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PSN is Back!!! - LulzSEC hacked by someone else. TROLOLOLOLOL

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Sony is not a person, it is a company. By attacking 'Sony', you are attacking its employees and possibly threatening their careers and life. This is not harmless fun, and there is a reason why it is considered criminal behavior. I don't know you understand what 'bringing Sony to its knees' means in terms of real consequences on real humans.

Just..... no.

Yeah, that's pretty much all I could think of when I read that.

That's just... you're... fuck. Really?

Sony has it's hands in lots of things, not just making TVs and video game systems. They also have banking, mining, shipping and transport, heavy industrial work and all kinds of stuff. Sony goes down, all of that gets knocked around and who knows what the result will be. That could be enough to send the international markets into another spiral. But thank god Sony got taken care of!

Comments like this are either from band-wagon jumpers or fucking fanboys. And no, one is not necessarily better than the other.

EDIT: Oh, interesting stats from Sony about PSN customers. Most of them are still willing to use the service even after the various attacks.


Yeah, exactly. I see these attacks as childish outbursts that have long since lost their direction (and the direction they had was bad to begin with).Give a brat a gun and he shoots anyone that doesn't let him have his way.

The attacks started as a retaliation on 'Sony' for "violating the rights of its customers" by seizing property. Now all the attackers want to do is destroy "Sony," and they see nothing wrong with violating even more rights/laws; including ours, the innocent bystander.

At the end of the day, Sony's legal battles with the people involved in the exploits had infinitely less impact on me than what the terrorist hackers are doing; so why should they gain my support? Maybe I shouldn't be surprised but I can't believe some people root on the attacks of these criminals. The most annoying thing out of all this is seeing the people who (irrationally) never liked Sony come out of the woodwork and fling accusations about GOD-AWFUL SECURITY and QUESTIONABLE BUSINESS PRACTICES as if they have access to detailed reports and inside information.


It's unfortunate for Sony and for us members, BUT if this forces Sony to upgrade their security systems, then it was a good thing. It's good that nobody's credit card info was used (as far as I know) so Sony dodged a bullet on that one. Hopefully they get it tight as a drum because I do want to play online again someday.

It's unfortunate for Sony and for us members, BUT if this forces Sony to upgrade their security systems, then it was a good thing. It's good that nobody's credit card info was used (as far as I know) so Sony dodged a bullet on that one. Hopefully they get it tight as a drum because I do want to play online again someday.

It's like you didn't read the thread.



Lulzsec, a hacker group, is claiming they will continue hacking Sony everything for as long as they can.

I find it funny how people will say that Sony deserves this, while other companies are far, far worse with the way they treat not only their customers, but also innocent people in 3rd world countries.

The outrage over suing some guy over hardware hacking (which was settled out of court, so the law saying you can do so is still intact) is surely justified over, say... someone dumping toxic chemicals into the waters just off of a fishing village, poisoning hundreds, if not thousands. Or hiring mercenaries to force farmers off their land so they can mine some obscure material, and killing a few of them as a sign of force.

Or burning houses down.

Or kidnapping family members through hired thugs.

Or any of the other wonderful things some companies have been caught doing over the last 40 or so years.

But no, I guess taking down a video game network was more reasonable.

Good job, everyone! That will show the really bad people what for!


Nobody deserves to be bullied


someone dumping toxic chemicals into the waters just off of a fishing village, poisoning hundreds, if not thousands. Or hiring mercenaries to force farmers off their land so they can mine some obscure material, and killing a few of them as a sign of force.

Or burning houses down.

Or kidnapping family members through hired thugs.

you play too many video games


No, those would be the actions of various international corporations, some of which are based in the US.

Case in point: do you know why Somolia is filled with pirates now? Years of European and American companies dumping toxic waste from their boats instead of disposing it properly in their own countries. The local fishing industry died, and with no official government to fight back with, they took things into their own hands.

Years later, it went from being about revenge and protecting themselves, to becoming about money and power. It's a shit sandwich either way, now, but I laugh when I hear people saying "those damn Somalian pirates are attacking out boats, we should do something about it!" when those very boats are the ones that spent years illegally dumping waste in the same waters.

But yeah, go after a video game company for not letting you use Linux on your video game console. Totally a better cause.


But yeah, go after a video game company for not letting you use Linux on your video game console. Totally a better cause.

I agree that world conflict issues are far more important than Sony removing the ability of users to install Linus on their PS3. Sony's behavior affected many Linux users in a more personal way than those other world conflict issues, however. Somali pirates aren't directly taking things away from me that they promised I could have last year.

Caveat: I don't support the hacking activity at all, but Sony is definitely in the wrong over the OtherOS issue.


Pirates are one example. There are banks, insurance groups, pharmaceutical companies and auto manufacturers that have ruined thousands of lives and even let people die from lack of access to proper medical help.

It sucks that the one event that affects the least people and harms no one at all is the one that hackers decide is worth going after.

People suck.


Aye, we got it back last night. It was pretty unstable at first but it works.

Apparently it went back up today but the "welcome back" package isn't on yet, so no point to really open it yet. :/

I just bought Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX.

Store can go down again for all I care now. I am one happy panda.


Screw Lulzsec. I hope they wake up in the morning with dick in their ears. They just do it for fame and fun. They don't even have motives anymore, if they ever really did in the first place. It's not like Sony was ever going to reinstate the second OS option on PS3s because of a lesson they learned from hackers. Was that not their whole gripe in the first place or do I not know what I'm talking about? Let me know.

Was that not their whole gripe in the first place or do I not know what I'm talking about? Let me know.

I don't think they had a goal in mind in the first place other than 'for the lulz.' They're bored children with too much time on their hands, nothing more. The less attention given to them the quicker they go away.

Because that's what its really about in the end: the attention.

I don't think they had a goal in mind in the first place other than 'for the lulz.' They're bored children with too much time on their hands, nothing more. The less attention given to them the quicker they go away.

Because that's what its really about in the end: the attention.

except they are engaged in criminal activity

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