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Ah, feels good to be a PS3 owner.

I recently bought ICO for the PS2 and it didn't work on my HD tv, I got pissed and spent a few minutes cursing new technology. lol

Then I read this article about a HD release of these two games here:


And I'm pretty excited about this, as I loved Shadow of the Colossus and I've heard great things about ICO and I'd love to see how well they improve on the frame-rate issues etc. that I experienced while playing the game on PS2.

Cheers to this good news! *holds up a glass of Nuka-Cola*

EDIT: Video contributed by Drayzon -


Yes! Now I'll finally be able to see the refracted glisten of the sun's rays off the watermelon seeds.

  Drayzon said:

Looks awesome, but just like ella was talking about in her blog, visual crispness doesn't make the atmosphere. I'll withhold judgment until I can actually trial-play these, but I'm concerned that losing the burred imperfections will detract from the mystery.

Regardless, this is great for people who haven't played the originals, as they are both phenomenal games. It also gives the current marketing department the opportunity to correct the past mistake in choice of Ico's North American cover art.


i'm much more interested in the HD-izing of these games than the 3D. people who think 3D is awesome saw Avatar a few times too many - it really, REALLY doesn't work well in the standard living room, and with games that haven't been optimized to the level of Avatar, it slaughters your eyes after a few hours.

it's the re-releasing of these games, with better art, that matters. first God of War I and II, now ICO and SotC...you'd want to look at other major series that would likely get updates. Kingdom Hearts is a no-brainer, particularly considering the cartoony nature of the graphics. FFX combined with either X-2 or XII (or maybe both) are also no-brainers. i only include X-2 because it's one of the top-rated games of all time over in J-land, i'd personally prefer X/XII.

beyond that, i don't know what games i'd expect to see. those are the big console-specific money-makers that they wouldn't just make a sequel on the PS3 for (like Twisted Metal and Gran Tourismo). maybe the old MGS games? but i'd expect that to be a multi-platform deal, since MGS sold very well on the xbox as well as the ps2. DMC or RE are possibilities, but with the total series reboot to both of them (DMC upcoming, RE with RE5) i doubt it.


I've been playing through Ninja Gaiden Sigma and I gotta say HD rereleases of popular last-gen games are definitely awesome, and they have the potential to sell new releases that wouldn't normally be bought due to simple nonchalance (I wasn't gonna buy Sigma 2, but after playing through the original again with superpretty graphics, I probably will now.)

So yeah, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix +++ Anthology HD Collection Re:Complete [insert extra title words here]

please make it Square

  relyanCe said:
there is seriously not enough fanboy squealing going on in this thread.

get to it, people.

While its no sqealing, I'd think that suggesting I might purchase a PS3 SOLELY for these games would get my fanboyism across...

  prophetik said:
i'm much more interested in the HD-izing of these games than the 3D. people who think 3D is awesome saw Avatar a few times too many - it really, REALLY doesn't work well in the standard living room, and with games that haven't been optimized to the level of Avatar, it slaughters your eyes after a few hours.

it's the re-releasing of these games, with better art, that matters. first God of War I and II, now ICO and SotC...you'd want to look at other major series that would likely get updates. Kingdom Hearts is a no-brainer, particularly considering the cartoony nature of the graphics. FFX combined with either X-2 or XII (or maybe both) are also no-brainers. i only include X-2 because it's one of the top-rated games of all time over in J-land, i'd personally prefer X/XII.

beyond that, i don't know what games i'd expect to see. those are the big console-specific money-makers that they wouldn't just make a sequel on the PS3 for (like Twisted Metal and Gran Tourismo). maybe the old MGS games? but i'd expect that to be a multi-platform deal, since MGS sold very well on the xbox as well as the ps2. DMC or RE are possibilities, but with the total series reboot to both of them (DMC upcoming, RE with RE5) i doubt it.

I guess SquEnix would never release combined titles. If they made stuff into HD they would release every game individually and take full retail price. I would love to see the DMC games in HD though.


that's the only reason i played it, BS. i wanted to see what the hype was. the movie in the middle of the game was ok, but as a whole i hated it.

dual dragons, they already released GoW I and II combined for only 40 bucks, and the Sly compilation is going to be only 40$ as well. the only set of games that i'd pay more than that for would be all three of the PS2 FF games - i'd be comfortable with 50 or 60, since it's three games. but more than 20$ a pop and they'd have trouble moving units.


I have several things to say on and off of the topic. Here goes.

  K.B. said:
...the past mistake in choice of Ico's North American cover art.
I agree. That box art was horrible. As a painting it's fine. But as a game cover, it didn't make me want to play that game at all.
  prophetik said:
i'm much more interested in the HD-izing of these games than the 3D. ...Kingdom Hearts is a no-brainer, particularly considering the cartoony nature of the graphics. FFX combined with either X-2 or XII (or maybe both) are also no-brainers. i only include X-2 because it's one of the top-rated games of all time over in J-land, i'd personally prefer X/XII.
I swear, nobody has such similar taste in FFs as Prophetik and I. We're always promoting FFVIII and XII in a see of FF7 comments. There is a large group of people out there who think we should only focus on new games, but I'm in the "bring on the remakes" crowd. I'm totally getting this.
  Brandon Strader said:
Is that a fact? Oh boy. That game was about as tailored to the j-pop crowd as possible though. :-x
Yes. It was. But come on... COME ON...! I know it had CHEESY-ass dialogue and girl power all over it but it was so stylish and the battle mode was one of FF's best in my opinion.

I'm gonna say the same impossible thing I always say when people talk about remakes. Remake Xenogears! I know it's never gonna happen.

There. I have thoroughly derailed the thread, so let me get it back on track: THIS IS GONNA BE SWEEEEET! I played both on PS2 back in the day. HD versions of the colossi will be so nuts. I just wish they could have given them all different deaths. They all have different puzzles for climbing them, but they all die by being stabbed in the head. I wanted to make one of them fall into a ravine or something like that.

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