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The reactions to the Direct have been slightly odd.

Sure, 3D World isn't what everyone expected. But 4 player co-op in 3D is a pretty big thing imo. It's not going to sell the game to me but I'm sure it'll sell the game to many people and is a big innovation largely ignored by people that claim the direct was safe.

The reaction towards DKCTF was also sad. DKCR was an amazing game, yet people were mad about it because they wanted Metroid... I think we'll see Metroid, but just not this year.

And Nintendo showed X and Bayonetta 2 for "realistic" graphics. Monolith Soft is part of Nintendo so their game shouldn't be ignored when talking about what Nintendo can do, and that game has beautiful "realistic" graphics. Sure, Nintendo didn't show any FPS or any zombie game, but considering that the PS4 and X1 libraries are almost only FPS or zombie games with very similar looks, it doesn't make me sad at all.

Pikmin 3

Bayonetta 2

Wonderful 101

Zelda Wind Waker HD

Mario Kart 8

Super Smash Bros

DKC: Tropical Freeze

Super Mario 3D World

Xenoblade 2

Super Luigi U

None of those games excite you Brandon (Outside of Smash/Zelda HD)? Why did you even get a Wii U? These games are EXACTLY why you'd buy a Nintendo product. If none of these got you excited, you really did make a poor choice purchasing the Wii U.

No new 'true' 3D mario (i.e. Galaxy), no new Zelda, no new Metroid, Smash Bros not coming out for awhile...


I'm inordinately excited for Mario 3D World. Mario 3D Land is one of the finest Mario games I've played and I played it to death, even after 100-percenting it. The control, the level design, the pacing, the aesthetic, everything came together in an incredible package. 3D World looks like it's going to continue that.

Posted (edited)


I forgot to add "A possibly actually good Sonic" to that list earlier

No new 'true' 3D mario (i.e. Galaxy), no new Zelda, no new Metroid, Smash Bros not coming out for awhile...

I could add Star Fox to that "not announced/shown" list too, but outside of that just think: They have this many good games (finally) and they still haven't even pulled out their biggest guns yet. We are in for a nice ride down the road hopefully once they get to the big guns. (Though I personally consider Pikmin 3, DKC, Mario Kart and Smash some pretty big guns!)

Sure, I already mentioned I was bummed they didn't show off a new true Mario game, but 3D World is probably the best substitute and I'm really excited to play it.

I find it hard to believe someone can be not excited by any single game on the list I gave, because I'm pretty excited about each and every one. There is no way I can even afford all the games they are releasing (especially on the 3DS too) as is so I don't have any complaints as is if they space them out. Just as long as there isn't a 6 month drought like launch to now

This guy disagrees.

Well, hes entitled to his opinion, but Sony's biggest announcement was "PS4 is a regular videogame console". Don't get me wrong, I got really excited too that they didn't join in with MS's scheme

But... Wii U is also a regular videogame console.

I also got really really really excited for FFXV/KH3 but... later it was stated they were not PS4 exclusives. But since I'm not TOUCHING an Xbox One, it might as well be I guess

I love how they are supporting the indie scene in the console space but.. most of those games already on the PC. I'd rather support someone like Ouya for the indie cause anyways, but kudos to Sony for reaching out to smaller devs and not shoving them away like MS has lately

But really out of the big 3, Nintendo was the only one pushing out a giant list of games that were exclusive to their console.

I do have to say Sony's conference has convinced me I am getting a PS4 for sure (probably not at launch, but as soon as XV or MGSV comes out), and its even affordable! If they had gone MS's route I probably would of held off until it was like a bargin bin console (I'll be holding off on Xbox One until it is a bargin bin console... if ever. Its the first time i've NOT wanted to buy a console)

Edited by Crowbar Man
No new 'true' 3D mario (i.e. Galaxy), no new Zelda, no new Metroid, Smash Bros not coming out for awhile...

this is not a counter-argument to a list of 10 1st party exclusives pretty much all of which are a lock to be very high quality titles, plus new zelda is already confirmed as coming out

so two games aren't coming out as fast as you want them to and 3d mario world is not 3d enough for you. whatever floats your boat

i'd like a new metroid too but those other 10 will keep me occupied til then i think


I don't get why people are saying that the new Mario isn't a 'true' 3D Mario or whatever.

It's Mario and it's in 3D. The game looks solid and fun as hell from the trailer. What's the issue here?

Posted (edited)

Play Mario 64 or to a lesser extent, Galaxy. or if you have to, Sunshine (not personally a fan of that one, but it was more free roaming than Galaxy)

3D Land/World has this kinda even more on rails / follow a path level design inspired by Galaxy but taken further. Kinda like a 2D game but with free roaming. Its enjoyable, but it isn't a real Mario 3D platformer in the sense your wandering around a full 3D world

Edited by Crowbar Man

it's also being made by the Galaxy team.

i understand liking that, but SM3DW will have elements from all the games, from 64 to Sunshine to both Galaxies, along with stuff from SM3DL. It's a culmination of all those games, and a successor to all of them.

