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It was just an ordinary evening. There was nothing peculiar or special about it. I was hanging out drinking beer in OffTopic like I always do and I supposed it would be the usual uneventful evening it always is as far as trolling some shit was concerned.

I put my feet up on a nearby ottoman, raised the beer to my lips and swallowed deep. What happened to you OffTopic? You used to be so cool. I thought. I should start a thread. As I pondered troll worthy topics nothing came to mind. I glanced up on the web page and gave the PPR sub-forum a side long glance. "Oh fuck no!" I whispered to myself. There's no way in hell I have the mental energy for that tonight. Another beer could only help the situation. First I lose my job due to the economy slouching so hard and quickly. Then my best friend gets married, which cuts drastically into our hangout time. Soon I'll be out of beer again. And now even OffTopic and PPR are practically at a stand still. The world is on fire. I gently shook my head to myself.

The room was dark save the middling glow emanating from my Dell notebook. As I began to get up I heard the faintest of noises coming from my open window on the far side of the room. "Is someone there?" I called out. No, there is no way. I know I'm home alone. At first I was sure my mind was playing games on me but as I stressed my eyes a little harder, I saw it! Eyes! A tall dark figure stepped out from next to the curtain and into the faint glow coming from my laptop. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" I plead. He was wearing a ski mask and in his right hand he held what appeared to be a truncheon. Then I heard him speak.

It wasn't the harshest of voices but it was intense and confident, "DJ sees you." "I'm sorry, I don't understa.." My voice trembled as his thick left hand found my gaunt throat. "We all see you. Understand?" I looked into his his forceful eyes but couldn't speak for fear. "It's fucking April! Understand!" He shook me fiercely and with Batman like speed placed the club against my cheek while his grip tightened lividly around my neck even more. "Yes, yes. I understand!" My words were rushed. "Good!" He pushed me back with a quick shove. I tried to continue, "But I don't have any mone..." He turned to the nearby coffee table and with a quick side swing of his cudgel he sent my tawdry vase flying against the wall in a million pieces all of them flying across the room and falling to the floor like so many pieces of glass and sand. He turned back to face me and pointed the blunt weapon at me, "April is almost over my friend. I give you four days." As he walked back to the window I reluctantly found the strength to speak again, "Who...who are you?" "My friends call me Jimmy. You will call me BGC." He stuck one leg out the window and turned to me one last time, "Four days Flare." and then he asserted with his club, "The Pretzel sees you." And he was gone.

I finally remembered to breath. After gasping for air a few times I caught my breath. I returned to my computer and quickly checked on my Paypal account. "I hope this is enough." I said worriedly to myself. Please! Let this be enough.

I sent it all.

Srsly though, love this place. Glad to help what little I can.


Three questions (suggestions):

1) Does this plus whatever trickle of donations are made over the rest of the year completely cover costs, or are the Big Bosses paying a significant amount of money on top of months of their time? (If so, raise the goal or do 2-3 smaller drives?)

2) Why is the only front-page mention of the fundraiser an easily missed or un-bumped forum post? (No Announcement even, since the post was moved to a different forum.)

3) Will you continue promoting the fundraiser in mix posts for a month since the official start date, regardless of when the goal is reached? (You totally should.)

Three questions (suggestions):

1) Does this plus whatever trickle of donations are made over the rest of the year completely cover costs, or are the Big Bosses paying a significant amount of money on top of months of their time? (If so, raise the goal or do 2-3 smaller drives?)

Yes and no. The site is technically covered with this fundraiser, but even though he's too nice to say anything about it, DJP has actually paid a LOT of money out of his own pocket due to site expenses/taxes over the years. It's my personal goal that we can raise enough money to 1)cover the site's absolute critical operating costs 2)make enough money to have a nice reserve for the site to tap into for additional things like producing physical albums/promotions, restocking inventory, etc and 3)reimburse DJP for all the money he's paid himself in addition to the countless hours over years that he's put into programming and posting music here.

2) Why is the only front-page mention of the fundraiser an easily missed or un-bumped forum post? (No Announcement even, since the post was moved to a different forum.)

Well it is a sticky, I'm not sure why there wasn't an official Announcement this year. But apparently we're doing well enough that I suppose it's not really a big issue, seeing as we've raised money faster than any other year so far ;)

3) Will you continue promoting the fundraiser in mix posts for a month since the official start date, regardless of when the goal is reached? (You totally should.)

I would say yes. Just because we hit a goal doesn't mean we shouldn't keep going before the timer runs out :)


I've got another question. How much money is given to OCremix when I buy from the Amazon store here? I did buy Persona 4 for 20 bucks when I had it. Yet I didn't know how much is being donated to them.

Also, I'm going to use the OCremix amazon store from now on. No matter how big or small the money goes to the site.

I've got another question. How much money is given to OCremix when I buy from the Amazon store here? I did buy Persona 4 for 20 bucks when I had it. Yet I didn't know how much is being donated to them.

Also, I'm going to use the OCremix amazon store from now on. No matter how big or small the money goes to the site.

6%, usually - sometimes more or less depending on whether the item is sold directly by Amazon or through one of their own affiliates, or is an MP3/Kindle book/etc. Every little bit helps!


Alright well I donated a dollar and sixty cents. And that ain't good enough. I will put a 20 down when I get the opportunity. Which should be within the month.

Edit: Just went ahead and did it. 20 dollars, and I'm grabbing a 45 dollar item next week, so another whopping 2.70 soon. =)

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