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Glad I'm not the only one who noticed.

Actually the whole internet is starting to feel this way.

Hey man this news clip looks interesting I think I'll take a look WHAT THE HELL I gotta watch a minute long commercial just so I can see a 20 second clip this is BULLSHIT!

So much for the whole internet video thing being better than watching tv.

Hey man this news clip looks interesting I think I'll take a look WHAT THE HELL I gotta watch a minute long commercial just so I can see a 20 second clip this is BULLSHIT!

So much for the whole internet video thing being better than watching tv.

What you need to do is install firefox, then install a plugin called Ad-Block Plus. I've had it set that way for over what feels like five years and I've NEVER seen these minute long commercials on youtube videos that some people keep talking about.

Seriously you'll see an incredible difference if you've been seeing these shit advertisements on youtube videos.


I know for me, it's a matter of cross-promotion and making sure you use other media to link back to YouTube, if YouTube is your main channel you want to be using. My group has an account on GameTrailers, so any of my game reviews that get put on YouTube get thrown up on GT as well.

What's astonishing to me is that I end up fairing better in views on GameTrailers, but have better reactions on YouTube.

And yes, it's a little about luck and what your material is. Retro game reviews only tend to pull in oldschool gamers rather than a wide variety of people.


I have no idea how my LEGO Universe Beta game play videos got so many views, but I guess it was because of the amount of advertising done on websites as well as general interest in a LEGO MMO. In about a month, I had quite a number of views that I was not expecting.

So I guess its all about targeting an audience and pleasing them. And yes, encouraging subscriptions and comments will help you get more viewers. My GTA IV videos got me some followers, but I've since stopped uploading only GTA IV vids and made it into more of a gaming channel.

What you need to do is install firefox, then install a plugin called Ad-Block Plus. I've had it set that way for over what feels like five years and I've NEVER seen these minute long commercials on youtube videos that some people keep talking about.

Seriously you'll see an incredible difference if you've been seeing these shit advertisements on youtube videos.

Do have it, though maybe I don't use Firefox when those ads happens, can't remember ATM. I'm also not just talking about youtube but vids from news sites that make you watch ads before the vid starts.

who the shit looks for stuff like that on youtube

that's like looking for porn at the library

the same people who apparently looked up "hot ape sex" for one of my videos.

Let me tell you I felt like I EARNED those views.

Yeah , but isn't that like , cheap , and you know , irrelevant?

Boobs are always relevant. Reupload your song to a GIF of bouncing anime breasts.

OK, listen. I've been at this a while and can tell you it's still possible to get those views rolling. The trick is to make a stupid ass meme video between your serious videos and voila,

. The video you want to have the least views will get a million! Rule of thumb.

I shouldn't really be bitter over my Bison video. I've got around 20k views each on a couple videos that are just montages while actual, legit people like you get maybe 200.

On a most serious note, putting your songs to a creative, high quality montage can sometimes do the trick. This windows movie maker screenshot crap isn't going to catch anyone's attention but montages DO, as lame as that is.

Hey man this news clip looks interesting I think I'll take a look WHAT THE HELL I gotta watch a minute long commercial just so I can see a 20 second clip this is BULLSHIT!

So much for the whole internet video thing being better than watching tv.

I was looking up a new band a few weeks ago on YT. I got a 4 minute advertisement of a video from some other band instead before the video started.

To be fair, I could skip it (I think), but if I didn't know what I was looking for and didn't pay attention to it being an advertisement, I would've thought it was what I was searching for (and hated it).

But this actually isn't my point. It felt like until maybe a few years back, the internet was more democratic and people were still interested in new, independent stuff.

I guess there's still an audience, but it's a lot harder to stand out as a lot of blogs, which are in some ways, taste makers, are just interested in recycling the same types of posts of the same recycled story types, or just interested in trying to create the same stupid meme, with a different face, or just servicing corporate media. "Here's an exciting post about DLC, before the game ships!" And it's not editorializing the absurdity of such an event, but rather reads like a press release. *cough* *cough* Kotaku *cough*...

Also, I feel like we're stuck in the Bob Saget Twilight Zone. How many fucking nutshots, stupid babies, or Jackass ripoffs, do people need to see before they people get tired and want something fresher?

