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If you call your "research" actually playing the games instead of going by the nerd-default metacritic score-check....Oh, sorry about that. Maybe you should let go of your own fanboyism. Since the guy you're dealing with has beaten Karnov, Ninja Gaiden, and the entire Double Dragon series while wasted, I'm not really intimidated. Do carry on though, young sir.

I have a 360 and Wii, and I love them both - As to you people who think that either of those consoles suck: you are both full of shit. Wii haters can especially blow it, since they are the most out of touch with the fact that the Wii actually has a really strong library.

But, Brushfire is the guy that these people count on. Don't take it as hate - But you people need to remember your roots. I like you Brushfire, and I like your crew here, but don't forget to keep it real and back up your arguments with real logic. You people who yell the words "fanboy" are in fact, fanboys.

I would hardly call the mountain of shovelware that the wii has a strong library. Or crappy motion control ports of PS2 games a strong library. Or all the old games that are rereleased on Wii Ware. Also beating old games does nothing for your argument except say "I beat this old game that, while is availible to play on the Wii, I have had 20 years to practice at it on the system that it originally came out on."

I have had all of the current console generation. While yes I do have leanings towards 360, I would hardly call it a fanboy obsession. The reason my 360 gets more playtime than my PS3 is because most third-party Multi-platform games get developed on the 360 first and then ported to the PS3. Therefore most of them run much smoother. Logic and rational thinking my friend. Halo Reach was not great, nor was Halo 3, and especially ODST. Sure that may not prove that I am not a fanboy, but that is the cry of the typical Xbox Fanboy.

Also, who counts on me? I have said several times that I am not a credible source of information. Save for my vast knowledge of Rock Band and what not. All my opinions are what they are. Opinions. Nothing more. Granted they are more antagonistic than most, but that is because I don't let the small shit in games slide.

If anything I am not a fanboy, but an anti-fanboy. Someone who has a bias toward something, but no pro-bias. My bias against the Wii comes from nintendo's lack of care that they put into most of their games. Occasionally they try to shake things up like in Mario Galaxy, which added some great stuff to the formula of Mario games. Then other times they try it but don't put any love into it like with Metroid Other M. But mostly they recycle the same tired formula. Like with every Zelda game since Ocarina. Do I feel Nintendo owes me? No, but I do feel that they can do better.

DS is still strong though!


I think that my DS probably gets the most use too, but the Wii is in a close second. Definitely my most played console this gen. I play that thing nearly everyday, whether just a random level of Mario Galaxy, or replaying Metroid Other M for the 3rd time(I'm going to start a 0% run soon, which will be my 4th playthrough). And of course, I will never never NEVER get tired of the metroid Prime Trilogy games. I'm also looking forward to DKC returns and Epic Mickey, and even Sonic Colors. Also Zelda SS.

The ratio is (in my opinion) like this:

Wii: Good to bad games: 1:4. Excellent to good games: 1:2

360: Good to bad games: 1:2. Excellent to good games: 1:6

PS3: Good to bad games: 1:2. Excellent to good games: 1:5

Yes the wii has more bad games than the other two, but is has more excellent games than the other two. The problem is that most people want a new "Good" or "Great" game every month, instead of a "Excellent" or "A+++" game every six months. I'm okay with getting one game, finishing it, then playing again with 100%, and then taking a break from games for a bit. After that, I'll go back and play some more of an older game I haven't finished or play a Metroid Prime game again. By that time, a new "A+++" game has come out and I'm ready to get it.

Anyways, this is supposed to be a thread about motion controllers.

After inspecting my room, I don't think a Kinect would like my living room setup very much. How much space do you need for it? Does is HAVE to see your feet at all times?

I would hardly call the mountain of shovelware that the wii has a strong library.

The top selling system of the generation always gets the most shovelware. The PS2, the N64, the SNES, the NES, the Atari... they all had loads of crap games thrown on them by companies hoping to cash in on the market. That's just the way it is.

There are more shit-level games on the DS than the PSP, simply because it the higher selling system. Hell, if you want to include the iTouch/iPhone (yeah, really fair comparison... media tablets and phones against dedicated game systems...), you could say that iOS has the most shovelware. They have how many games on it? Thousands? But how many of them are actually any good?

Any way, we are getting off-topic. Motion controls. Man, do they ever suck.


I've heard more than a few people say that Sony's Move is positioning itself to steal away the motion control market from Nintendo because it basically does what Nintendo did, but better.

Might not be relevant anymore since the Wii's already made its money and has the mindshare, but there's an opportunity for Nintendo here to slide into decline if they're not careful.


aw nuts i had to login just to reply to this

If anything I am not a fanboy, but an anti-fanboy. Someone who has a bias toward something, but no pro-bias. My bias against the Wii comes from nintendo's lack of care that they put into most of their games. Occasionally they try to shake things up like in Mario Galaxy, which added some great stuff to the formula of Mario games. Then other times they try it but don't put any love into it like with Metroid Other M. But mostly they recycle the same tired formula. Like with every Zelda game since Ocarina. Do I feel Nintendo owes me? No, but I do feel that they can do better.

