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Lately, it has become apparent that OCRemix will remix songs simply because a major video game company will accuse them of not having done so. Or because some random person on Youtube says they can't.

This is a golden opportunity for us. After all, we are the community here. The lifeblood of this organization. Who are these outsiders who callously accuse OCR of its mixing capabilities (or lack thereof)? We, the community, know what OCR can do, and vice versa. Therefore, it is our duty and privilege to dare OCR to create the biggest, baddest mixes EV4R. It's how we'll keep them on their toes.

And before you ask, yes, I'm fully aware of the "requests" forum. And shame on you for even thinking to equate this to that. These are not mere requests. These are not idle, wayward thoughts about what might make a phat sound. No. These are attacks. These are challenges (or smackdowns, or call-outs, or whatever your preferred nomenclature). When we bring the heat, we are challenging the very honor of OCR, the very spirit which has made it what it is. OCR's success or failure in meeting these challenges will say much about its responsiveness, capabilities and, ultimately, its place in gaming history. Do not abuse the notion, or this thread.

The Rules:

  • These challenges are not to be made to individual mixers. They are put out to OCR as a whole
  • The challenge must present significant novelty for the site (a new genre, a new type of interpretation, etc)
  • All challenges must adhere to OCR's policies and guidelines
  • Challengers may only have one active challenge at a time
  • Challengers must present a good reason if they wish to withdraw a challenge prematurely

I shall begin.

The Challenge: Mix a track whose source has no clear melody. This is one example.

is another.

I look forward to the developments.


lol if you're taking challenges, if ya'll finish up that one. I'd like some love for the new 3d Sonic games. Sure you have that one, but there's a lot more out there... though I can't remix so I can't say whether its possible. But I feel it is.

I've watched the WIP recently, someone is working on one for Sonic Adventure so that's a start. But we've got Colors... we've got Unleashed. Black Knight and Secret Rings.

I think it would be fun if someone did something with Chun Nan or Aquarium Park

Call-outs? As in 'sixto, make a techno remix'?

Thanks. You made me realize I had to implement some guidelines. So, now that they're there, you can see the answer is "no."

lol if you're taking challenges, if ya'll finish up that one. I'd like some love for the new 3d Sonic games. Sure you have that one, but there's a lot more out there... though I can't remix so I can't say whether its possible. But I feel it is.

This is a perfect example of a request, not a challenge. The only reason you wrote that is because you have a personal preference for music from those games. Challenges should not depend on personal preference. Furthermore, mixing 3D Sonic music does not provide any particular challenge.

If you were to impose an interesting restriction, then it might become a challenge, but to be honest it would still be a long shot.



A Minecraft remix only using melodic lines from the OST:

-Background instrument lines can be changing and variant or original, but the main melodic lines/lead may not be playing any original melodies, only the one from the OST.

-Establish what instrument or instruments play the melody. They play the melody, only the melody, and nothing else.

-Slight grace notes and other forms of interpretation ON THE MELODY are not allowed.

-Time signature changes are also NOT allowed.

-The remix has to have 3 minutes of material, any repeated sections don't count toward that total.

Why is this a challenge and not a request? Because the OST of Minecraft doesn't have much for you to use.

Why this challenge will fail:

o You are not Liontamer ;-)

o No supposed fast-track to the panel

No offense dudes, I'm just saying, there's a reason this kind of thing doesn't work all the time if done by just anyone. :/

Why would there need to be a fast-track?

That has no relevance. If OCR can't accept challenges because Larry isn't there to insta judge them then OCR must be pretty lazy. :P

IMO this thread has a high likelihood of killing off the novelty of such spur of the moment challenges in the community.

I agree. Previous challenges have been spur of the moment, and that's what has helped them to be so popular, in a sense. There was no formal list, or formal method of introducing them... they were random challenges that just so happened to spark the interest and pride of the community. Once you start formalizing a process like this, it quickly loses its novelty.

Why this challenge will fail:

o You are not Liontamer ;-)

o No supposed fast-track to the panel

Quoted for emphasis. It's not necessarily the call-out that brings people forward to make a mix, it's partly the promise to fast-track and the request from one of the higher ups that drive people to step up to the challenge.

Also, as pointed out earlier, this isn't something that can happen all the time, or else people will lose interest and stop altogether, even when the above conditions are met.

Besides, I'm not done with the Pico track, dammit! Don't give me too much to do!! :dstrbd:


This is a perfect example of a request, not a challenge. The only reason you wrote that is because you have a personal preference for music from those games. Challenges should not depend on personal preference. Furthermore, mixing 3D Sonic music does not provide any particular challenge.

If you were to impose an interesting restriction, then it might become a challenge, but to be honest it would still be a long shot.

Ah yes, I was wrong. Clearly I must need to do one of two things to make that "request" into a challenge.

A) Go on youtube and say OCRemix can't remix Aquarium Park because its remixed in the game itself twice and they can't do better. Of course that's not a request, that'd be a challenge. Like "Hurry"


B) Complain that there's not a Wii Sonic mix and that makes it worth the time of making you remix it. Like the "Pico" incident. Don't get me wrong, I thought the free promotion was great though. I like how Sega actually tries to interact with the mixing community from their promotions of the Sonic 4 remixes, to mentioning OCR on twitter.

To be honest, I was joking basically with that first post which was also written before you added those guidelines if I'm not mistaken. But I disagree with the personal preference thing. As clearly that guy who said that thing about Hurry obviously liked that song a lot so I don't see the difference.

As for me, I've never even played or listened to the soundtrack of Secret Rings or Black Knights (the other two I have). I was just naming those as other alternatives to the ones I really wanted to see remixed (Unleashed or Colors). However, if I know anything from those two is that if its possible at all, they'd lend themselves to being remixed. In the case of Unleashed the game itself tends to provide a slow theme for the night stages and a faster theme for the daytime stages. In Colors, they tend to do three or more versions, ranging from rock, chiptuney, and other genres I cannot properly state. I felt the challenge in those two would be doing something that hadn't already been done. The inclusion of "3d Sonic" was only because there is MORE THAN enough love for Sonic on this site and many others, but essentially only for the original genesis games. (not that I'm complaining about great Sonic coverage, that's a good thing). There's similarly nothing going on for the Advance Generation Sonic games. Perhaps I should've said mix a Sonic game post 2000? I didn't want to say that because that felt too broad and would probably lead people to just pointing out the Adventure mixes and the 1 from Sonic 06. As if there aren't other games. Or perhaps a better challenge is to remix the songs with lyrics from that date, but I felt that was wrong because that'd be limiting anyone who can't sing or collaborate with someone else and some of those songs you probably don't even want to touch because you'll get the "Crush 40 did it better" type of thing.

It was just a suggestion for a second challenge, nothing more or less :D

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