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Now that you mention all this, I'm just concerned over how far I've gone. i've sent my finished Competition Menu mix to KFC yet Snapple was still to get exposure to it; meanwhile with Angel Island he claimed that he'd fix the bass for me before I send off the finished mix in KFC's direction.

So I take that i'm roughly up to date? :)

I think it's one or both, but finished songs must NOT be exposed to the public before the project is released 8O

Think...? It's on the front page Rexy lol.

Thats my bad. I don't usually read all the way through the threads before I post crazy questions. :oops:

*Just read it* In that case, KFC and Snapple, will you guys check out my WIP and tell me what you think?

I have the info on it posted somewhere on the previous page. (I think) :? It might have been the one before that. Its somewhere on the last two pages.


What I see here is begging off a really high-res version of that cover, getting it developed at costco as a digital picture, for high-res printing and color quality, and being the envy of all my gaming/music friends.

What I see here is begging off a really high-res version of that cover, getting it developed at costco as a digital picture, for high-res printing and color quality, and being the envy of all my gaming/music friends.

Quoted for the sake of my ego.


Great work Eon Blue! I'm impressed!

When I did the HH project art (actually, both me AND KFC made versions), I was given a few suggestions, and I guess it wouldn't hurt to pass them along:

...as far as printing's concerned, you're going to want to work with extremely high res files (and high DPI) to get a clean final product. Make sure, too, that you're working in CMYK colour, rather than RGB. RGB is subtractive colour - mix all colours and get white, whereas CMYK is additive - mix all colours and get black, which is how print works. You'll find as a reslt that CMYK doesn't have the vibrancy of RGB, but that's just how print media is ^^

I usually use 1000x1000 pixels for CD Labels. It works out just fine for me.


God Spammit!!!!!!!!!

I just got a message from my boss telling me that I have to start the orientation courses for my job tomorrow. (Now I damn sure wont be able to work on the Boss 1 remix.)

I'm really sorry guys. :cry:

But I still wanna try to get my "Project Blue" song on the project.

Yo KFC and Snapple, I will be sending you guys a PM with a link to my song in a minute (What I think is a final version). If there is anything that you want me to change, please PM or E-mail me and I'll try to make time to fix it.



Ya......um.....I can't work on the Boss 1 remix either. Not only does it take me a while to do remixing, but one of the mixes that did take a while to do just got put down majorly. I doubt I'll be much of a help to this project. Sorry.


Aw, don't feel too bad because the Judges' Panel aren't too hot over your work. I mean, look... Hemophiliac and Red Omen have tracks on Kong in Concert and they didn't get past the judges; neither did Jayson Litro when sending his track from Hedgehog Heaven. And heck, I've also got more rejections than actual postings! :P

So just because the judges didn't like them doesn't mean that you're going to struggle with your effort. As far as we're concerned we really need the help over at this end of the field. ;)

Don't feel discouraged. There's still room to polish up your mix for a resub, and even if that doesn't happen you can still work hard on your efforts over here. We've all been down that path, I assure you.


Er... well, I like that small bit of melody in the Boss song. I could remix it, but I don't really know how long I could make it given the 28 second source material. I suppose I could make a smallish interlude track out of it. I haven't read the whole thread though, so I don't know if anybody else besides Blue Magic was already doing this.

Maybe I'll just cook up something and send it in.

Ya......um.....I can't work on the Boss 1 remix either. Not only does it take me a while to do remixing, but one of the mixes that did take a while to do just got put down majorly. I doubt I'll be much of a help to this project. Sorry.

Nah it wasn't put down majorly. You do realize we reject a lot of mixers with years of mixing or music experience.

Your mix had some interesting concepts and arrangement ideas, some components were there, some where not. It needed a lot of work on several fronts.

So it was your third mix, it's a good start, and you need to keep it up. Music is a long endeavor, one that's hopefully worth it to you. But it's one that you need to constantly keep working on. There really is no substitute for experience. Keep at it and don't give up.


Hey all,

I'm back again. I decided that I WILL try finish the Boss 1 mix after all. (It was haunting me all day at work)

In my opinion, I'm doing too well on it to just quit. So...you know.

I managed to stretch it out to about 1:30. (Even though I had to loop it.) Do you think that will be long enough, or do you guys want it to be longer?

I'll try to add more variation on it to keep things fresh.

