Sora Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 ok the forum idea was great but it would help if everyone was there too. that way you don't have to keep scrolling through stuff. The link is now in my sig when you want to go there. So if ALL remixers would register there, it'll work out easier.
UltimateSonicFan Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I guess the main problem is you never hear it throughout the course of S3&K, and no one is doing the real ending. It would be so much more interesting to hear a remix of essentially every song in one track. I dunno, I sort of disagree on that - we already have all the songs here, and a remix of the real ending, unless extremely well-done, would just be a regular remix but with as many tunes crammed in as possible and not enough attention paid to the song itself. Mind you, there is some original melody that deserves to be remixed. Personally, I'm not that impressed by his remix. I'm not going to go in depth about melody and its cohesiveness, because that would make me a hypocrite. However, I will say the real ending would appeal to everybody moreso than doing a different games' ending for the xth time.
-RK- Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 Wow, I've definately been away awhile from this thread. Lots of controversy. Anyways, I hope to have a completed arrangement by mid next week. Just checking in I guess.
Sora Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 I guess the main problem is you never hear it throughout the course of S3&K, and no one is doing the real ending. It would be so much more interesting to hear a remix of essentially every song in one track. I dunno, I sort of disagree on that - we already have all the songs here, and a remix of the real ending, unless extremely well-done, would just be a regular remix but with as many tunes crammed in as possible and not enough attention paid to the song itself. Mind you, there is some original melody that deserves to be remixed. Personally, I'm not that impressed by his remix. I'm not going to go in depth about melody and its cohesiveness, because that would make me a hypocrite. However, I will say the real ending would appeal to everybody moreso than doing a different games' ending for the xth time. I don't really understand this.Are you saying that it wasn't an original part of the S3 Soundtrack? It's a well known song and deserves recognition. I don't understand how anyone calling himself "UltimateSonicFan" would think that a song from S3 shouldn't be on the CD.
SlightlyOddGuy Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 The "real" ending doesn't cover the Sonic 3 tunes in the first place, which is somewhat against the spirit of the project. Even if you only did the S&K tunes, that's at seven or eight zones in one song, which would be difficult to combine into a cohesive track that anyone would want to listen on its own merit, and even worse if you toss Sonic 3 zones in besides. It just makes more sense to mix one song, instead of trying to combine fourteen into a single megamix. However, I will say the real ending would appeal to everybody moreso than doing a different games' ending for the xth time. I personally prefer the Sonic 3 ending anyway, and wish they would've used it in S3&K instead of the S&K ending, which doesn't do the full game justice.
Sora Posted April 13, 2005 Posted April 13, 2005 whoo a thread to limit scrolling: that's what it's here for let's not let the people of OC see us quarrel.
SnappleMan Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Hah, thanks for the backup, Rexy, but I didn't even hear the dudes song I just replied for the sake of being an asshole. Looks like I stirred up quite a bit of controversy!
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted April 14, 2005 Author Posted April 14, 2005 Anyway, updated the main page with Kanji and Nuts.
SnappleMan Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Hello and welcome toTHE SONIC 3 & KNUCKLES REMIX PROJECT Second W.I.P Deadline "Pending" I have been wanted to do remixes for this soundtrack for as long as I can remember. It is my personal favorite Sonic soundtrack, and knowing that people want to do this project just made me want to do it even more. One issue I had with trying to make this soundtrack into a remix project was the fact that it has quite a few tracks within it. I thought about it and came up with a simple solution. Let's use "Mushroom Hill Zone 1 and 2" as an example. These are two seperate zones, but under the surface, they have the same melodies. This has led me to decide that we should just put the zones togheter and let you pic the source material from the two zones of the area you decided to try and remix. Sound simple? Here is the list of tracks that will be used in the soundtrack(the stars by the names are for cleared W.I.Ps)(If your name has 3 "!"s on it, it means by the end of the day, without a WIP, you are gone(unless you contact me with a good reason).).: Data Select - claimed by KungFuChicken!