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This right here is the Samuel L Jackson of Megaman 2 remixes.This was the first track I ever downloaded from this website,its the first track I ever really digged on Megaman 2 (now i do realy dig them all) and now its the first track I would consider playing in the backround of a horrendus battle betwixt good and evil.

The end,though it seems as though it doesn't belong,is still pretty awesome,and it always suprises and dissapoints me that its over.

I Love This Song.End.

  • 2 years later...
  • 11 months later...

This is one of those few mixes that, imho, transcends the boundaries and expectations of the source. This isn't just a simple 'improvement', but an entire reimagining of a theme, i.e. a mix so well done that that's what the original theme should have been. If that makes sense.

Specifically, this takes 8-bit sounds into the modern era.

A deliciously swift, precise, and ... stainless mix.

  • 2 months later...

Nice. Sparse breakbeat action. It's rare when a mix utilises repetition as a quality and not something that bores or annoys. That NES-like backing never varies, and repeats A LOT of times, which is certainly true to the original and is common in a lot of chiptune based mixes. It doesn't kill the enjoyment, so there can't be anything wrong with it.

This piece doesn't do anything huge or have anything radically fresh to spin on the Mega Man 2 score, but it a good ride and a pretty good promoter of balance between original and adapted material. Great way to give a familiar genre and a familiar melody some unique personality.

  • 2 months later...

I dunno if Capcom is planning an HD remix of Megaman2 (preferably NOT Powered-up this time).

But if they end-up making it, that's what the new Metal Man's stage BGM should sound like.

Because it is indeed a great re-invention of the theme.

The synth work is brillant, and really diversifies the mix. Luv the distorted guitars-synth.

I particularly like the breaks at around 1:45 and 2:48 when it quiets down,

and subtely re-build the tension before the dynamic rythmic parts make their come back.

There's also some nice background pad that add depth to the mix, making it an even more immersive experience.

While staying true to the essence of the original metalman, it amplifies the energy and vision of the theme.

Overall great arrangement.

  • 6 months later...

Complete and utter classic OCR, as far as I am concerned. Great beats, clean production, and excellent synths, it is a little conservative for a lot of parts, but there are sections where it branches, and the melody adjustments in the second iteration of the verse are cool; it really sounds like the track is just on the edge of control. It's rare to hear something skate so close to the edge and maintain, so it's a cool feeling. The breakdown is classy, and when it builds back to a new, seemingly more intense beat, I am a big fan.

Great stuff, one of my favorites for years now.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Man, AE loves these classic synths! The opening synth really did a great job setting the tone. I wasn't a huge fan of the low saw synth as the attack felt a little too slow to be doing what it was doing, but that's personal preference. THe drums have a good drive to them. I wish the kick has a little more meat to it; more thwack in it. But that's minor. As much as I like the opening synth, it does become very repetitive through the piece. Some more processing and automation to it might have helped a bit more. 2:48 was epic. I love those kinds of builds into a big part! THe breakbeat section that immediately follows calms the drums down, but in a since, the lack of franticness helps this song kick even harder. I'm definitely dancing in my seat during it! THe ending was a little abrupt, but I felt it wasn't as bad as the two previous mixes. Good work all around.

  • 1 year later...

I love this mix, and, to me, it sounds like what the BGM SHOULD sound like.

I will agree that it does end abruptly, but if you loop it end to beginning, it loops perfectly ;)

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00364 - Mega Man 2 "Stainless Steel"
  • 8 years later...

Still a great remix, and another hit by the artist. The enrichment on the source tune really nails that action/desperation vibe that any Mega Man level should have. I actually don't have an issue with the ending. While it could have another 10-20 seconds after that final buildup, it's nowhere near the abruptness of Wind Shear (which I also really liked!)

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