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Anyone else feel like Kirby lost its edge after the first few games?

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dude, I can beat Dream Land 1 in 20 minutes on a bad day. Game is as short as balls. And that first game you played? It was a remake of Dream Land 1 (I assume you played Spring Breeze).

Dream Land 2 ups the ante by having it be like an hour/hour-n-a-half game, but it's still short. So is Super (4 hours maybe). Dreamland and Crystal Shards are long if you don't know how to find the collectibles. And Amazing Mirror is a loooong kirby game. Mainly because it's Metroid but with Kirby.

Also, while I don't wish to hijack this thread, I gots a question:

I've been bit by the Kirby bug recently, and I'm thinking about buying 3 Kirby games:

-Epic Yarn

-Amazing Mirror (I actually DID own this, but I sold it back when I was a younger teen and an idiot)

-Nightmare in Dreamland

Mainly because I found all three for cheap on ebay. I don't feel like paying buku bucks here.

I really thought about Canvas Curse and Super Star Ultra, but my friend has the former, so there ya go, and with the latter, well, I already played the hell out of that and if I wanna play it again there's emulators.

My only trepidation with Nightmare is that some parts seem worse than Adventure (like removing the cool effect of Butter Building spinning), but are those fears unfounded?

I really AM kicking myself for getting rid of Amazing Mirror (though I was able to get a good chunk of change for it back in the day!). It's such an awesome game.


Super Star Ultra has more stuff than Super Star. It's not just a port, it has extra "games" in it. It's worth the purchase.

Nightmare in Dreamland is an excellent game. Take it from an obsessive Kirby's Adventure fan: buy it.

Epic Yarn is good times; very relaxing. It's quite different from classic Kirby though, so YMMV.


i mean, yeah, fighting Kabula and Masked DeDeDe is cool, and fighting Galactic Knight is cool, but to me, that's "Garage sale buy" cool, not "pay 20-something bucks" cool.

And I never really worry too much about the "style" of Kirby I'm getting myself into. I usually play to put a big stupid grin on my face and "d'awwwww"/ :3 every other minute.

Hell my friend ALSO has Amazing Mirror, and I played that, I realized that 1) I want this game back and 2) how adorable everything was.


for some reason, every game in the series (or rather every other game) seems to be an exeperiemnt. Like some random variable is thrown in to vary up gamplay. In some cases this is really observable (epic yarn, canvas' curse) in others it's not a big deal (dreamland 2, crystal shards)

I gots a question:

I've been bit by the Kirby bug recently, and I'm thinking about buying 3 Kirby games:

-Epic Yarn

I thought you were looking for a Kirby game? :<

While this game is insufferably cute and easy, it is also fun and endearing. I would recommend this over Amazing Mirror, but not over Nightmare in Dreamland.

-Amazing Mirror (I actually DID own this, but I sold it back when I was a younger teen and an idiot)

This game is quite good, but I would recommend it the least. Honestly, I barely remember it since my first couple of playthroughs during the earlier half of the millenium. Maybe it's a sign?

-Nightmare in Dreamland

This game really gets back to the basics with Kirby. It's nice for quick pick-up-and-play sessions. On the other hand, you're not really getting a ton of substance for a game. The abilities are all one-trick ponies. Really fun ponies, but still.

i mean, yeah, fighting Kabula and Masked DeDeDe is cool, and fighting Galactic Knight is cool, but to me, that's "Garage sale buy" cool, not "pay 20-something bucks" cool.

What the fudge is wrong with you? KSSU is worth eleventy billion dollars at least. BUY IT NAO!!!!!

for some reason, every game in the series (or rather every other game) seems to be an exeperiemnt. Like some random variable is thrown in to vary up gamplay. In some cases this is really observable (EPIC YARN, canvas' curse) in others it's not a big deal (dreamland 2, crystal shards)

Epic Yarn wasn't a variable. Epic Yarn is a different game with a nice cream puff filling.


Epic Yarn was an original IP that starred Prince Fluff. Good Feel hit a bit of a wall in the development of the concept of the game, so Iwata suggested "why not make it a Kirby game?" That idea clicked for them, so they teamed up with HAL Labs to continue what they were working on and worked all the Kirby stuff into it.

DESPITE all that I think it's got that light, Kirby feel to it. Low stress, relaxing music, very cute, and a good looking game to boot.

  • 3 weeks later...

Right now @ my neighbor's house, her siblings are playing Kirby's Epic Yarn. The music is nice. The game is creative. However, if you were to compare it to the older Kirby games, the predecessors are better, inarguably. Even my neighbor agrees.


The thing about Kirby is that every Kirby game is different from it's brethren to a degree that is rarely seen in any video game series. That being said, to judge any single Kirby game based on the merits of its predecessors is sort of unfair.

Epic Yarn is a great game, and to despair upon it because it isn't as good as Kirby Super Star - a game which, by all respects, is entirely different save for the main character - is silly and meaningless.

aw shit it just got technical in this bitch

also I shall repeat that kirby's dreamland 3 sucks and if you like it you are a bad person

I've been trying to convince myself it isn't terrible because I wasted Wii Points on it, when I SHOULD HAVE FUCING GOT KIRBY'S DREAM COURSE!!!!!!

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