While I do agree that Nintendo's games just haven't really been all that appealing as of late, people have been saying that since pretty much the N64. Most consider the Cube to be a flop, and for the longest time I heard people say that the library was mostly garbage. What's funny is that they said the same thing when the 64 was still in the market.

Anyway my point was that, uh, who does it better than Nintendo, honestly? I don't mean to be a fanboy, but who radically changes up every single game they make so that none are the same and they're all an entirely different experience? No one does. I guess Team ICO does, but how many games have they made?

Nintendo does pretty well with their series in comparison to most other developers out there. Look at Black Ops, some reviewers are saying that there aren't really any changes.

I'm sure you already know that from an economic standpoint Nintendo really should just churn out Twilight Princess styled OoT ripoffs and sell them because people eat that shit up. So I won't mention it. But from a quality point of view, Nintendo has consistently done pretty good with their franchises. I don't really get what you're complaining about, each series only has maybe one bad apple. Mario has Sunshine, Zelda is stale in general, and Metroid now has Other M.

I've heard more than a few people say that Sony's Move is positioning itself to steal away the motion control market from Nintendo because it basically does what Nintendo did, but better.

Might not be relevant anymore since the Wii's already made its money and has the mindshare, but there's an opportunity for Nintendo here to slide into decline if they're not careful.

I dunno. It'll take Sony years to catch up to Nintendo. And they still won't have Xenoblade or The Last Story.


Yeah, well, neither do we yet. :|

I have all 3 systems. Wii has been my mainstay, I haven't played my XBox in forever, and my PS3 I just got 2 weeks ago (and have yet to actually play anything on it, though I have 6 games queued up).

Wii's only real dry spell was between Prime 3 and Super Paper Mario, I think. I've had no trouble finding fun, quality titles ever since. The XBox, meanwhile... Last game I played on it was Brutal Legend. Although I have 3 games for it queued up, two are horror games and I'm not so sure I'm a fan of those much.

EDIT: And motion controls are fine. I don't mind waggle -- it's just another "button" really. That said I don't plan on getting Kinect or Move, ever. The Wii is enough for me in that regard.


I'll give that to you, Nintendo could certainly mix things up a bit. Super Mario Galaxy 2 worried me a bit - It seems they're happy with more of the same. I'm glad I rented it instead of bought it because I don't see a reason to own it with the first game available, and I thought that New Super Mario Brothers could've have been more polished. They're getting lazy, and it's true because it's visible from a mile away.

Many of us stuck with the system and have had a lot of fun with it over the years. Sure, there's lots of shovelware, but it's not hard to spot the good games. Although I think I'm getting to old to argue about video games on the net. I think I bottled up all of my gamer hate for a year or two and decided to let it out right here, so I'm sorry about that. But, it's like people get a free pass for ripping the wii, but oh no don't ever make fun of a "superior HD console." Self-serving bias works that way. People think that they're not subject to the same criticism they employ due to some loophole they've created in their own mind. Yet, I think people should actually play the games that they make fun of, I see a lot of people just reading what others say or what Yahtzee says and then just running with it.


Super Mario Galaxy 2 was actually the first game I've enjoyed from Nintendo since...maybe Metroid Prime 2. I didn't like the original all that much.


Was anyone not expecting more of the same with galaxy 2? I think that was the point. It was more of the same done right, and some of the most fun I've had playing videogames this generation.


Plus, remember what Mario Galaxy consists of: Variety. Every level had you doing something different. So really, "more of the same" in this case means "More variety", which it certainly delivered on.


Yeah, I really liked being able to play with four people on NSBW, and I liked it so much that I had to get a copy for my little brother, but I thought they could've made it that much more awesome by spending more time on the graphics and options. Nintendo are lazy, but it doesn't mean that their games suck. Anyway, there are two things I'd like to say:

1. I had a bad drink and acted like a total dick last night, especially to Brushfire. You can find my apology on page 3.

2. We're off topic. We're supposed to be talking about the controllers. Alright. Peace.

Yeah, I really liked being able to play with four people on NSBW, and I liked it so much that I had to get a copy for my little brother, but I thought they could've made it that much more awesome by spending more time on the graphics and options. Nintendo are lazy, but it doesn't mean that their games suck. Anyway, there are two things I'd like to say:

1. I had a bad drink and acted like a total dick last night, especially to Brushfire. You can find my apology on page 3.

2. We're off topic. We're supposed to be talking about the controllers. Alright. Peace.

No apology necessary my good man. I enjoy the occasional ribbing.

New Super Mario Bros Wii is a friend killer. Go ahead, grab an Ice Flower and see how long a friendship can last.

New Super Mario Bros Wii is a friend killer. Go ahead, grab an Ice Flower and see how long a friendship can last.

I'm not really a Mario fan, but I wanted to give this game a try. My friends and my fiance are total dicks though, and kept jumping on my head or throwing me off cliffs. That game is so frustrating.

on topic: But the controls in it were good :wink:


I got to use the Kinect and the move and i really like the Kenect i don't have to get up or use a controller to use my xbox for movies and the dancing games and fighters unleashed where fun. PS move on the other hand not so much it is just like the wii only the games are not as fun. I have fixed my xbox from the red ring 3 times and im going to just get the new bundle with the kenect.

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