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All of this Nintendo hate makes me want to go buy more Nintendo games.

It's not hate. It's disappointment in a long series of terrible decisions.

Nintendo is not the underdog. They've never been the underdog. They're not being bullied. Supporting them for no reason other than to support them is just sending them a message that what they're doing right now is ok, and it's not.

It's not hate. It's disappointment in a long series of terrible decisions.

Nintendo is not the underdog. They've never been the underdog. They're not being bullied. Supporting them for no reason other than to support them is just sending them a message that what they're doing right now is ok, and it's not.

says the guy talking about the importance of EA in the gaming industry.

i legit don't see any issues with the LP shit. and having no games on wii u sucks.

that's pretty much it.

With EA being the biggest publisher in the world, it actually is really important.

Not to mention STAR WARS

I'd just buy third party stuff on PC. But consoles are fueled by third party games and the rubes who buy them on consoles.

And Wii U being the one system that doesn't get Battlefield 4, or Madden 25, or Fifa 13, the STAR WARS series, or who knows what, is a big hit.

On the thread topic, I find it kind of funny that Nintendo doesn't understand that all they had to do to ensure health for the Wii U launch is put a main series Pokémon game on it (I know, I know. "Pokémon games are for portable devices." "GameFreak doesn't know how to make 3D games.").

They have put full Pokémon games on consoles. They just didn't sell very well.

Colosseum and Gale of Darkness for the GameCube are considered canon games, they are included in timeline topics and they offered the same features (and new ones as well) as the GameBoy and DS titles. They just weren't very popular. Because, get this, people like playing them on the handhelds. It's quicker and easier to pull out a GameBoy, GBA or DS and start playing than it is to start up a console hooked up to a TV. I know that sounds meaningless, but people can get into portable games a lot easier than console games.

And with the release of X and Y later this year, they finally go full 3D (not including all the 3D tricks they've been using since G3n 4), and all anyone does is bitch about how they aren't using sprites anymore.

Fucking fanbase...

Posted (edited)

Wii survived (and thrived) despite not getting the vast amount of third party support PS3 & 360 enjoyed. Core titles year after year.

Wii U doesn't need to be the first choice console (and in fact would probably benefit from being the "secondary" system) in the coming gen. Wii U won't get FIFA? It's getting 3D Mario. Wii U won't get Star Wars? It's getting Smash Bros. You can buy Star Wars and FIFA on those other systems EA feels are more relevant. (How many Star Wars games did Wii get? Wii sure was the sports game fan haven of last gen, wasn't it?)

Damned: Colosseum and Gale of Darkness were not main series Pokemon games made by GameFreak. They didn't have the same mechanics (or quality) of the handheld games. Apples and oranges.

Damn B-Strades. You beat me to this one.

And yet you're both days late 'breaking' this news.

Nintendo aren't taking down videos so Nintendo-centric content on YouTube will still be made. LPers just got into a hissy fit when they found out Nintendo were cutting off a source of income for them. It's not like when Sega launched a video take-down campaign.

Edited by ocre
EA being the biggest publisher

I'm not sure if this is true, nor am I particular sure what it means

biggest publisher as in most revenue? as in most different series published? as in most critically acclaimed publisher?

and regardless of which one of those it is, it still doesn't really matter; nintendo consoles have always had slow starts characterized by a lack of core franchise titles, and we're a few months away from that not really being an issue anymore

if anybody really thinks that EA not publishing shitty sports games and browngray shooters for the wii u is some kind of death knell for nintendo I invite you to reexamine the history of video game consoles


Considering the top selling games of last year were:

10: Sports

9: Lego Batman 2

8: Brown Shooter Set in Modern Times 3

7: Brown Shooter with a Cell Shaded Artstyle 2

6: Sports

5: Almost a Sport

4: Brown Stabby Almost Shooter

3: Brown Shooter in Space

2: Sports

1: Brown Shooter that has Black Operators 2

At Bleck:

Volume of games published is what I am referring to. They publish more games per year than any other publisher. The next being Sony. Then Ubisoft.

Posted (edited)
I guess in the end it will come down to whether people are impressed with a rehash of what came out on the Wii without any big change (NSMBU, et al) or miss the "browngray" of major games coming to every other system.

Yeah, because NSMBU was totally a port of NSMB Wii. No new levels or new power ups or anything. Troll.

At Brushfire: Whoa! Multiplatform games whose demographic are the common bottom-feeding troglodytes who don't realize they're buying the same game every year (FIFA 13 was literally FIFA 12) sold more than anything else? Who would think?!

Also Wii U is getting the next Call of Duty.

Edited by ocre
Posted (edited)

A little of topic here, maybe, but I'm really hoping for a Super Monkey Ball on Wii U. Monkey Ball games always get mixed reviews but they're friggin' awesome. Okay - back to topic. I just wanted to add that.

Edited by megadave
Yeah, because NSMBU was totally a port of NSMB Wii. No new levels or new power ups or anything. Troll.

It was a fun game but you can't deny the new stuff summed up to about 3 minutes of new content. Troll.

Yeah, because NSMBU was totally a port of NSMB Wii. No new levels or new power ups or anything. Troll.

