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Guys, :) I should start seeing some new WIPS in dis thread soon. As a sign of my respect:


Tell me what you think, so far. Be honest.

Wow Mythril, I love this so far. Sounds more like Ghost in the Shell or some other anime then Doom, but its cool noetheless. The little vocal bits seemed a bit wierd at first, but they worked better than I initialy thought they would. Ending seems somewhat abrupt though.


Put down TO and Carbie for the respective songs. Also, i added Larsec as another remixer of the Text theme, as he has a WIP that he just showed me, and he's gonna get ahold of a female vocalist, apparently (the same one who sings for Mahoney of c64 mixing fame) to record vocals for it.

Anduril, thats exactly what I was going for, as you can tell by the title. It's not over. I just havent finished it.


ArseAssassin had a really nice remix of containment area. Somehow klm09 just crossed him out of the list as Peeples appeared. It's absolutely worthy to be onboard, just ask him, Myth.

Man, right now I honestly don't know why I picked that track. I can't hear those 007ish chords anymore. For the record, I uploaded my WIP at soundclick:


Don't find it that great. I'm a little busy these days, so I don't know if I'll be able to start something new or develop this one nicely. Maybe it would be better to put a 'free' behind e2m1.

Also, i added Larsec as another remixer of the Text theme

I don't know if there is any size or length limits to this project but in principal you could have 4 text music remixes since there are 4 episodes and the theme playes at the end of each one (Right? Can't remember for sure). So, given that they varied enough from eachother, wouldn't it be possible to include both TO's and my own (and Bart Klepta's if that is indeed the song he is working on)?

My own has kind of an "The End" feel to it, so that could work as the last one...

Also, i added Larsec as another remixer of the Text theme

I don't know if there is any size or length limits to this project but in principal you could have 4 text music remixes since there are 4 episodes and the theme playes at the end of each one (Right? Can't remember for sure). So, given that they varied enough from eachother, wouldn't it be possible to include both TO's and my own (and Bart Klepta's if that is indeed the song he is working on)?

My own has kind of an "The End" feel to it, so that could work as the last one...

If this is actually going to be a soundtrack or music WAD, then there is only room for one text music theme, since there's only one space. unless someone knows how to reprogram it.


I came up with this idea.

TO, your songs are usually dark moody...err, I hate to make an error in genre judgement here but...ambientish sounding electronica pieces, right? Why don't you create something like that and then it will FADE into Larsec's section. We can either have it as two remixes, or one long track (I don't think one seven minute track will harm anyone). What say you both to that?

What say you both to that?

At this point in time, I don't like that idea, but that might change when I hear what TO is doing. I still think the idea i proposed is better but it's your call, MN, and if there will only be room for one mix in the end I'll pull mine out, since I wasn't supposed to be working on it in the first place :)


My TV productions class is doing a commercial assignment. My group has decided to do an action figure commercial, because you know... anything that can bust through a wall of cups must be cool. Anyway, we need music, and all the nonliscenced music is pure shit. I was wondering if you guys would give permission to use one of your songs in the commercial.

My TV productions class is doing a commercial assignment. My group has decided to do an action figure commercial, because you know... anything that can bust through a wall of cups must be cool. Anyway, we need music, and all the nonliscenced music is pure shit. I was wondering if you guys would give permission to use one of your songs in the commercial.

Pick one, then PM the author.

Updated the mix...


What say you both to that?

At this point in time, I don't like that idea, but that might change when I hear what TO is doing. I still think the idea i proposed is better but it's your call, MN, and if there will only be room for one mix in the end I'll pull mine out, since I wasn't supposed to be working on it in the first place :)

If that doesnt work, I have no qualms about putting both mixes on the actual project. TO can choose to remove one for the WAD, but in terms of the actual project, I see no reason not to have both tracks on IF IT BECOMES NECESSARY.


hmmm. :?

Anyways, Larsec PMd me in IRC with some good news. I hope he doesn't mind if I share it.

[02:58] <Larsec> Talked to Mahoney. He said at least 2 of the girls would much likely be very interested in joining in on this project... I am off to the library where I can sit in peace and write some lyrics and hopefully manage to get the music into BETA today...


I would like it if I could get a status check in from people. Leave me a message on AIM, IRC or PM me.


I'm back, Mythril. :wink:

Exactly why do you need my mix now? I kinda figured that Peeples was doing E2M2, since everyone's worshipping the guy and such.

Well anyway, I really can't post right now, since I can't acces the Intarweb from home. That means I can't upload any WIPs, but I'll try to check back here as often as possible.

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