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I STILL think Other M was a great game. It had some plot problems, sure, plot holes and the like, but I wrote (and was in the process of recording) an essay discussing Other M and it's issues as well as it's strong points (If anyone's interested I could post a link). Metroid Prime is my favorite game of all time, so yes I would love another prime game, but I also want to see Nintendo push forward and try new things. I think the Other M gameplay style could be refined and if paired with a well-written story could be really awesome.

On another point, I'm still hopeful they release screen protectors for the Gamepad on day one, but seeing as I live in a smaller town in Canada, it's unlikely I'll get one, which really frustrates me.


I respect your oninion on Other M. I played it all the way through, and I consider it a good game that could have been great if the nunchuk was available and Samus wasn't so submissive. Besides the swtiching/nunchuk issue and seeing Samus curl up like a baby, I was blown away.

The action was intense, the controls (response-wise) were great, great graphics, plenty of opportunities to see Samus outside of her suit (and here I am complaining about her submissive role, what a hypocrite I am), and they added a lot of new twists to classic Metroid gameplay.

Good, but not great. But hey, we all view the world through different eyes so one man's trash is another's treasure.

Edit: And Higgs is awesome. I would not object to seeing his return. But no whiny Samus this time please!


And please....please bring us a console Fire Emblem....and market it. Because it's awesome.

i personally feel like this is an idea that looks good on paper, but when you finally see in action seems to not work as well. fire emblem is a primarily handheld game because it lends itself to a handheld playstyle: you can pick it up and play for short periods of time, sprite characters look good on the squared field, and the fighting, while strategically interesting, isn't super flashy.

however, when you put it on console it requires you to do some things you don't have to on handheld, like put it in nice 3d polygons, render the map, add more visual flash to the game. i personally think it also slows the pace of the game down in that when you sit down at your console you're not likely to play for a few minutes at a time, but instead an hour or half an hour. now, i do this with the new fire emblem on 3ds and it works fine, i enjoy it that way too. it just seems to me that having it on console doesn't add much to the formula, and potentially takes away some of the elements of charm, such as texted cutscenes (generally a no-no in today's console generation) and 2d sprites.

though i could see them being able to do some cool things with the wii u gamepad to add to the gameplay. who knows?

Posted (edited)
Metroid Prime is the best game, hands down.

Retro should do a Wii U Metroid game. They have to.

No more Prime games, please. I may love them but after Corruption I don't want to see the series dragged through the mud any more. Through all the pretty vistas, Corruptions was Retro saying "we have no more ideas with what to do with this series"

And Other M is fine if you like to laugh at bad games.

Samus shouldn't have suitless moments. The Power Suit is what makes Samus the character she is. Every time she's been in her Zero Suit in the games it's been disappointing, or in MOM's case, insulting. So no. Save it for end-game eye-candy. I don't know why people want more of that when it adds objectively, nothing to the game. If anything it means we have to sit through more shitty story scenes.

prematurely ending my Metroid rant here.

Edited by EC2151
though i could see them being able to do some cool things with the wii u gamepad to add to the gameplay. who knows?

have a unit display on the gamepad screen, tap to bring up full details, slide to scroll through the units. allow the screen display to be all on the gamepad too, tap to select units and tap to move them, or hold to see their range.

i think that would be pretty nifty, personally.

No more Prime games, please. I may love them but after Corruption I don't want to see the series dragged through the mud any more. Through all the pretty vistas, Corruptions was Retro saying "we have no more ideas with what to do with this series"

And Other M is fine if you like to laugh at bad games.

Samus shouldn't have suitless moments. The Power Suit is what makes Samus the character she is. Every time she's been in her Zero Suit in the games it's been disappointing, or in MOM's case, insulting. So no. Save it for end-game eye-candy. I don't know why people want more of that when it adds objectively, nothing to the game. If anything it means we have to sit through more shitty story scenes.

prematurely ending my Metroid rant here.

The other problem with Corruption was the way it FORCED you to do objectives instead of allowing you to do it in your own direction. There are times in the first two Prime games where you could carve a bit of your own path in terms of gathering items and power-ups. Not so with Corruption.

As much as I would like to see a return to the Prime format, I agree that they need to do something better with it.

Posted (edited)

Hot off the presses, from today's Japanese Wii U Nintendo Direct:

- Nintendo Network IDs detailed as unique usernames -NOT a string of random numbers- along with a display name you can change anytime (similar to Twitter). You input your password, birthdate, location and gender during creation.

- You choose a 'User Account' (similar to User list on PS3- IE a name separate from your PSN ID) when you turn the system on, up to 12 User Accounts can be made per system and each uses a Mii of your choosing. This system-based User Account is tied to your NiNID.

- Purchases tied to your NiNID can be played by all Users on your Wii U system.

- Each User has separate save data management (no more saves erased by little brother.)

- Your NiNID will not be limited to Nintendo hardware, but may be manageable on PC and smartphones too. It can also be tied to third party network services, presumably OnLive, uPlay etc.

Image of Japanese Miiverse profile and a breakdown of the displayed data. Note that you can Follow someone's activity without actually becoming Friends

Update: English Mini Nintendo Direct for NoA hosted by Bill Trinen showcasing WaraWara Plaza. Kind of underwhelming for its brevity and no mention of NiNID stuff.

