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Well, since it has vanished yet again, here's the third version of this thread.

For those of you coming here for the first time, this is just a friendly request to avoid making a "favorite remix/remixer" thread on this site. I'm sure you're wondering "Why?". Well, the answer is pretty simple. Those threads almost always degenerate into flame wars, as they have been done literally hundreds upon hundreds of times (and thusly, everyone is sick of them). Also, those threads usually get the same answers each time, and this can lead to hurt feelings... and yet more flames.

If you feel the urge to divide your OCR collection up into the "WOW!" and "HOW'D THIS GET ON THE SITE?!" categories, please do so on your hard drive, and not on the site itself.

Moderator edit:

We're broadening this to favorite/worst stuff threads in general. They have the nasty habit of causing flamewars very fast (along the lines of "U IDIOT TAHT GAEM/SYSTEM SUX BALLZ/IZ GRATE") Same goes for those silly "Who would win?" threads actually. There's no winners in those, only losers. Not to mention that in most cases it's impossible to determine who'd win, since it's all based on opinion anyways ;).

The Coop edit:

I noticed a recent comment by Hausdog, and felt the need to update this post. It's been a while since the first version of this thread was made, and I figured it's time to give a more in-depth answer as to why these threads are still frowned upon.

The reason OCR has a "No favorites" policy is two fold...

1- To avoid having the remixes be "ranked". The point of OCR is that all the songs posted here passed the judging process, and thus, are worth at least giving a listen. The site doesn't divide the remixes up by most downloads, most positive/negative reviews, or what have you, and by extension, it doesn't allow user made threads that do the same basic thing. Doing so results in remixes being ignored that might have otherwise at least been given a chance, simply because some people didn't like it, or because the remixer wasn't on someone's "OMG BESTEST" list. The goal is to have listeners... well, listen. And threads that name the same few remixers and tunes over and over as people's favorites pretty much fubars that concept, and results in mixes being passed over because no one mentioned them in "favorite remix/remixer thread #17597".

OCR wants you to decide what you'll keep by hearing the songs. Not by going with popular vote.

2- Favorite game threads, like the remix/remixer ones, have been done to death. Franchises like Final Fantasy have had so many threads asking which one was your favorite, it was getting to the point of being like the movie Groundhog Day. You'd see them and think to yourself, Didn't we just do this? Such threads are also prime targets for flame-fests, as the moment someone disses the franchise (which always happens), the people who like it come to their beloved series' rescue and go after the supposed heretic that besmirched their game's good name (which also always happens). Bickering starts, and the cycle is complete. While the site supports people being able to discuss the games (and game music) they enjoy, the generalized threads dedicated to things like "Favorite Final Fantasy game", "Best Sonic game", "Favorite shmup", "Favorite Chrono Trigger song", "Favorite video game babe", "Favorite RPG weapon", "Favorite video game series", and so forth, will get the boot.

Keep in mind, if you're new to a franchise that has a lot of installments, it's okay to ask people which one(s) would be a good starting point. If you're new to a particular genre, it's fine to ask for advice on which ones are worth getting. If you just picked up a system, you're free to ask for recommendations... especially if it's an older system that has a huge library of games. But if all you're wanting to do as ask people "what's you're favorite _______?", no matter how you try and word it, it will most likely be locked rather quickly.

So there are the essentials behind why "favorite" threads are frowned upon. If you want to talk about a particular game, you can. If you want to compare and contrast the traits of a couple different series, you can. If you want to know what game holds a special place in the hearts of posters everywhere (and why it does), you can ask. But if you're just interested in knowing things like what everyones favorite healing spell is, your thread'll get shut down. Not because the mods don't like you, but because you stumbled upon an OCR "no-no".


Non-remix Favorite threads tend to be frowned upon too, as we've seen with Favorite Snack Food this week. Some topics are neat, like Favorite Weapon/Item or Favorite Boss, but some judgement really needs to be exercised before you start one of these.

Coop: why does the thread keep disappearing?

Non-remix Favorite threads tend to be frowned upon too, as we've seen with Favorite Snack Food this week. Some topics are neat, like Favorite Weapon/Item or Favorite Boss, but some judgement really needs to be exercised before you start one of these.

Coop: why does the thread keep disappearing?

The vengeful ghosts of the old FAVRIT REMIXS threads, perhaps?

Yes, most favorites threads are looked down upon.

Coop: why does the thread keep disappearing?

I wish I knew. Even [-Smoke-] doesn't know what happened to the first thread, and I'm sure the second ones disappearance is just as mysterious.

