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Also, there's an enemy called a Komayto.

Most everyone knows about the background of this (that was awesome to hear about, Mirby, btw), but for those who weren't aware, the name itself is a misspelling of Kometo, ie ko-metoroido, ie "little metroid".

But the little misspellings of the original game give it so much character. Hydra is lame compared to Hewdraw!

PS: I had to make sure I had enough money to cover bills, but I'm in the clear now, and will be picking this up tomorrow.


My friendcode is:


Name: Brian

Add me if you have/plan on getting any of the following:

Mariokart 7

Kid Icarus: Uprising

Heroes of Ruin


I already have a lot of friends (around 75) so I only add worthwile people.


P.S. Games I own:

Ambassador games,

Sonic Generations,

Dead or Alive: Dimensions,



Tales of the Abyss,

Lego Star Wars: 3D,

Ocarina of Time 3D,


Double(yet not really) post!

So Nintendo seems to have started dancing around the idea of offering playable demos of eShop titles, and one they just released was for Mutant Mudds, which is a 12-bit(?) platformer that has some pretty nifty visuals and audio and gameplay that grows on you.

I was originally "Eh..." when I saw it first, but now I'm pretty much sold on the idea. More demos, Nintendo!


Got Kid Icarus last night and played through the first 5 chapters. This game is incredibly fun and entertaining. I don't know if it's the control scheme or level of action or both, but I do find myself getting tired after playing a couple of chapters though. It's still an awesome game. Way better than any review I read out there for it. It's a top quality game, and I actually love the 3D effects on more than off, which isn't something I say about any other 3DS game.

Posted (edited)

Well, I finally have an excuse for buying my 3DS. I just finished this game today, and man do I LOVE it. Everything about this game is just so well polished.

As for some of my favorite weapons, the Bullet blade (or as I like to call the blade gun, like squall's gunblade but more gun than blade) was a great gun if you sacrifice bullet homing. For stupid fast I had a ninja palm with a speed +4 (My walking was faster than running with other weapons) it was weak on rapid so I could just dodge and charge shot. Also for a low value high damage (So good for online) was the Viridi Palm, I was suprised at how much damage I could belt out for a 175 value.

So what weapons have you guys liked to use so far?

Edited by Unstable Hamster

Yeah, it's a great game. I'm only on Chapter 12, but loving everything in it so far. Also my Club Nintendo cards came in today, bringing my grand total to 33 AR Idol cards. Judging by the number on the Palutena (Rare) card, though, there's at least 404 of them. So I'm not even at 10% ;~;

Oh, and I drew this on Swapnote. Audio clip appears after the image is done, and is him saying, "Is that all you got?"



Kid Icarus Uprising was a pretty awesome game. Honestly, I would have been satisfied if it ended at chapter 9. I thought it would just be like Star Fox, where you replay levels for better scores at higher difficulties, but LOLNOPE you're not even half-way through!

Controls were tricky (Metroid Prime Hunters felt better) but the graphics, music and voice acting were all top notch. I loved all the call backs to the older games, and the 4th wall jokes were entertaining.

My fav weapon would have to be the Beam Blades. Great at ranged with rapid fire and good melee. I haven't been able to play any matches with you guys yet, though. I can see you guys are online but I can't join you :S

Kid Icarus Uprising was a pretty awesome game. Honestly, I would have been satisfied if it ended at chapter 9. I thought it would just be like Star Fox, where you replay levels for better scores at higher difficulties, but LOLNOPE you're not even half-way through!

Controls were tricky (Metroid Prime Hunters felt better) but the graphics, music and voice acting were all top notch. I loved all the call backs to the older games, and the 4th wall jokes were entertaining.

My fav weapon would have to be the Beam Blades. Great at ranged with rapid fire and good melee. I haven't been able to play any matches with you guys yet, though. I can see you guys are online but I can't join you :S

Yes well maybe you should get online right NOW, as Unstable is about to find out what my favorite weapon is... :-D

Posted (edited)

Dang, I'm surprised you three managed to join me, I was just going on a wishful dream that someone might join.

So I'm gonna fight with love and tolerance now (Viridi palm)

Edit: and love and tolerance wins every time. (and it's only score of 175)

Edited by Unstable Hamster

Yes well I actually stepped my game up a bit once I realized that just using the D-Pad to activate abilities instead of the touch screen was MUCH more efficient and made aiming my mega laser much easier.

Land mines are also quite fun and devious. :-P

Last match was a scramble to see who could get the Daybreak Cannon. :-P

Posted (edited)
I joined in on GameBird's last match. :) Had fun blasting you with my bubble shots. ;3

Oh that was you? Well I totally have you added on my list, but you still don't show up as you adding me >,> You totally should add me, Notes must be swaped.

Edited by Unstable Hamster
Posted (edited)
I joined in on GameBird's last match. :) Had fun blasting you with my bubble shots. ;3

Oh that was YOU!

Lol, those bubbles were annoying! :tomatoface:


I've been looking into it, and it looks like Canada is not getting 3D Classics Kid Icarus. That's really annoying! I was actually really looking forward to that game!

Edited by Overflow

So I didn't reserve the game in hopes that the original Kid Icarus would be available to buy separately, but I'm not seeing it on the eShop. Anyone have info on this?

So I didn't reserve the game in hopes that the original Kid Icarus would be available to buy separately, but I'm not seeing it on the eShop. Anyone have info on this?

You're in luck! You can buy it from GameStop's site for $5.99!

Also I just beat Uprising. Such a good friggin' game, had a wonderful story full of twists I did not expect to see. Very well-done. I only wish there was a Magnus Mode...

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