Edited by ocre

Well, this new info on NiNID really makes it sound a thousand times better. I just hope that Nintendo America doesn't, for some strange and half-assed reason removes this for the US market. I doubt that will happen.

my question is whether or not purchases can be shared cross-system, like the PSN purchase system or maybe even like the Google Play system. I hope so, it'd make things easier.

The only thing that'd be difficult to manage would be transferring save data between systems due to the separate savedata per username.

from unboxing impressions places people are getting a much stronger feel of separation from the wii than i think most people were giving it credit for which makes me pretty excited

I am excitebike


When is the US release of the WiiU again? I need to make sure I save ALL my money for this


I passed on the Wii U preorder because it was pricy and the games at look first looked underwhelming. And while That's still mostly true, I took one look at the box art for Mario U and regretted that decision. It's like being hit with a thousand great childhood memories in a brand new packaging. Now, if only for that game, I can't wait to pick one up. SHOULD'VE PREORDERED!! Grrrrr!! =(


I really think people would be more excited about Pikmin 3 if they had actually shown off some real content. So far we've only seen the challenge mode and a boss battle. I'm sure this is only because the game isn't coming til very early next year but still, once they really give us a good look at it, I hope people will see the appeal.

wasn't the original ninja gaiden 3 really really bad though?

the ninja gaiden 3 on wii u is basically what the original ng3 should have been.

they took into account everything that people cried foul in regards to the original and amped things up. it's probably gonna be one of the goriest bloodiest games on wii u.

Posted (edited)

We don't know that... yet. Ninja Gaiden 3 was a laughably terrible, terrible game, and deserving of no praise. They will have to change the game from the ground-up in every single design sense in order for it to be anywhere near as good as the other NG games.

The other problem with Corruption was the way it FORCED you to do objectives instead of allowing you to do it in your own direction. There are times in the first two Prime games where you could carve a bit of your own path in terms of gathering items and power-ups. Not so with Corruption.

As much as I would like to see a return to the Prime format, I agree that they need to do something better with it.

Not to mention the finicky, gimmicky, stupid "open the door lol" motion control stuff, and the unsatisfying and annoying implementation of the grapple beam... Prime 3 was a mish-mosh of limited environs and lame fetch-quests (in a series derided for lame fetch-quests!), and I personally think the trilogy had its peak at Echoes, where the ideas, bosses, and locales were the most unique and innovative.

Of course, by the time you get to Other M, it's clear that Nintendo has no fucking clue what they're doing, or going to do, with the Metroid franchise. Watch as they shove it off to another third-party developer, who once more fail to see what made the series so great.

Edited by EC2151

Prime 3 was amazing. The motion controls worked well and I felt it to have the greatest variety in environments with by far the best graphics. What's with you guys and your metroid hate?

Anyways the best buy in town finally got a wii U set up, and I fiddled around with the controller. It honestly feels even better than I was expecting, and the screen is lovely to the touch. I didn't play anything (i doubt the unit even had a game to play) but it's made me even more excited for launch.

Prime 3 was amazing. The motion controls worked well and I felt it to have the greatest variety in environments with by far the best graphics. What's with you guys and your metroid hate?


i thought echoes was the worst of the series honestly. not bad by any means but not as good as 1 or 3

Posted (edited)

I liked Prime 3 as well. I think the entire trilogy is good. I still haven't tried the first two with motion controls yet, and if I didn't already own 1 and 3 I would've bought the collection already. The glitch in 2 sucked though; the one where you get stuck and have to restart the entire game. Still a great series although each game has its strengths and weaknesses.

Edited by megadave

I disliked Corruption because of its greater linearity due to an emphasis on a forgettable, silly (and laughable) plot and VA, struggling to do those stupid "twist and turn your wrists to open to door" segments that were plain not fun, and while there were more worlds to explore, and interesting environments, they all felt fairly small in scope as opposed to having one large organic world to explore, like Tallon IV and Aether. Also, the bosses were lazy (shockwave attacks everywhere), and Hypermode more or less took all the challenge away from the game as soon as you learned how to exploit it constantly. That and the final boss was a huge letdown. That, and on top of all of that, I don't really think the motion controls really enhanced things - I was quite happy with and enjoyed the Gamecube controls for the first two games.

Of course this is small potatoes to the steaming pile of garbage that was Other M, but honestly, I don't foresee myself playing either Other M or Corruption any time soon.

I've been seeing some giantbomb videos of Tank! Tank! Tank! and I must say, it's looking to be a game right up my alley. Though I think within the first few hours of release, we'll start to see abuses of the whole "put a photo on the boss's face" thing.

"S- Sir! I do say, that monster's face is no face at all."


i thought echoes was the worst of the series honestly. not bad by any means but not as good as 1 or 3

Agreeing here. I enjoyed Corruption despite its linear nature and some tacked on motion control BS, and the original Prime was one of, if not my favorite GameCube game ever. Prime was pretty much the perfect Metroid experience in three dimensions.

Echoes pissed me off way too much for me to fully enjoy. Even more backtracking, very few shortcuts to be found, and worst of all was Dark Aether. While interesting at first, it quickly lost its novelty when you got locked into every other room where you were forced to fight a bunch of Ing and you were restricted to the areas that were lit up. Conceptually, Dark Aether and its toxic atmosphere were awesome, but in practice, it was just a huge nuisance. What's sad is that Echoes is, for the most part, a wonderfully put together, atmospheric game, but it suffers a lot coming off the original Prime's footsteps.

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