I'm wondering if it has something to do with it not being posted in for 3-4 weeks, since that seems to be how long threads last in this forum. Maybe despite being a stickied thread, it still gets deleted due to inactivity.

Coop: why does the thread keep disappearing?

I wish I knew. Even [-Smoke-] doesn't know what happened to the first thread, and I'm sure the second ones disappearance is just as mysterious.

I'm wondering if it has something to do with it not being posted in for 3-4 weeks, since that seems to be how long threads last in this forum. Maybe despite being a stickied thread, it still gets deleted due to inactivity.

We'll just have to remember to reply to it every fortnight or so.

Coop: why does the thread keep disappearing?

I wish I knew. Even [-Smoke-] doesn't know what happened to the first thread, and I'm sure the second ones disappearance is just as mysterious.

I'm wondering if it has something to do with it not being posted in for 3-4 weeks, since that seems to be how long threads last in this forum. Maybe despite being a stickied thread, it still gets deleted due to inactivity.

The second one vanished in less than 2 weeks. And Stickies aren't affected by the age of the most recent post, they stick forever until unstickied when too old.

Coop: why does the thread keep disappearing?

I wish I knew. Even [-Smoke-] doesn't know what happened to the first thread, and I'm sure the second ones disappearance is just as mysterious.

I'm wondering if it has something to do with it not being posted in for 3-4 weeks, since that seems to be how long threads last in this forum. Maybe despite being a stickied thread, it still gets deleted due to inactivity.

The second one vanished in less than 2 weeks. And Stickies aren't affected by the age of the most recent post, they stick forever until unstickied when too old.

And the mystery continues to unfold...

**plays "Unsolved Mysteries" theme**


A mystery? Perhaps. One that will go unsolved for countless generations? Most likely. Or perhaps it's simply a fact of life that has to be dealt with when you enter... the Twilight Thread.

Coop: why does the thread keep disappearing?

I wish I knew. Even [-Smoke-] doesn't know what happened to the first thread, and I'm sure the second ones disappearance is just as mysterious.

I'm wondering if it has something to do with it not being posted in for 3-4 weeks, since that seems to be how long threads last in this forum. Maybe despite being a stickied thread, it still gets deleted due to inactivity.

We'll just have to remember to reply to it every fortnight or so.

We could just talk about our favourite mixers to keep this bumped, you know :).

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Getting close to that infamous two week mark, so I'm giving another nudge to this thread.

And Lavos, I can see where you're coming from, but most threads about a favorite console are made on purpose by someone being a smart ass because it's a topic that they know will degenerate quickly. Favorite remix and remixer threads on the otherhand, usually get made by newbies that don't know the tiresome aspect of the topic on OCR, and wander into the fire unaware that they're about to get burned.

  • 2 weeks later...
]The second one vanished in less than 2 weeks. And Stickies aren't affected by the age of the most recent post, they stick forever until unstickied when too old.

Then it's possible that stickies themselves have a time limit.

]The second one vanished in less than 2 weeks. And Stickies aren't affected by the age of the most recent post, they stick forever until unstickied when too old.

Then it's possible that stickies themselves have a time limit.

Threads get deleted after a month not 2 weeks, most of the time.

]The second one vanished in less than 2 weeks. And Stickies aren't affected by the age of the most recent post, they stick forever until unstickied when too old.

Then it's possible that stickies themselves have a time limit.

Threads get deleted after a month not 2 weeks, most of the time.

Depends on the expiration time set for each separate forum though. Faster-moving forums benefit from a shorter expiration time to keep size down. And this forum is set to 3 weeks apparently.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

my bad, i guess you could call me a veteran listener but a newbie poster. I didn't realize that there was so much flaming on these boards of our remixing community. I was actually posting that topic in an attempt to find out what other people liked so that just in case there was something i hadnt sampled already, my search for good remixes would be helped along. In any case, I see good reason in disallowing such topics now that I've thought it through more. Thanks for not flaming.

my bad, i guess you could call me a veteran listener but a newbie poster. I didn't realize that there was so much flaming on these boards of our remixing community. I was actually posting that topic in an attempt to find out what other people liked so that just in case there was something i hadnt sampled already, my search for good remixes would be helped along. In any case, I see good reason in disallowing such topics now that I've thought it through more. Thanks for not flaming.

Well, if there's something specific you were looking for, you could try more like "piano mix recommendations."

  • 2 weeks later...

Due to the recent "flux" (or "influx" or however you want to put it) of newer people (I prefer to use the politically correct term for "newbies" :wink: ) I am helping to preserve this thread/sticky by posting.

  • 2 weeks later...

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