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Speaking of which, now that I've heard that KFC and Snapple aren't on speaking terms anymore (as heard on KFC's VGF call last night), how are we going to think this will fully come together? I don't want to see this go down the drain after months of hard work :(


Don't worry - even if they quit, a new leader will appear and everything will be fine. The mixing's almost complete, and that's the hardest stage. I'm going *reasonably* well with the website, and the only other real concern is hosting, which we can worry about later.

Besides, I doubt either will quit anyway. Hell, they're probably over it already. It's all good...

Right people?



My personal relationship with KFC in no way affects my dedication to this project. Music has been, and will be first and foremost (in this project and in the entire scene).

Don't use this as an excuse to slack off ;) This project is nearing completion and we need everyone to be on the same level in terms of the development process.

So how does one apply to be the remixer of Boss 2? Cus I'm definitely interested.

Huh, be like, really really good. And hope they accept you.

Ok, so I guess I'll just get started on it then. I thought I had to wait for Snapple or KFC to give me the go-ahead. Thanks! (So do I just submit a WIP to one of them?)

So how does one apply to be the remixer of Boss 2? Cus I'm definitely interested.

Huh, be like, really really good. And hope they accept you.

Ok, so I guess I'll just get started on it then. I thought I had to wait for Snapple or KFC to give me the go-ahead. Thanks! (So do I just submit a WIP to one of them?)

Yeah, that should work, I think.

Yoshi84 was featured on Boss 2 last time I checked.

Yeah, that didn't work out. I was planning on giving NutS some vocals for his Boss 2 remix, but all I had available to use was a craptastic headset mic. I had the opportunity to borrow a great condenser mic, but waited too long. :(

My personal relationship with KFC in no way affects my dedication to this project.

Don't use this as an excuse to slack off ;)

seconded and thirded people. i have been questioned about the possible patching up of me and snapple friend wise, and it will take a process i'll say that much, so don't worry. (also snapple, thanks for being so prompt with the project updates)

Why has Snappleman suddenly become "UnderCoat". What is an UnderCoat anyway? :?

Well, it could be many different things. If I'm not mistaken, it's a coat. And, not only is it a coat, it's a coat that goes UNDER another coat. What's more, it would probably be thinner than the coat it is under...

but then what do I know?

Why has Snappleman suddenly become "UnderCoat". What is an UnderCoat anyway? :?

Well, it could be many different things. If I'm not mistaken, it's a coat. And, not only is it a coat, it's a coat that goes UNDER another coat. What's more, it would probably be thinner than the coat it is under...

but then what do I know?

I thought it might of been in reference to theft by sticking things under your coat, hence the code name undercoat. but I think I like your description better.

Well, we have an OverCoat, why not an UnderCoat?

That makes sense to me. I guess...

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