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Posted (edited)

I'm pretty sure it is running in real time. You could change the lighting and camera angles on the tech demo. They used tons of lights to show off realtime lighting, it would be weird to be prerendered

Unless I'm missing something. Now of course, this is just a graphics tech demo. The scene is running without physics, ai, etc but still looks nice to look at.

Either way, this Zelda looks better than that picture you posted. That looks pretty bland to me

Edited by Crowbar Man

Pikmin 3 is number 1 in Japan game sales right now, and Wii U movements have tripled there. That doesn't necessarily mean the same will occur other places, but I'm willing to bet things will be picking up for the system through this year to next Spring.

Success for sales means more games for us to play right? Anyway, just thought we could use some good news around here.

Pikmin 3 is number 1 in Japan game sales right now, and Wii U movements have tripled there.

Yeah, not bad!


So they sold 92,720 copies of Pikmin 3! That's incredible.

And this week they sold 22,199 Wii Us which is a CONSIDERABLE rise over the 8,251 Wii Us they sold in Japan last week.

Hell yeah, system seller!

Yeah, not bad!


So they sold 92,720 copies of Pikmin 3! That's incredible.

And this week they sold 22,199 Wii Us which is a CONSIDERABLE rise over the 8,251 Wii Us they sold in Japan last week.

Hell yeah, system seller!

if you're trying to imply that those are poor numbers then you don't really know much about the japanese market


I think he was sincere this time. Good to see folks getting along on here for once. Anyway, it's still too early to say with certainty that things are looking up, but this could be this tip of the iceberg for Wii U's recovery....just maybe.

Also, Pokemon Rumble U is due in August for North America.....18 figurines will be available for near-field-communication (exclusively at Gamestop...yeah I know).


I'm admittedly not a huge Pokemon fan nor detractor, but I'm kinda excited for it, just because the WiiWare game was actually pretty fun and I'm itching to try out Wii U's NFC capabilities.

I think he was sincere this time. Good to see folks getting along on here for once. Anyway, it's still too early to say with certainty that things are looking up, but this could be this tip of the iceberg for Wii U's recovery....just maybe.

Also, Pokemon Rumble U is due in August for North America.....18 figurines will be available for near-field-communication (exclusively at Gamestop...yeah I know).


I'm admittedly not a huge Pokemon fan nor detractor, but I'm kinda excited for it, just because the WiiWare game was actually pretty fun and I'm itching to try out Wii U's NFC capabilities.

The figures look like poop. If they looked like the old Pokemon TFG figures, than it might've sold a system to me.

I think he was being sincere.
I think he was sincere this time.

it's hard to tell sometimes lol

but okay. and i'm with dave the pokemon rumble game was fun, though i wouldn't have paid 15 dollars for

it's hard to tell sometimes lol

but okay. and i'm with dave the pokemon rumble game was fun, though i wouldn't have paid 15 dollars for

It is hard to tell as sarcastic as he is. I give him more hell than you do. Oddly enough, one of his mixes came on while I was mowing the grass earlier, so I can't be too mean. Anyway, the figures are 4 dollars, there are 18.....looks like the hardcore Pokemon fans are going to write Nintendo a fat check. I will probably just dl the game and get one figure to try out the NFC.


Ubisoft has become just another EA derp-derp type company. Their Rayman franchise is the exception, but they've changed the formula far too much since Rayman 2 to keep my interest.

I bought a Wii U for odd, quirky games that you can't find anywhere else. Nintendo will deliver that first-party experience.. eventually.


Nintendo 3rd party support has always been abysmal. What else is new.

It's rough right now for sure, because this has to be the weakest launch I've ever seen. The Wii U nuclear bombed its launch because their gimmick wasn't as ooh-ahh as motion controls.

Worst case scenario, Nintendo becomes a software-only company, my dream come true.

Posted (edited)
Denial sure is strong man.

Ubisoft took a gamble on the WiiU and lost. Despite the well received nature of ZombiU, the consumers ultimately arent backing the WiiU. That could very well change, but the outlook is still bleak.

Sure, the outlook is bleak, but your argument that ubisoft should drop wii u is irrelevant. You are comparing almost brand new console to consoles that have been out 7 or more year.s In that case you could also put xbox one and ps4 on that chart and put '0' next to it. There are katrillions of 360's and ps3's out there, and when the install base for any console grows, so will overall sales. That chart failed to list that information, so on paper it looks as if it supports your argument.

I'm not saying that sales for Wii U will be as high as other consoles, but it will be a higher with a higher install base, and as you Ubisoft said themselves, to do that, Nintendo needs to get their first party games rolling, and that's happening starting August.

Edited by megadave
their, not "There"

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