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What's your problem "Txai"?

Oh and Rexy, Good idea, but I have to think about it a little first.

Sora, good job making that forum. That was a VERY smooth move. I will be looking over the names.

ha. I didn't think of it so don't give the credit to me :lol:

Im going to go for ice cap too i think. Thne WIP should be finished soon (although i havent really started) :lol:

Does that mean we'll get an orchestrated version of it in the song choices? Sweet 8)

I guess the main problem is you never hear it throughout the course of S3&K, and no one is doing the real ending. It would be so much more interesting to hear a remix of essentially every song in one track.

I dunno, I sort of disagree on that - we already have all the songs here, and a remix of the real ending, unless extremely well-done, would just be a regular remix but with as many tunes crammed in as possible and not enough attention paid to the song itself.

And I´m sure about the ReMixer´s opportunity.

This guy is always talking in tongues or something..

I think he meant... potential?

or, ability, maybe.

Anyway, he's definitely doing a better job with English than most Americans his age would do with any other language.

What's your problem "Txai"?

Uh, you realize that English is not his first language, right?

He's actually pretty good for a 14 year old posting on foreign language boards.

I agree. Hell, as far as the internet's concerned he probably speaks better English than some English people do themselves :P

I say we should only correct him if he says something really wrong, otherwise we can normally understand what he's trying to say so it's fine.


I somewhat disagree with this track being on the project considering all the other S3-only tracks got dropped, but hey, i'll get over it ^^

Your progressions and song structure are quite good, but horrible equalising makes this difficult to listen to. What's with the claps? The drums sound so proffessional apart from that dodgey clap synth (and bad EQ work). It also appears that there's a fair bit of phase/flange on some of the instruments, which is making me cringe a little. I'm not sure it works in this piece - maybe try and see how it sounds without it?

Ohwell. Overall, you've got some really cool material here, I just don't agree with the Equalising and effects. I'll give it a listen on headphones later to give better EQ comments, but yeah.


I somewhat disagree with this track being on the project considering all the other S3-only tracks got dropped, but hey, i'll get over it ^^

I think this project is so good because it's pushing many people to mix Sonic songs and put them together. Now the song is getting done it wouldn't be very clever to put it aside...

Anyway Sora, I have to say I liked the previous version best. When I listen the new one, I don't find the same feeling... I think you have overworked it. Doesn't anyone think the same?


I somewhat disagree with this track being on the project considering all the other S3-only tracks got dropped, but hey, i'll get over it ^^

I think this project is so good because it's pushing many people to mix Sonic songs and put them together. Now the song is getting done it wouldn't be very clever to put it aside...

Anyway Sora, I have to say I liked the previous version best. When I listen the new one, I don't find the same feeling... I think you have overworked it. Doesn't anyone think the same?

I persoanlly think he went a bit overboard with the drums in the whole song, lol. Tone down the drums please. you're putting in allot more drums than were in the original melody.


I somewhat disagree with this track being on the project considering all the other S3-only tracks got dropped, but hey, i'll get over it ^^

I think this project is so good because it's pushing many people to mix Sonic songs and put them together. Now the song is getting done it wouldn't be very clever to put it aside...

Anyway Sora, I have to say I liked the previous version best. When I listen the new one, I don't find the same feeling... I think you have overworked it. Doesn't anyone think the same?

I persoanlly think he went a bit overboard with the drums in the whole song, lol. Tone down the drums please. you're putting in allot more drums than were in the original melody.

The song has a strange watery feel... I don't know exactly what it is, possibly overcompression?

A fart recorded at 320kbps is still a fart.

But a decent song recorded at 32kbps is muddy and distorted.

And yet you completely miss the point of my post, you bombastic simpleton.

snappleman, stfu and record something for this project plzkthnxafk


Contrarily, I completely understood your point and you, in your ostentatious pomposity, missed mine.

Shall I rephrase it so that you can understand?

"No need to be insulting. In fact, making it insulting muddles up your point. Next time just say 'The problem here is not the bitrate.'"

Contrarily, I completely understood your point and you, in your ostentatious pomposity, missed mine.

Shall I rephrase it so that you can understand?

"No need to be insulting. In fact, making it insulting muddles up your point. Next time just say 'The problem here is not the bitrate.'"

I like how you trick yourself into thinking I give a turtles asshole about what you got to say. I recommend you load up your FL studio and get your frustration out in the form of music. Then post it here and get tons of mindless praise from everyone and their dog just because they feel too sorry for you to tell you that it sucks.

Your hostility scares me, and I fear for my safety. Please don't reply to me anymore :(


wow...my song seems to be controversial to some people... :wink:

the claps are gone. they were a mistake :oops:

the eq is bad I admit. My computer is so slow I had to export it quickly so I didn't get to working on it. yes it's not compressed right AND the hosting service lowers the quality of the song. sooo all in all: I like the drums. They're not going anywhere. the claps ruin the drums so they're gone. I'll see what it sounds like without the Phase. And it's up to KFC to decide if this song stays. I don't see why not... it's a song...from Sonic 3... well known... why not? as for everyone bitching at each other: argue over the PM system or somehing. Cause all you're doing is making more stuff for the remixers to scroll down when we come here. This all seems pointless... unless someone wants to help with the compression, cause I"m self taught and am still learning stuff. :wink:


I hate to say this, but I feel Snapple has a point. If we're going to make this project work (and maybe surprass Hedgehog Heaven) we could do with criticising each other to help push our pieces to full perfection.

Mind, I found a nice link that can help with some encoding issues anyone seems to have. It can be worth having a try ;)

I hate to say this, but I feel Snapple has a point. If we're going to make this project work (and maybe surprass Hedgehog Heaven) we could do with criticising each other to help push our pieces to full perfection.

well, yes. Criticism is nice, as long as it's helpful and not a waste. :wink:

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