BTW, TC, not trying to hijack your thread, or anything. Nice song! I guess in the end with a billion voices crying for attention, it can be hard to really stick out, and seems like it gets harder every day, because there's so much competition. That doesn't mean you should give up, and there's some solid suggestions here to consider.


On a most serious note, putting your songs to a creative, high quality montage can sometimes do the trick. This windows movie maker screenshot crap isn't going to catch anyone's attention but montages DO, as lame as that is.


Already done that . This time around I mixed screenshots with gameplay footage. Good quality too.

Unfortunately , to no effect.

I guess I'm just going to continue making music and see where that takes me =/


Already done that . This time around I mixed screenshots with gameplay footage. Good quality too.

Unfortunately , to no effect.

I guess I'm just going to continue making music and see where that takes me =/

You're better off having the video include information about yourself, your channel, other places to hear your music, and having "annotations" or in-video links to like/subscribe incase your video gets embedded elsewhere




Look and see what POPULAR artists are doing, and do that, because they were doing that before they got popular, and it worked pretty well for them =P

(Popular being popular on YouTube, not necessarily in the "mainstream" because obviously mainstream artists are totally different)


Let me butt in one more time here.

Remember that YouTube also has a promotions program, where you can put your video up as an ad and Google charges you per click. You can set a maximum daily budget and the maximum amount you're willing to pay per click too. They give you stats on what searches garner the most clicks and how many times your video appeared in searches.

It really works too. I did it for my Dragon Age video and boosted it to 3,000-ish views that way and people were actually commenting and rating. I stopped the promotion but people kept coming and now the video is at 20,000+ which means all you need is that initial momentum provided you have good video material, which you do. However... TELLING A STORY or INJECTING HUMOR within your video is the best way to get people interested (in your case telling a story would be more appropriate). Straight-up gameplay and screenshots don't do that.. maybe consider collaborating with a video person to create a Castlevania 'story video' to your song.

Let me butt in one more time here.

Remember that YouTube also has a promotions program, where you can put your video up as an ad and Google charges you per click. You can set a maximum daily budget and the maximum amount you're willing to pay per click too. They give you stats on what searches garner the most clicks and how many times your video appeared in searches.

It really works too. I did it for my Dragon Age video and boosted it to 3,000-ish views that way and people were actually commenting and rating. I stopped the promotion but people kept coming and now the video is at 20,000+ which means all you need is that initial momentum provided you have good video material, which you do. However... TELLING A STORY or INJECTING HUMOR within your video is the best way to get people interested (in your case telling a story would be more appropriate). Straight-up gameplay and screenshots don't do that.. maybe consider collaborating with a video person to create a Castlevania 'story video' to your song.

Interesting. Modus, if you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost you per click?

Interesting. Modus, if you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost you per click?

It's something for serious tubers only, really, because it does add up. For 5k views, you'll probably shell out $100. Looking at it as an outsider, I would say that's insanity, but it is the only reason 3 of my videos have over 20k views now.


(CPC is Cost per Click)

If you have time, guerrilla style marketing can be just as effective. Just go around forums and social networks posting your video -> with a hand-tailored post for each site <- If you copy and paste to every site, you will be ignored.

Time consuming and expensive no matter what but it's harder than ever to get noticed.


Not sure I agree that once you hit a magic number, views will explode. That CAN happen, but with all my videos I've generally observed a steady stream of views as opposed to massive spikes. I do recommend that you try to connect your videos/content with existing popular content. For example, around the time the Justin Bieber Slowed Down 800% audio file was quite popular, I created a tutorial on how to use the PaulStretch software (used to make the J.B. slowdown track.) The video got some good hits as a result.

Likewise, when Super Street Fighter IV was about to be released, I was able to put together a remix from the game. The remix ended up getting featured on Shoryuken's front page, which gave me some nice traffic. What can you do to connect yourself with more popular content?


As zircon implied, timing is crucial too. Releasing your song when a new Castlevania game is announced will do something, considering the inevitable spike in Castlevania searches.

EDIT: I wonder if it's too late to jump on the Charlie Sheen wagon. I'm willing to whore out one of my mixes to a Sheen remix :P


In general my videos will takes a few months to get to 1k, and then after that the amount of views I get per day more or less double. It's not a spike but it's an improvement. 1k views makes your video "established". Less than that gives off the impression that your vid is new. It depends on what "scene" you're part of.

Video responses are really your best bet. Timing is a large factor too...

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