* Angel Island Zone - claimed by Rexy* Hydrocity - claimed by yoshi_84 and Gman(collab)*/or Red Tailed Fox*/or Xenon Odyssey*/or AkumajoBelmont* Marble Garden - claimed by analoq(pending) Carnival Night - claimed by Less Ashamed Of Self* Icecap - claimed GaMeBoX*/or analoq(pending)/or Kanjika/or Sir Nuts(maybe) Launch Base - claimed by GeckoYamori* Mushroom Hill - claimed by GaMeBoX* Flying Battery - claimed by Beatdrop* Sandopolis - claimed by DarkeSword* Lava Reef - claimed by GaMeBoX* Hidden Palace - claimed by Sir Nuts(with a classified collab partner)* /or Joker* Sky Santuary - claimed by nesper*/or Sora*/or Kanjika*/or Upthorn* Death Egg - claimed by DJBren* Boss 1 (S&K version) - claimed by ffmusicdj*/or General Slicer* Boss 2 - claimed by Sir Nuts*/or Red Tailed Fox and Luiza TSM(collab)* Doomsday - claimed by Joker*/or UltimateSonicFan* Final Boss - claimed by Hadyn*/or DjNova* Ending Credits(S3 version) - claimed by Rayza/or Kanjika*/or Sora* Special Stage - claimed by DCT* Competition Menu - claimed by nesper*/or antipode* Azure Lake Competition - claimed by Rayza*/or LordMaestro* Balloon Park Competition - claimed by Ichitootah* Chrome Gadget Competition - claimed by Hetcenus* Endless Mine Competition - claimed by jeffreymroberts*/or Siamey* Desert Palace Competition - claimed by IcyGuy* **All other tracks will not be used** Voting Info ***THE VOTING WILL TAKE PLACE AFTER ALL THE TRACKS ARE COMPLETED. STOP ASKING.*** Also, as of now, no more new people.(unless you are going for ICECAP) Anyone can grab a track, and if someone has a track that you wanted to do, you can work on it as well, and then there will be a vote. note -NO TALK ABOUT THE PROJECT NAME IN THIS THREAD TAKE THE DISCUSSION HERE: - Have fun' - SithLordAku Click Here for the CORRECT Sonic 3 and Knuckles GYM files.
Hadyn Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Nice work Snappleman Sora: the reason people aren't sure about including this song is because it didn't actually appear in "Sonic 3 and Knuckles" (you know, the S3 cart plugged into the S&K cart, creating the best sonic game evvveerrrrrrrr). We're not remixing the Sonic 3 music AND the sonic and Knucles music, but rather we're remixing the music that appears in "Sonic 3 and Knuckles". For the most part, that covers the themes from both games, but some tracks from S3 are actually cut out or replaced in the soundtrack for S&K. That credits theme is one of the one that was cut out.
-RK- Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Stepped away for awhile, and decided to play around with what I had a little more. Still just a prototype, messing around and such. Lots of stuff I intend to change, but it would be cool to get some early opinions on it.
Rayza Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Since I'm a little behind on the Credits theme (due to PC changeover..) I'm posting what little I have, if only to prove that I am working on it.. Nothing much yet, just the arp, drums and bass.. Using the sidechain on the compressor to get that pumping sound when the bass kick comes in. Not sure if I like the overall feel/genre that much yet, but I'll see what other people say.. Edit: There is no structure yet, just the parts I've been working on. No this is not necessarily how it will start, etc.. Just an example of whats going on..
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted April 14, 2005 Author Posted April 14, 2005 We're not remixing the Sonic 3 music AND the sonic and Knucles music, but rather we're remixing the music that appears in "Sonic 3 and Knuckles". For the most part, that covers the themes from both games, but some tracks from S3 are actually cut out or replaced in the soundtrack for S&K. That credits theme is one of the one that was cut out. That comment was KEY people.
Hadyn Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Heh, apart from the typos. In the second sentence I said "S&K" instead of "S3&K", and in the last sentence I meant to say "ones" instead of "one". Ohwelllllll ^^; ~Hadyn
Sora Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 whoo seems that a lot of discussion aroud the credits. I only mixed it cause it was on the front page list thing.
