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Personally I don't like this idea because if you only wanted to listen to 1 song, or have your winamp/cd player on random, the start and end of the songs dont sound quite right. Since winamp has a crossfade plugin, why not use that for personal use instead of hard-coding the files with unnecessary crossfades..
Hmm... excellent point.
I don't know which Endless Mine mix I like more...
Yeah, there's something about Siamey's mix that I really like, but can't quite match!

Anyway, here's an update to my WIP:

'Eternal Excavation'

Thanks once again to Rayza for hosting this!

Known issues:

- annoying clicking from 0:15 to 0:20

- yeah, it needs to be longer and have more variation.

- something's not right with the drum track at 1:45... ( I thought I fixed that! Oh well!)

EDIT: I might eventually do a drum overhaul if I can come up with something better than what's already there...

So, what do you think?


Personally I don't like this idea because if you only wanted to listen to 1 song, or have your winamp/cd player on random, the start and end of the songs dont sound quite right. Since winamp has a crossfade plugin, why not use that for personal use instead of hard-coding the files with unnecessary crossfades..

But this isn't a collection of individual mixes - it's a project, one living, breathing whole.

I agree that if the mixes are submitted to OCR individually then the fades should be removed, but I feel that the project should be designed in such a way that a listener gets the most from the experience if they sit there and listen to it as one overall piece of work, in the order and all that's it's made in. That's what a project is, in my opinion.


But this isn't a collection of individual mixes - it's a project, one living, breathing whole.

With this being a very public project, we have a lot of mixers with very different styles and goals in mind, so it IS a collection of individual mixes. They will certainly not flow together very good.


Well, GeckoYamori has another good point. If the songs don't sound well mixed together, it shouldn't be done. The way I see it, crossfading would only be good if it was executed properly (not a generic 5 second crossfade, but crossfades that fit the individual tracks. (I've done it before with Adobe Audition, and it's turned out pretty good.) As well, not all tracks would be suited to crossfading. If crossfading is used, it must be used properly.

But this isn't a collection of individual mixes - it's a project, one living, breathing whole.

With this being a very public project, we have a lot of mixers with very different styles and goals in mind, so it IS a collection of individual mixes. They will certainly not flow together very good.

That has yet to be seen. With some degree of organization and cooperation, it is more than possible to go fluidly from one style to the next.


I am an ameteaur, but I do have a decent idea for a remix for the Glowball Stage. I will provide a WIP soon. If I don't make it, that'll be okay. I'm still working on my skills.

Rejoice peasants! For I have updated my track. I think I've found a good way to go with it. Anyway, still really not mastered & some fx issues in this one, but it's just to give ya'll a good idea what I'm going for. Oh yeah, & I have no intention of not finishing on time. In fact as of this post right here, I officially made the deadline. But I always welcome a good competition.

the linkage:



I'm sorry for being such a critic, but I adore this track, and my expectations are sky high for it. That said, this remix lacks the hit that the original has. It never reaches a climax, despite the building of instruments in the intro. It kind of just feels messy. The track sounds more like background music to a heavy guitar riff than a balls-to-the-wall, screaming techno excursion. So, my words of helpfull critisism are to build on that interesting phaser bass with a random, cymbal intesive beat, a strong synth brass section, and finally capture the original harmony with strings paired with the bass. Also, thanks for attempting so far to remix the hardest track ever to remix.

here's now 46 seconds of wip stuff from me... still under heavvy construction. right now i have been tweaking and testing a couple of different instruments... also, been having some issues with the shuffle/straight conflicts in the melody vs the drums.. just thought id share if someone wants a snapshot 8)

Mushroom Hill*:


It sounds very simple right now. And there are segments of the melody missing. But if you finish the melody and give the sound more depth, it's coming along nicely.

Here is a short rough WIP.

Link Removed, doing a new version in a different style.

I kinda liked it. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't bad, either. Maybe the other style will be better, though. *shrug*


Just thought I'd let y'all know, I have a WIP on the way pretty quick here, and it'll be up sometime this week. I'm pretty busy at the moment with school issues.


i see now it's Sonic 3 and Knuckles going into a project right after the Sonic 2 Project. 8O I'm not that surprised, but I would be if this whole project got done right on it's deadline! Good luck to you all!! 8)

Will these remixes include the original boss tunes from Sonic 3 or only those from Sonic & Knuckles?

As for knuckles, I decided not to use his theme because it's minimal. But if enough people really want to have kunckles theme on this, I may consider having it on. but I feel 25 tracks it enough.

Err.. if people work it right Knuckles' Sonic 3 theme can be classed as the Sonic 3 midboss theme. seeing as it was the same percussion. I would love more mixes if that boss theme. I know this is way old. I just realised where the topic was. I have been looking in the site projects forum wondering why I can see nothing about the project. :oops:

Its at times like this I wish I had more time to really learn how to mix ;_;

And Rayza that Azure Lake demo mix is sweet!

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