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Why does ppl here Sucks ?

That's right, ppl just blows.

We come on this subforum, we see WHINE WHINE WHINE POOR RESEARCH

We click thread or thread and we reed a thread (like this one) it reveals 0 research.

This really makes me hate the way we go for reading to threads here and for that, I almost never ever look for ppls threads

I hate going through that list of all the threads from one to another and have to point out the right subforum.

Why does ppl work that way???

edit: ok well some ppl are ok.. but why doesn't looking around for the right forum work for YOU ?

*ahem* Search engine is a known issue, it's pretty much half-done afaik. Nothing new in this thread.


Sort of a lamely feisty/unnecessarily whiny post, but not necessarily without a point.


  1. Could make "All" the default search bar selection and go to custom google search results by default
  2. Autocomplete might help folks out a bit, as the "Mega Man" options would pop up after typing in "Mega"
  3. We've got an aliases field for games where I *suppose* we could fill in "megaman" for each and every Mega Man game, thus returning them for those searches
  4. I do intend to bring back alpha navigation, but only on the actual list pages, i.e. http://ocremix.org/games/

Thoughts welcome, moving to Site Issues & Feedback forum...

Sort of a lamely feisty/unnecessarily whiny post, but not necessarily without a point.


  1. Could make "All" the default search bar selection and go to custom google search results by default
  2. Autocomplete might help folks out a bit, as the "Mega Man" options would pop up after typing in "Mega"
  3. We've got an aliases field for games where I *suppose* we could fill in "megaman" for each and every Mega Man game, thus returning them for those searches
  4. I do intend to bring back alpha navigation, but only on the actual list pages, i.e. http://ocremix.org/games/

Thoughts welcome, moving to Site Issues & Feedback forum...

I like options 2 and 4, but there was always a certain "charm" about seeing the alpha navigation on top of the main page (at least for me). But its you site bro.


I also approve of #1. :D

Rozovian, not everybody is a forum/internet addicted. Maybe you are but people doesn't always work perfect like you wish they would. I couldn't care less about not posting in the right section, I posted in community so maybe someone would tell me how to use the search engine better.

I just think it's funny how we have an highly visible site issues&feedback forum and still get posts like this in community. If it had ended up in help&newbies I wouldn't mind, that's understandable, but you gave it enough thought to put it in community for a reason and not where it belongs so the ppl it concerns could better find it (without djp moving it) you're just being a n00b. And not in the newb sense. (not your first misplaced thread, either)

Not be be a jerk, but lern 2 internet. :P

  • 1 month later...

I really, really dislike this approach to a forum suggestion, but since this topic already exists, I suppose bumping is the right thing to do.

djp: option two, s'il te plait. Option three would work as well, but from the sound of it that would be the most hassle to implement. Option one isn't terrible, but google searches are problematic (I want a result within site x, not outside it) or, at the very least, ugly. Speaking strictly from experience, of course; perhaps there are better ways to implement it than I've seen.

And alpha navigation for sure.

So, that's a number two and a number four. With poutine.

And because I already had a post typed out and I don't want it to go unseen nyah.

Like an idiot, I just searched for "starfox". A redirect or a probable-intended-search return function (proper terminology?), in this case to "star fox", might be a useful feature. That is, I think it's a fair assumption that newcomers weened on google might make a similar mistake and think ocr doesn't have any mixes of the game in question. It would also be convenient for idiots.

No, I have no idea how hard this would be to implement (especially in the case of a smart search) or if it is even practical. It's simply a suggestion in a vacuum. Probably way down the to-do list, but I thought it worth mentioning.

  • 7 months later...

I've gotten used to it by just typing a few letters of whatever I'm searching (fina for final fantasy, donk for Donkey Kong Country), but the search bar could definitely use some improvement. That being said, I have no idea how much work it would need to be improved, and it might be better to focus on other things that need improving.

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