If that's not a new "true" 3D Mario, then I don't know what is. Perhaps y'all need to re-evaluate your personal definitions of that and take another look at this game.

Posted (edited)
The reaction towards DKCTF was also sad. DKCR was an amazing game, yet people were mad about it because they wanted Metroid... I think we'll see Metroid, but just not this year.

After waggle roll, I'm skeptical of DKCTF until it's confirmed that the game isn't gamepad touch screen controls only.

In all seriousness though, there was some mysterious hype around Retro some time ago, I think a DKCR sequel was a predictable move and people were expecting something more ambitious for their next project.

David Wise involvement has me excited, would've liked to have seen more original music in DKCR, maybe this time

Edited by liquid wind
Posted (edited)
SM3DW will have elements from all the games, from 64 to Sunshine to both Galaxies, along with stuff from SM3DL. It's a culmination of all those games, and a successor to all of them.

I really doubt it will have any elements from Mario 64/Galxies, I HOPE it doesn't have any elements from Sunshine (I really didn't enjoy that one)

It isn't a successor to anything but Super Mario 3D Land. They even named it as such. It will play like Super Mario 3D Land, which does not play like Mario 64/Sunshine/Galaxies (except for some of the more, strictly linear sublevels). 3D Land was a pretty unique play style.

Again, I'm excited about 3D World, but it isn't a follow up to the Mario mainline series, its a follow up to 3D Land. 3D Land in itself was a handheld experiment / subseries (like NSMB). Again its even named as such by given it a retro style name (Land = Super Mario Land, the older handheld series, World = Super Mario World, an older console game). It is meant to be retro-ish. But it is far far far more enjoyable than the NSMB sub series, and I am looking forward to it's sequel

Nintendo more than likely IS working on a follow up to the Mario mainline series (at least I hope). This just isn't it. I'm buying it though, with excitement!

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

I've seen just everything Nintendo has released on it on their You Tube channel and website. It looks great, amazing actually. But I don't see anything here that shows a more open level design ala Mario 64/Sunshine/Galaxy. The level paths are wider than 3D Land sure (to accommodate 4 players), but still follow a particular path, still has the flagpole and ? retro style of 3D Land.

Do you have a link to a video that shows something I haven't seen? I could of missed it. I'll go look again

Edited by Crowbar Man
I find it hard to believe someone can be not excited by any single game on the list I gave, because I'm pretty excited about each and every one. There is no way I can even afford all the games they are releasing (especially on the 3DS too) as is so I don't have any complaints as is if they space them out. Just as long as there isn't a 6 month drought like launch to now

Indeed most of those games are not exciting to me.

* Not interested in Pikmin

* Not interested in Bayonetta 2

* Not interested in Wonderful 101

* Not a fan of Wind Waker

* Skeptical about Mario Kart 8 as I hated the recent iterations and much preferred the recent Sonic Allstars racing games

* Excited for Smash Bros but it's a long way away, and so no reason for me to buy the console now

* Kind of interested in DKC: Tropical Freeze but 2D platformers don't hold my attention as much anymore

* Mixed feelings about Super Mario 3D World. I'd like to see it in action. I was not a fan of NSMB Wii and I don't really want more samey gameplay like that. SM Galaxy was on a whole different level.

* Never played Xenoblade 1, not really interested in JRPGs

* Not interested in Super Luigi U for the reasons stated above

I LOVED Skyward Sword, and I LOVED Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2. Those games were worth the price of admission on the Wii. I also have high hopes for a new Metroid that will return to the older style of gameplay like Zero Mission for example. And I'm sure the new Smash will be cool. But none of these are available or anywhere close so I have 0 reason to even consider a WiiU for awhile.

Posted (edited)

Allstars Transformed was a really good game, (best "Sonic" game in a while and not even made by Sega) but honestly they stole the whole transforming kart thing from Mario Kart 7 :/ Really good game though.

Well, sorry to hear you aren't interested in anything this round, but Nintendo is obviously working on a new Zelda, and I'm almost 100% a new Mario that isn't NSMB / "3D Land/World" related and Smash IS coming 100% confirmed (hopefully next year). Maybe next year!

As a reminder if you liked Galaxy, Sonic Lost Worlds (Wii U exclusive) looks pretty similar but hoping for a Sega / Sonic game to be good is a gamble so we'll see when that one gets released.

However, I'd like to note that you didn't buy a Wii U, my comment was for someone that DID buy one and somehow doesn't want any of these games :)

2D platformers don't hold my attention as much anymore

Breakin' my heart ;_;

Edited by Crowbar Man
Colors and Generations say hi.

Yea, he said it was a gamble. The record shows like a.. 70% chance of bad game, 25% good, and 5% devil incarnate.

Of course according to my brother only Sonic 06 was truly bad and "metal Sonic has the coolest design ever"

Allstars Transformed was a really good game, (best "Sonic" game in a while and not even made by Sega) but honestly they stole the whole transforming kart thing from Diddy Kong Racing

fixed that for you

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