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...according to Carole Lieberman.

"The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in video games."

You hear that? All you people playing Mass Effect and as Hakan in SF4 are just learning to become rapists. :-(

In a follow-up interview with.... kotaku? Wat? since when do they have reporters? Err anyway, she said... "The more video games a person plays that have violent sexual content," she said, carefully choosing her words during a phone interview with Kotaku, "the more likely one is to become desensitized to violent sexual acts and commit them."

So by a show of hands... how many here have played games with sexual content, rated T or M, and are currently rapists?


of course music video with gangsta and half naked chicks are all right.

Well, "she bundled video games with violent movies, toys, and rap lyrics as "modern weapons of mass destruction" that "are causing us to destroy each other - on playgrounds and battlegrounds."", so it's not all game-specific hate.

She doesn't seem to be pulling statements out of her ass, but she doesn't seem to have researched games specifically and thoroughly enough to speak with any authority on their effect on ppl.


how many times is fox news going to ram it down their viewers mouth's that violent video games are bad.

also how many games have anyone played with rape being glorified, I mean the only sex related acts in video games I have seen are from mass effect, which was really no different than say sex in a james bond movie. other than that I can only think of god of war being "bad". I mean what are kids going to do get a girl, then go in the next room, and ask her to yell out buttons he needs to press on his controller?

other than that though, I think she is right that for younger people, by that I mean anywhere from 15 to 20, at least where I live about sex. It seems to have been overexposed a bit for say the young people. I mean what is the youngest person in the US to have gotten pregnant now?


Rape/Murder/whatever happens.

Police: "we found out the suspect played grand theft auto. That explains it, he must be the culprit."

Biggest load of shit i've ever heard in my life and it happens all the time. If you are going to rape someone because you saw a sexual scene in a video game that means they were fucked up to start with.

Rape/Murder/whatever happens.

Police: "we found out the suspect played grand theft auto. That explains it, he must be the culprit."

Biggest load of shit i've ever heard in my life and it happens all the time. If you are going to rape someone because you saw a sexual scene in a video game that means they were fucked up to start with.

Fantastic point, and from a british person, color me impressed!!

Sex-ed in public schools, anyone?

Yeah. Public schools in general were bad. One of my best memories from 5th grade was when I went to the nurse because I had a piece of glass in my leg, and she was too busy talking to a friend that I gave up and went back to class because the teacher said not to take too long. I bled a lot when I went to visit my grandpa later that night because I accidentally touched it, and then ended up taking the glass out myself the next day. But on the topic of sex ed, yeah, we had the black and white grainy film talking about people in the 50s holding hands.

Rape/Murder/whatever happens.

Police: "we found out the suspect played grand theft auto. That explains it, he must be the culprit."

yeah if media can ad video game, or online stuff it's a GO.


Yeah, that's a causality fallacy. Buuut, given a large enough sample, you could show a definite correlation for those who play several of those kinds of games. It would be interesting to perform a study with no particular bias, either towards the type of games played, or the people playing them. Right now, they're pulling from a 'contaminated' sample set, too narrow to draw any conclusions from.


...how many video games have...violent sexual content?

I mean, I haven't REALLY kept up with things lately but...every game I've played with sexual content it was PRETTY consensual.

Shit, I don't even remember an instance of someone GETTING RAPED in a video game, let alone ME raping them.

Also also: I think if there were a situation where rape was used in a video game, and the player became desensitized to the idea of rape then...I think they're miss-using it as a story-telling tactic.


even 300 had a rape scene in it, I don't have any idea why she deemed games more a danger. Maybe she thought because more younger people play games then are allowed to watch rated R movies, or the fact that you are performing an action with games rather than just watching.

either way I would still put a sensor for movies before games, if they were to do such a thing. I kind of have the mindset that it's either all ok or none of it is ok. that doesn't mean I get the popcorn ready so I can sit down and watch rape after rape scenes in movies, but I would defend the right a person could put it in a movie.


I think its important that we all pass around REAL data sets to either verify or discount her claim.

Hmm, what is this now? FBI crime indices? HMM! They seem moderately credible! They're from hardworking law enforcement personnel from the good old US of A! Let's have a look-see, HM?

Well, hey look! DATA!


Well, well, well...

Since 1990 everything has pretty much DROPPED SIGNIFICANTLY. Wow. All in hard numbers and in easy to read tables! Well, that's just silly. As games have become more graphically realistic SOMEHOW violence, rape, thefts, and robberies have all dropped. Egad! Since the creation of more realistic video games violence and rapes have dropped. Is there a correlation? Don't know, but its damn more statistics than she has. 20 years of it, no less.

I would have LOVED if some news person showed her the hard data (see: facts) and then asked, "Well, how can you dispute 20 years of hard numbers?"


For her to keep saying there are rising rape numbers... that's just plainly untrue. Please, pass around this data set and let everyone on the internet make her answer for her baseless claims. She's upset by visual, graphic depictions of violence. I can understand that. Don't watch stuff that makes you uncomfortable. If you have a theory, go get statistics, and evidence to prove it right... but puhhhleease don't sit on a soap box and try to lie to the lazy masses that believe your BS and are to lazy look up actual statistics.

/end rant

EDIT: Fact is, people that are inclined to cause violent crimes are also inclined to play and watch violent media. They'd commit crime regardless of media's presence or not because humanity has a history of rape and violence all throughout our existence. That doesn't mean the rest of the population are all murders and rapists though. I'm sure rapists and murders probably drive cars and brush their teeth too, maybe we should ban steering wheels and tooth paste while we're at it.


the odd thing is the carole lieberman is otherwise an intelligent woman

I am going to chalk this up to Fox News taking things out of context in the interest of stirring up more shit in the bible belt


news networks in general to me, at least in america just seem to want to start all kinds of crap with other media, even other news channels. honestly its all just ratings and money they are concerned with. im sure if they thought that reporting about a donkey sneezing gold that looked like jesus would get then ratings and sell their analist's books then they would run the hell outta that thing.


The funny thing is that this all came out of Bulletstorm, which as far as I know doesn't actually have any sexual content in it, just sexual innuendo for the names of the skillshots. It's not sexual violence, it's just violence with sexy names. Cut off a guy's torso? "Topless." That kind of thing.

The funny thing is that this all came out of Bulletstorm, which as far as I know doesn't actually have any sexual content in it, just sexual innuendo for the names of the skillshots. It's not sexual violence, it's just violence with sexy names. Cut off a guy's torso? "Topless." That kind of thing.

so is getting a headshot in the game considered giving head.......wait I dunno if I wanna know the answer.

Carole Lieberman is right,though. But it's mostly the evil Japanese games.


NAMBLA is going to be all over this game now.

They need to pull this from shelves too.



Anyway what about the counter argument that Porn/Hentai (those are games)/ etc etc, reduce impulses to rape.


I don't like how people try to equate "normal" games with crimes. I'm sorry but millions of people play the likes of Halo, GTA, etc etc. If they were so influencing, then we'd have millions of crimes in the style of those games. Any criminal that does play those games, ask them what movies and shows they watch. To be honest you can get just as bad of an idea from a movie as from a game. CSI shows you how criminals commit crimes... It's just a whatever is new thing, I think movies faced this stuff when they were created, then rock/rap music, now games is the newest thing.

I won't object to it possibly desensitizing us to crimes but I won't fully support that either. I don't think I reacted to things much differently before I had games than after.

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