EvilHorde Posted January 17, 2005 Posted January 17, 2005 Oh CRAP! That Tower of Babel (E2M8) song is awesome, never heard it before. I´m gonna give it a try but don´t sign me in just yet. I´ll get back to you in about a week and let you know if I get a remix out of it.
Navi Posted January 18, 2005 Author Posted January 18, 2005 I finally went through and organized the jumbled mess that is the project list. COMPLETED TRACKSE1M1 - EvilHorde - NamelessE1M2 - Joker - Industrial StrengthE1M6 - Beatdrop - ReprocessedE2M2 - ArseAssassin - NamelessE3M3 - analoq - NamelessCONFIRMED TRACKSE1M4 - Sir Nuts - NamelessE1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e - JDBC RequestE1M8 - DJC or Prophecy - NamelessE1M9 - TO - Secrets and LiesE2M1 - Dan B - Nameless E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul - NamelessE2M6 - Adhesive Boy - NamelessE3M2 - Larsec - NamelessE3M8 - Prophecy - NamelessText Music - Larsec - NamelessThe End - TO - ElectroCute BunnyUNCONFIRMED TRACKSE1M5 - Richter/Dan B - NamelessE2M7 - Bill - NamelessE2M9 - nousentre - NamelessUP FOR GRABSE1M3: Toxin RefineryE2M8: Tower of Babel
The Joker Posted January 18, 2005 Posted January 18, 2005 Okay, get ready to update that there list. Here's my final WIP. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=47072&start=0&sid=de326b168c947d826e733fb80925be5b w00tah!
Sir_NutS Posted January 18, 2005 Posted January 18, 2005 I got my headphones back so I can start mixing again. I started e1m4 a few weeks ago and I was checking it last night, so I might drop a wip really soon.
EvilHorde Posted January 18, 2005 Posted January 18, 2005 Okay, get ready to update that there list. Here's my final WIP.http://www.paletteswap.com/secret/DSoP%20-%20Da%20Joker%20-%20E1M2%20Industrial%20Strength.mp3 w00tah! Damn this is TIGHT! I´ve been listening to this over and over. I don´t hear much of the original tune in this but I don´t care. I guess this truly is a REMIX then... I like this very much. Great sounds you got there and a wicked sound canvas. You´re the man.
analoq Posted January 18, 2005 Posted January 18, 2005 Wow. I´m getting huge retro vibes. Don´t know if they´re intentional or not, but I just get them, don´t you try and stop me. yeah, i did try and go for an older quasi-industrial sound. thanks evilhorde. cheers.
Navi Posted January 18, 2005 Author Posted January 18, 2005 Wow. I´m getting huge retro vibes. Don´t know if they´re intentional or not, but I just get them, don´t you try and stop me. yeah, i did try and go for an older quasi-industrial sound. thanks evilhorde. cheers. *cough*name*cough*
EvilHorde Posted January 18, 2005 Posted January 18, 2005 *cough*name*cough* Well you know what? I kinda thought that I´d name it Jennifer. Or maybe Jonathan? Well... But seriously, I´ll try to come up with something good, and if I fail, we´ll have to settle for something not-so-good. But the song shall have a name. Oh yes, the song shall have a name...
The Orichalcon Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 TO - ElectroCute Bunny TO - Secrets and Lies (E1M9) There we go. Both the Bunny remix and E1M9 remix are my final WIP's. Awaiting Critique and intermixing between the surrounding mixes.
Navi Posted January 19, 2005 Author Posted January 19, 2005 thanks, TO. edit: COMPLETED TRACKSE1M1 - EvilHorde - NamelessE1M2 - Joker - Industrial StrengthE1M6 - Beatdrop - ReprocessedE1M9 - TO - Secrets and LiesE2M2 - ArseAssassin - NamelessE3M3 - analoq - NamelessThe End - TO - ElectroCute BunnyCONFIRMED TRACKSE1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red MoonE1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e - JDBC RequestE1M8 - DJC or Prophecy - NamelessE2M1 - Dan B - Nameless E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul - NamelessE2M6 - Adhesive Boy - NamelessE2M8 - EvilHorde - NamelessE2M9 - nousentre - NamelessE3M2 - Larsec - NamelessE3M8 - Prophecy - NamelessText Music - Larsec - NamelessUNCONFIRMED TRACKSE1M5 - Richter/Dan B - NamelessE2M7 - Bill - NamelessUP FOR GRABSE1M3: Toxin Refinery
Sir_NutS Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 Well here's my first wip(Very rough). I'm aiming to a dark trance track, with that little aggressive touch from doom. The first part is the original song's progression, heavily changed. I'm planning on adding more familiar melodies from the original towards the end. Anyways, I'll post any progress on it.
