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This entire generation has been sold on the illusion of [fake] "HD" so it might come as a shock when games are actually presented in real "HD."

I already expressed my hopes and fears about the graphical upgrades of the WiiU pages ago. Basically, I hope this will mean less anti-aliasing, better textures, etc.

Are we sure that the games are actually HD, or are they upscaled like the rest of the consoles?

Posted (edited)

ocre: its not "Kotaku", its every gaming website. IGN, GameSpot, Joystiq, etc. Nintendo reps respond to them all the same way: For voice chat you must use a headset that plugs into the GamePad. If there was an option to use BlueTooth, wouldn't you think one of the many websites would of reported that by now, and that Nintendo reps would of mentioned that when questioned? It would be peculiar for it to be left out when asked about it over and over, especially when people are starting to make a big deal about it.

Derrit: I didn't say anything differently then DarkeSword. You've called me an idiot in your other post too when you didn't even read the article you posted.

NSMB Topic: I myself don't consider the NSMB to be really a part of the main "Mario" series. Its just a spinoff (like Kart, Party, etc), and rather lame and samey at this point. A real "Mario" game will come to the Wii U in the future I'm sure.

More on the Voice Chat Conversation:

There is already one online game confirmed to be missing voice chat: Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed.

360/PS3 version can, Wii U can't. Doesn't matter what your stance is on voice chat, it is still unfortunately a missing feature. And it wont be the first. This is why its disappointing that Nintendo took this stance.

In other words, are we at the point where we can't do much more graphics-wise without upgrading our TVs and other gaming displays to be able to display it?

Covered this in the topic earlier: Almost no games on consoles now are even pushing native 1080p. Some AAA games barely make it to native 720p. If a game supports "1080p", 95% of the time its just upscaled 720p or worse, unless its something with very simple graphics.

Wii U launch games are native 720p. Theres still room to improve, then you have to take into consideration more powerful shaders, polygon counts, etc etc. We are at a point where the returns are starting to be less important, but we aren't near "maxing" anything out graphically in console land, especially resolution wise.

There IS 4K "Ultra HD" (3840 x 2160) TVs coming out in the near future too.

Are we sure that the games are actually HD, or are they upscaled like the rest of the consoles?

See previous conversation we had on this. Depends on your definition of "HD", native 720p is "HD" but not "Full HD"/"True HD" or whatever you want to call native 1080p. Wii U launch games are in native 720p like current consoles can do, but the unit has the ability to output to native 1080p like current gen consoles can do too. I imagine they are playing it safe since devs have to get used to the new hardware + 2nd screen.

Edited by Crowbar Man

Back to Wii U supposedly using Nintendo Network IDs, if they are going to allow Usernames, what are you guys gonna pick?

Probably gonna go with GameBird again. That's the name I'm trying to use for most of my creative work. I go by Overflow and TotalOverflow as well, but I think I want to make GameBird the name of my studio or something.

Posted (edited)
NSMBU runs in 1080p.

"In recent hours it's been reported on a number of websites, including our colleagues at Eurogamer, that New Super Mario Bros. U will support a full 1080p HD resolution, a bump up from the 720p seen in various demo and hands-on sessions of the game. The game's official site has been quoted as saying the following:

Experience Mario like never before... in full 1080p HD, only on the Wii U console!

It looks like someone at Nintendo of America got over-excited when that was written, however, as the sentence in question has now been edited:

Experience Mario like never before... in high definition, only on the Wii U console!

It seems as if the 1080p reference may have been in error, making it likely that the 720p resolution seen at events is reflective of what the final package will offer. There are some games that will be "full" HD, however, with download title Toki Tori 2 expected to be one of them."

Edited by ocre
Posted (edited)

As ocre stated (and I earlier), unless they have changed something, NSMBU renders in native 720p as shown in screenshots and press events and confirmed by Nintendo. 720p is still HD. Just not 1080p. If it has a 1080p option, it'll be upscaled.

Edited by Crowbar Man
the real question is does it actually fuckin' matter (spoilers the answer is fuckin' no)

Damnit bleck! I hate spoilers! especially when it comes to these kinds of questions!

It's kind of like shouting "I lost the game" in a crowded room (or posting it on a public internet forum like so)

Spoilers suck.

Anywho, back to the topic at hand.

Runs in, and actually is are two very different things. My Borderlands 2 on my PC is actually in 1080p. All console games currently run at a lower res and are upscaled, not making them true HD.


I know exactly what I was saying. There was a story a while ago saying that NSMBu was going to run in true 1080p, as in "not upscaled 720." I guess that's since been debunked/revised, but that was what was said.


In regards to the Foxconn situation...

"Nintendo was concerned to learn that underage individuals had been working at a Foxconn facility in China where components for some Nintendo products are produced. Nintendo investigated the incident and determined that this was a violation of the Nintendo Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Procurement Guidelines that all Nintendo production partners are required to follow, based on relevant laws, international standards and guidelines.

Foxconn has taken full responsibility for this incident and has moved quickly to ensure that all affected individuals no longer work at Foxconn. In fact, Foxconn’s own policies prohibit the employment of underage individuals and the company has pledged to Nintendo via direct communications to improve its process of enforcing this policy to avoid any similar issues in the future.

As one of many companies that work with Foxconn to enhance CSR along the whole supply chain, we take this issue very seriously. As part of our ongoing procurement process, Nintendo staff will continue to carry out on-site inspections of our production partners in order to understand the actual on-site conditions and to promote socially responsible procurement.

For more information about Nintendo’s Corporate Social Responsibility report, please visit http://www.nintendo.co.jp/csr/en/index.html."


Posted (edited)
the real question is does it actually fuckin' matter (spoilers the answer is fuckin' no)

To your average joe? Nope. To the gameplay? Nope.

But to pixel counters and/or people who just want to know every little detail and/or give accurate information? Yes. Its the difference between life and death. :lol:

Just information, no need to get stressed out.

Edited by Crowbar Man
the real question is does it actually fuckin' matter (spoilers the answer is fuckin' no)

Fuckin' a

Of course I don't really care about the HD craze that much. I just think it's funny how much "HD" has been shoved down our throats through marketing when only a handful of games have actually been able to display at 1080p.

And even fewer have been actually able to even run at 60fps!

Games running in 1080p and in 60fps would be pretty neato, though. It'd be nice to see the processing power put to some good use.

Ok the GameStamp where I work finally got a Wii U demo kiosk in, and I did get to play it. It was demoing Rayman Legends and was a lot of fun. However I would like to bring into question of durability, as the tablet controller is now broken, but a day after it was setup.

Well what happened to it?

Well what happened to it?

Brushfire picked it up and broke it over his knee.

"oh, hey! look at this! look how not durable this controller is!"

loljk. It's kind of like the DS screen, you can't whack at it too hard or you'll break it (duh)

Oh God, those poor Wii U systems out there getting manhandled by snot-nosed little pisses. Those brave brave systems. :(

Come to think of it most Demo systems I've seen in shops tend to not work these days.

That is exactly what happened. No, both the joy sticks are now dead on it. Kinda like what the N64 had going for it you know. Stick is just dead and flaccid.

if it's like how the n64 felt then it's likely from the same cause; violent use. as everyone is saying, in the past few years who's seen a controller on a demo machine that actually works well?

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