Terial Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Since I'm a little behind on the Credits theme (due to PC changeover..) I'm posting what little I have, if only to prove that I am working on it.. Nothing much yet, just the arp, drums and bass..Using the sidechain on the compressor to get that pumping sound when the bass kick comes in. Not sure if I like the overall feel/genre that much yet, but I'll see what other people say.. Edit: There is no structure yet, just the parts I've been working on. No this is not necessarily how it will start, etc.. Just an example of whats going on.. The instrument you chose for the techno beat at the very begining is cool. I think the bass at 0:13 needs to be louder and sound a bit "chrasier" though. Maybe clapping might go good in this song at some point? And the synth (I think its a synth? lol) that comes in at 0:28 doesnt seem right for the song. It takes longer for your WIP to "get the ball rolling" lol as compared to the original song. But that would be good if its a long song and is great ^^. Overall, its okay, as this is just you showing something you've done right? I cant wait to hear more of it from you Rayza
Holy Warrior Azar Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 It's crap that the Act 1 boss music from Sonic 3 was NOT carried over into Sonic 3 & Knuckles. That really sucks. Somebody outside the project should cover that one anyway. BTW, do both Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles have Howard Drossin as the composer, or is the guy who did the music for Sonic 3 a seperate person?
Upthorn Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Since I'm a little behind on the Credits theme (due to PC changeover..) I'm posting what little I have, if only to prove that I am working on it.. Nothing much yet, just the arp, drums and bass..Using the sidechain on the compressor to get that pumping sound when the bass kick comes in. Not sure if I like the overall feel/genre that much yet, but I'll see what other people say.. Edit: There is no structure yet, just the parts I've been working on. No this is not necessarily how it will start, etc.. Just an example of whats going on.. I love it so far. The kicks that come in at 0:13 could use more loudness. And the low synth that comes in at 0:28 sounds like the backup rhythm to a piece that you don't have ready yet... So I hope it's supposed to be the backup rhythm to a piece you don't have ready yet.
Sora Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 really good Rayza! drats I don't like the competition
UltimateSonicFan Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 Since I'm a little behind on the Credits theme (due to PC changeover..) I'm posting what little I have, if only to prove that I am working on it.. Nothing much yet, just the arp, drums and bass..Using the sidechain on the compressor to get that pumping sound when the bass kick comes in. Not sure if I like the overall feel/genre that much yet, but I'll see what other people say.. Edit: There is no structure yet, just the parts I've been working on. No this is not necessarily how it will start, etc.. Just an example of whats going on.. Nice, but this doesn't appear in S3&K, like I said before. For all those who don't know, Sonic & Knuckles featured a add-in slot that allowed you to play past games with knuckles. Sonic 3 & Knuckles was designed as one game, but produced with two cartridges. Thats why there is so much continuity between the two games.
Sora Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 It's up to KFC to decide the fate of the dreaded "S3 Staff Roll" since it was on the list already, I think he's already made up his mind, but it's his call.
Terial Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 I would hate to not have the S3 Staff Roll in this project, it is my favorite sonic song ^^. I really think that it should be put in. The S&K Staff Role would have to be EXTREMLY well done to be good in this project, if that could be done, it would be nice to have both in. I would much rather see the S3 Staff Role on the project though.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted April 14, 2005 Author Posted April 14, 2005 Since I'm a little behind on the Credits theme (due to PC changeover..) I'm posting what little I have, if only to prove that I am working on it.. Nothing much yet, just the arp, drums and bass..Using the sidechain on the compressor to get that pumping sound when the bass kick comes in. Not sure if I like the overall feel/genre that much yet, but I'll see what other people say.. Edit: There is no structure yet, just the parts I've been working on. No this is not necessarily how it will start, etc.. Just an example of whats going on.. Nice, but this doesn't appear in S3&K, like I said before. For all those who don't know, Sonic & Knuckles featured a add-in slot that allowed you to play past games with knuckles. Sonic 3 & Knuckles was designed as one game, but produced with two cartridges. Thats why there is so much continuity between the two games. OK, EVERYONE PLEASE SHUT UP The track that will be used is the track that Rayza and Sora are doing right now. Which is the Sonic 3 credits. NO the sonic and knuckles ending will NOT be included. There should be NO MORE disscusion about it.
Rexy Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 I still feel it'll work better with the Sonic 3 credits theme - I mean, if someone had to make an interpretation of the S&K version it'll be like taking everyone else's mixes (at least some of the S&K ones) and just cutting them up and putting them against one another. Course, we can do with a good breath of originality ^^;
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted April 14, 2005 Author Posted April 14, 2005 Just I case you may have missed it, I'm going to say it again. OK, EVERYONE PLEASE SHUT UPThe track that will be used is the track that Rayza and Sora are doing right now. Which is the Sonic 3 credits. NO the sonic and knuckles ending will NOT be included. There should be NO MORE disscusion about it. That was not directed at Rexy.
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