The Joker Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 Damn this is TIGHT! I´ve been listening to this over and over. I don´t hear much of the original tune in this but I don´t care. I guess this truly is a REMIX then...I like this very much. Great sounds you got there and a wicked sound canvas. You´re the man. Yeah, I couldn't really get a good song going with the originals progression, so I kinda cut & tweaked what didn't work. Though if you listen closely, the beginning as well as the main bassline are almost note for note in the original song. Oh yeah, & thanks for the compliment. And I really enjoy analoqs piece (heads outta the gutter guys). It has a really NIN kinda sound. Freaking awesome sounding, not in your face but still close enough to make you feel little (again, heads outta the gutter).
EvilHorde Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 Hey Mythril. You can put me on E2M8. I got some serious work done today and I think it sounds quite promising.
Navi Posted January 19, 2005 Author Posted January 19, 2005 COMPLETED TRACKSE1M1 - EvilHorde - NamelessE1M2 - Joker - Industrial StrengthE1M6 - Beatdrop - ReprocessedE1M9 - TO - Secrets and LiesE2M2 - ArseAssassin - NamelessE3M3 - analoq - NamelessThe End - TO - ElectroCute BunnyCONFIRMED TRACKSE1M4 - Sir Nuts - NamelessE1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e - JDBC RequestE1M8 - DJC or Prophecy - NamelessE2M1 - Dan B - Nameless E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul - NamelessE2M6 - Adhesive Boy - NamelessE2M9 - nousentre - NamelessE2M8 - EvilHorde - NamelessE3M2 - Larsec - NamelessE3M8 - Prophecy - NamelessText Music - Larsec - NamelessUNCONFIRMED TRACKSE1M5 - Richter/Dan B - NamelessE2M7 - Bill - NamelessUP FOR GRABSE1M3: Toxin Refinery The Doom Remix Project is the best! We're spitting fireballs on all the rest! If you don't believe me, wait and see. It'll feel like we hit you with a BFG. WOOO! Go Team! DARK SIDE OF PHOBOS Revamped and Under New Management All the necessary information: Point of No Return (from this point you cannot drop from the project): January 17th Final WIPS (I say WIP for a reason) due: Jan 31st Evaluation period: Feb 1st+ (during this time other mixers will critique the WIPS and give input for improvement on the songs. I don't know how long this period will last. However, this is a vital time for the songs, as it allows for touching up and perfecting the songs. Thus: DO NOT DELETE YOUR SONG FILES, FLP FILES, ETC>I know there are a few people who already have, but if you havent DON"T. Evil Horde- Doom Remix Project - E1M1 - Beatdrop - Doom Remix Project - E1M6 - Reprocessed ArseAssassin - Doom Remix Project - E2M2 - here is a list of potential seeders. if you have bandwidth to give, please sign up. If you have HOSTING, that is even better. Mythril Nazgul Geko Richter (mirror) KyrenGraves Global Trance is designing the page, and he needs good high quality front face portraits of the mixers. Anyone also deeply involved in the project without necessarily being a mixer (caleb and gt himself come to mind) will also have a portrait on the site. I will also need a short paragraph of information on yourself and a short paragraph on your mix(es) for my write ups for the site. Please try and get those in asap Keep on mixing folks. this project is coming along VERY well. Kudos to you all. Also, again. Think about transitions. If you want to segue into the next song, please contact the mixer of the next track and work something out. THE OLD SHIT The songs Midis available hereAnd here Download provided by analoq The Rules +Remixers must meet the deadlines given to them. If you cannot meet these deadlines, please take your name from the project as soon as possible. +Multiple entries for a track are allowed. Voting on the tracks will occur AFTER the FINAL deadline for tracks. +Mixers must check in with their progress at least once a week. Failure to do so, and failure to respond within three days of a PM will result in the mixer being dropped from the project The Current List of Remixers Involved. If you do not meet a deadline, you will be dropped from the list. I am already questioning