And sorry about not being able to make up my mind. (excuse my Noobness) :oops:


yeah...school's ending and I don't have an ISP at my house anymore so I'll be off the internet for 3 months. O.o sorry Hadyn, I might be able to come on a couple times, but not long enough for us to get much stuff done. There's a slight chance I'll be back on, but I doubt we'll have anything done. (still talking to Hadyn) if you want, you can come up with enough stuff to pass the deadline and I'll be back by the next next deadline. (to KFC:) you can kick me off if you want or wait to see if I can come back to post stuff. And um... good luck.


Sorry to see that had to happen Sora. :( I'm sure you'll be able to manage to visit the web sometime before the semester starts again, although your efforts were well thought out.

Blue: Yep... it's about time I came forth with my thoughts on your WIP ^^

Now I like the James Bond feel that has managed to come around this one. I think that has managed to add to a lighter chilled formation on that side of the mix, and I dig the direction that managed to come around it. Kudos on getting the record set up so far, and I appreciate much of the technical terms that came to it.

I understand how tough it is to be able to mix the theme given its restrictions in terms of length, but I think there needed to be a bit more granted to it. So far I found the arrangement to be really conservative; I was hoping for some expansions to match with the level of New Beginnings or A Warrior's Path, which is what I usually come to expect from you. But knowing you I feel you might be able to get that established later on in the mix.

I tell you what, sometimes it helps to look on remixes of other short themes and see how they got established to what they were. There were quite a few on Relics of the Chozo that did just that and still sounded slick (Premonition of Fell Purpose, Escaping Retribution and Unsettling Nature were a few of which that did just that), and much of the tracks for PRC 2-15 (you know, the Ghostbusters thing) also had their own specific techniques on broadening on a very short piece of music. Even the OneUps fleshed out their skills on a short piece of game music with "Isle de Kirby". Whichever happens, I'm sure you'll come up with your own strategy on how to make yours branch out.

Nonetheless, best of luck with the rest of your mix! :D


Wtf. A S3&K Remix project ...

I was looking around on the forums, and found this just recently. I'm very interested in this project and hope I can do something for you.

Actually, I have been working on a remix of Sandopolis, not knowing anything about the project. (To bad that so many good remixers already are working on that track...)

I don't know what you think about new people to join the project this late ... but if you're interested I can come up with some songs on "Boss 1", (which was apparently marked as free att the front page), "Death egg" and "Hidden Palace".


I found a studio yesterday where I could record my piano mix, so anybody who had to hear it won't have to worry anymore about the sound quality. It's a little expensive to use it, though, so I'm now looking for a software like the one I saw there. I believe it's a MIDI editor, but, unlike mine, this one allows changing dynamics and exporting to WAV. But that one is for Macintosh, and I'm looking for one for Windows. If anybody know anything that could help, just reply here:


If I can't get what I need, I guess I'll just pay :cry: and use the studio...

yeah...school's ending and I don't have an ISP at my house anymore so I'll be off the internet for 3 months. O.o sorry Hadyn, I might be able to come on a couple times, but not long enough for us to get much stuff done. There's a slight chance I'll be back on, but I doubt we'll have anything done. (still talking to Hadyn) if you want, you can come up with enough stuff to pass the deadline and I'll be back by the next next deadline. (to KFC:) you can kick me off if you want or wait to see if I can come back to post stuff. And um... good luck.

I'll see what I can do... but I'm being a little held up with my other projects right now... Ellywu still hasn't gotten back to me with the flp files on the Carnival Night collab, and I'm still putting off work on my final boss theme because:

a. computer's sluggish, and

b. Snapps will probably do something better :P

I'll try, but we might not be able to do this one after all ^^;


Hmm... I'm thinking of going along for the ride here.

Considering either Azure Lake, or Endless Mine. (Or even both, if that's allowed. :P)

I'll get started on some stuff soon.

Er... well, I like that small bit of melody in the Boss song. I could remix it, but I don't really know how long I could make it given the 28 second source material. I suppose I could make a smallish interlude track out of it. I haven't read the whole thread though, so I don't know if anybody else besides Blue Magic was already doing this.

Maybe I'll just cook up something and send it in.

To answer your curiosity, yes. I stated quite a few pages back I started working on a Boss 1 remix...I'm not sure how many people are working on it currently, considering alot of people have been quiet lately.

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