At Brushfire: Whoa! Multiplatform games whose demographic are the common bottom-feeding troglodytes who don't realize they're buying the same game every year

I found it funny and ironic you said this in the same post.

Yeah, because NSMBU was totally a port of NSMB Wii. No new levels or new power ups or anything. Troll.

At Brushfire: Whoa! Multiplatform games whose demographic are the common bottom-feeding troglodytes who don't realize they're buying the same game every year (FIFA 13 was literally FIFA 13) sold more than anything else? Who would think?!

Also Wii U is getting the next Call of Duty.

Of course the WiiU is getting the next CoD. But the problem is too many of that 20 Million or so folks that play COD are going to get it for the next Xbox or PS4, not because WiiU is bad, but because none of their friends will get it for the WiiU.

Also Lego Batman 2 was a really good game.

Also also, I hate to break it to you, but the majority of bottom feeding troglodytes that will buy anything labeled Brown shooter, far outweigh the very small by comparison minority of people that think otherwise. Publishers know this because they can make a hell of a lot more money just cashing in than producing "works of art." Games are mainstream now and folks like us that enjoy the works of art that came before are aged dinosaurs.

Posted (edited)
Also also, I hate to break it to you, but the majority of bottom feeding troglodytes that will buy anything labeled Brown shooter, far outweigh the very small by comparison minority of people that think otherwise. Publishers know this because they can make a hell of a lot more money just cashing in than producing "works of art." Games are mainstream now and folks like us that enjoy the works of art that came before are aged dinosaurs.

Well, those type of people are probably less likely to buy anything Nintendo develops or probably already have 360/PS3 and will buy a Durango/PS4. So honestly, I'm not sure if it is even worth putting those games on the Wii U.

EA is about easy money, and the Wii U didn't get the return they wanted (even if it was their fault for putting no effort into the ports to begin with). So they are refocusing on making money on EVEN EASIER PORTS (PS4/Durango should be extremely easy to port the PC versions of their games) to make themselves more money instead of putting any more effort into the Wii U. It makes sense from a business prospective, but not a nice thing to do to consumers. EA rarely cares about consumers, so this is what they are doing

As I mentioned earlier, since EA didn't put any effort into their Wii U products, there isn't any benefit to the consumer to buy their products on the Wii U over the PS3/360. No benefit to the consumer, no benefit to EA, its really a wash to anybody except those who just happen to never bought a 360/PS3, yet for some reason wants games that are on those consoles.

Once the installed base for the Wii U shoots up to something EA feels they can make easy money on, I'm sure they will start developing on it again. That is the largest problem right now, Wii U isn't selling (which unfortunately is Nintendo's fault by MULTIPLE factors)

If not, its just less less sports and brown shooters on the Wii U. Not really a big deal IMO. You can get those any platform. What you CAN NOT get on other platforms is Nintendo's games and games exclusive to the Wii U. Um... as soon as Nintendo gets around to making them

The only part that is really really bad for Nintendo is it LOOKS bad in the public eye. If they lose consumer confidence on TOP of having no games, the Wii U will take even longer to recover. But leave it to EA to kick someone while they are down

Edited by Crowbar Man

Losing EA is a big deal, I can't believe people try to argue against that. EA probably doesn't sell consoles, but the lack of FIFA, Madden and other stuff may lead people to buy other consoles over Wii U. I love how some people live in some dream world where everyone can buy 2 or even 3 >$350 consoles like it's nothing.

And don't take me wrong, I love Nintendo and I want Wii U to succeed, but arguing that losing EA isn't important is very silly.

I hope Nintendo has more unexpected news like the Sega one...

Posted (edited)
Losing EA is a big deal, I can't believe people try to argue against that. EA probably doesn't sell consoles, but the lack of FIFA, Madden and other stuff may lead people to buy other consoles over Wii U. I love how some people live in some dream world where everyone can buy 2 or even 3 >$350 consoles like it's nothing.

Wii U is the only console that costs $300-350 between the PS3/360/Wii U. 360 is dirt cheap, and PS3 is getting cheaper and cheaper. They've also been out for 6 plus years, so its hard to believe someone who wants multi platform games has been sitting around for 6+ years without a console, and would go out and buy an expensive $350 Wii U when there are cheaper options available with much larger libraries of games.

If you cannot afford multiple consoles, why would you choose the most expensive one with the least amount of games available?

The reason to buy a Wii U is because of the potential of what developers can do with the controller, and the expectations of new Nintendo games. If you bought it to the same play 3rd party games you can get anywhere else, again probably the worst decision you could make.

Edited by Crowbar Man
Wii U is the only console that costs $300-350 between the PS3/360/Wii U. 360 is dirt cheap, and PS3 is getting cheaper and cheaper. They've also been out for 6 plus years, so its hard to believe someone who wants multi platform games has been sitting around for 6+ years without a console, and would go out and buy an expensive $350 Wii U when there are cheaper options available with much larger libraries of games.

If you cannot afford multiple consoles, why would you choose the most expensive one with the least amount of games available?

I meant when PS4 and the next Xbox arrive :-P

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