some of the names on the list, as to their “existence”ablilty, but I will go with the benefit of the doubt and give them one week. Once a track becomes open, feel free to claim it. THE NEW DEADLINES Have a WIP of substantial length by December 10thSONGS MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE January 24th* Tentative date Also, anyone needing server space is welcome to upload remixes at PaletteSwap. You can also attach your working files (like Fruity Loops or Reason files) there so other folks can help you with them or whatever. (Outdated) Doom REMIX Website - http://www.peoplesremix.com/doom (contact Caleb if you need webhosting as well) Apologies for the new thread. I need to be able to control the thread title in order to run the project fully. This post will be updated with new Information as soon as it becomes available. Use this thread to check in, discuss the project, post WIPS, comment on WIPS and post final mixes. If there is any information I have missed, please tell me.
nousentre Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 Howdy yallz! Sorry that I haven't been updating on my remix lately. I've been extremely busy. I've decided on some names for my remix submission and I'll leave it up to all of you (or some) to give me some feedback on the best title; - "Fortress of the Cannibals" - "Fortress Corpses" - "Mystery Meat" - "devour" - "Living Cadaver" - "Citadel of Inscrutableness" The original song is named "Fortress of Mystery" so if anyone has a better idea for a remix name feel free to let me know. Also, I'm in dire need of good quality acoustic drum samples for me to make my drum loop (snare, toms, cymbals, bass drum, etc.). So if anyone has a real drum set to record samples or happens to have samples from a real drum set please e-mail or im me so i can make arrangements for a download. Thanks in advance for all the responses and as goofy as it sounds for me to say this, the title is perfect. Paying respect for two of my favorite things: pink floyd and doom. PS- Like everybody else I will try to work on E1M3 and I'm willing to co-mix with anyone on that song (bass and guitar tracks, whistleing, whineing). Anyone interested? MythrillNazgul? Analog?
Mr. Bottle Rocket Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 I think Mystery meat is the best of that selection of names.
Navi Posted January 20, 2005 Author Posted January 20, 2005 Mystery Meat would probably work best, but would it fit well with the mood of the song?
Navi Posted January 21, 2005 Author Posted January 21, 2005 Here's an almost final WIP of my song. It needs a better ending, I know; i will work on that. Any critique is welcome: http://www.peoplesremix.com/MythNaz-GhostsInTheLab.mp3
Xaleph Posted January 21, 2005 Posted January 21, 2005 I hear some clipping in that later version, sorry mn >.<
Navi Posted January 21, 2005 Author Posted January 21, 2005 I know. Amongst the things I still have to do to the song, one of them is volume reduction.
EvilHorde Posted January 21, 2005 Posted January 21, 2005 DAMN Myth... You make the rest of us look SO BAD. I didn´t pay that much attention to the technical aspect but I had to lower the volume on my stereos quite heavily. But I guess you already knew that it´s loud.. I guess you also know that this track KICKS SO MUCH ASS! I´m really looking forward to this project. So many great songs, and they just keep getting better.
Navi Posted January 21, 2005 Author Posted January 21, 2005 Heh, thanks EvilHorde. Mixing that track was a bitch (I've been working on various WIPs since a bit after September) But now that it's almost done, I feel like it's going to sound good. However, I have to go back and lower the volume, as well as work in a better more climactic ending. The second buildup of the song seems REALLY weak. I need to do a lot with it, before i declare it a finished product. However, any comments, concerns and suggestions anyone has would be greatly appreciate.d
Chris 'Bill' D Posted January 22, 2005 Posted January 22, 2005 Disappeared, appearantly. School had me busy. Sorry. Getting back to work immediately.
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