man. Oyeah Bliz I'll just post in your WIP thread so go thurr for my thoughts on your latest wip. Love the new sig btw. Latahs.
Claado Shou Posted February 12, 2005 Author Posted February 12, 2005 Alright, people. This is not ZeaLitY. This is the actual Claado, and he is pleased. Yes, Boot Camp sucked. Yes, I just graduated today. Yes, I'm posting this from an Internet Center in some mall just outside Chicago. And yes, this will be the only post I can make in the next week or so, until I have something set up in South Carolina, where I plan to make my home for the next year or two. But yeah, enough about me. I want to put Basic Training behind me and move onto other things...things like Chrono Symphonic. I'm loving what I'm hearing. It's a bit strange to see what's happened to something I put so much effort into before, realizing that it's moved forward without me. But no longer. The basic plan of action in the next few weeks and months to come is simple, as long as nothing comes along to complicate it. I plan to drastically revise certain aspects of the script (dialogue, some of the minor actions, perhaps addition of scenes and maybe even small-part characters) to better adjust to what the music is now saying. It's pretty obvious that you can't expect the music to meet the text and then not have the text return the favor. So...edits are on the way, when time permits. The second part of the basic plan is a continuing support, critique, and creation of the music that is being put forth. That doesn't seem to be making itself a problem, however...from what my ears are detecting, it's very obvious that the people involved here are capable of making decisions for themselves. Of course, overseeing is still necessary, and when the opportunity arises for me to resume that position, I will. The third and final part of the plan involves the creation and maintenance of some auxiliary aspects of the project. File databases, banners, CD covers, website layouts, bandwidth security, etc. Music and words alone make not a project great...this thing will have to have some serious downloadability (not a word, I know) and some serious visual accompaniments if we plan to get everything up to par with other site projects OCReMix has previously encountered. I'm glad to see that the GameFaqs community is so supportive of what's going on, and I'm thrilled to hear some interest from people with something to add to the project, namely Eon_Blue, whose coding skills would be a magnificent aid. But what I'd like to make the point of most is how amazing it is to see a group of people bound only by their loves of music and Chrono Trigger pull together from something as expansive as this entire, spanning server full of remixers and pull off a product like this. With this much talent going forth into the project, I'm positive beyond any doubt that sometime in the near future, Chrono Symphonic will be on the forefront of the CT universe, finding its way diligently into legend, and all of us with it. That said, congratulations, thank you, and I'll see you peeps in a week (or thereabouts). Cya. ~.C.S.~
ellywu2 Posted February 12, 2005 Posted February 12, 2005 Yay! Ok, i have an update, and i know i said i wouldnt post all my updates, but well this is a MAJOR one to Schala and the queen. Basically i've added vocals, and i want to know whether i should keep vocals in or not. Tell me what you think!
Escushion Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 I have no education in music, so I can't do anything to help you guys. But as a music lover (partiuclarly of Chrono Trigger), I just want to express my immense appreciation for you guys undergoing this project. Keep up the excellent work everyone; you're doing the musical world a great justice. If I might make one suggestion though: I think the To Far Away Times WIP could use more to it. It has the main stuff in piano, but I think it could use a constant beat as heard in the background of the original track, and then at points have another instrument join for the main theme for very brief interludes (example: 1:30-1:40), just to add a little more orhcestration to it. The original track is beautiful, but none of the remixes/orchestrations I've heard have been able to match it yet because they over-simplify it. Just a sugggestion.
Hyper Inferno Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 The vocals are good and all, but I don't know if they should be actually singing. Since this is a movie soundtrack, I don't know. I mean if it were for credits it would be fine, but I think it's up to Claado to decide whether to keep them in or not.
Dan Kiden Posted February 16, 2005 Posted February 16, 2005 Great stuff. Overall, the To Far Away Times piano WIP is my favorite. It really derives its power from its simplicity.
Escushion Posted February 17, 2005 Posted February 17, 2005 The vocals are good and all, but I don't know if they should be actually singing. Since this is a movie soundtrack, I don't know. I mean if it were for credits it would be fine, but I think it's up to Claado to decide whether to keep them in or not. That makes me think I downloaded an earlier version, as there weren't any vocals in the one I heard.
Nigel Simmons Posted February 17, 2005 Posted February 17, 2005 Major update, comrades:To Lands Unknown (Track 8 - A Strange Happening. Crono and Marle use the teleporter for the first time) This sounds great!! BUT, I think there's waaaay too much reverb on the mix, and way too much mid range. I'd love to mess around with the mix if you've got a completely dry version of it.
Sleepy Emp Posted February 18, 2005 Posted February 18, 2005 Thanks for the offer. True, I suck at mastering I'll upload the dry version and send you a PM.
Blake Posted February 21, 2005 Posted February 21, 2005 I updated my WIP, time wise. I didn't do any mastering yet. I have been going through musician's block, until I thought about the script more. I found a way to extend the time of my track by covering the different themes of each time period, sort of as if the old sleepy man is describing Crono and his gang about where each of the portals lead.
sephfire Posted February 24, 2005 Posted February 24, 2005 So yeah. Here's final draft v.8 or something. I can't make myself leave it alone. Inciting Incident Mastering = improved unnoticably. kthxbye
Hyper Inferno Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Hey, ellywu2, why'd you take down Frog's Intervention?
ellywu2 Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 I have to rework all my new samples into it, etc etc. Dont worry i still have it, just not in a listenable form at the moment
Blake Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 Totally upgraded sound quality of the song. Never added anything lengthwise yet. The intro sucks I will fix it. Heavily EQ'd and each instrument I individually went through reverbing. There is too much reverb in some parts so I shall fix that. So yeah, check out the updated version here:
Sleepy Emp Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 blizihizake and sephfire Well done, both of you. Great work as usual. Oh, and I have finished the "To Lands Unknown" track. Thank you, Ork Estral!
ellywu2 Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 Got a new update for everyone. Trying to make schala's theme a bit more sinister as requested by claado. I dunno, i was just mucking around but tell me what you think (oh yeah the horn at 2:54 is a bit loud ) oh, btw emp, bliz and seph all sounding hot shit at the moment
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