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Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History

k u n g f u c h i c k e n

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Soooo, I had a shot at the carnival night thingo earlier on, in an electronic style... sounded way too crap and generic, so I scrapped it. Then, about an hour ago, I came up with a way that I could do a guitar version... Thing is, i'm sick/tired/clumsy, and so couldn't record my own guitar without stopping every five seconds to sneeze/collapse/or simply drop something. Sooo, I put my idea down in FL using Slayer.

Here's the basic jist of it:

Keep in mind that I'll likely start again when I feel well enough to record live, but yeah. I'm looking for comments on the overall feel and arrangement :)


Sounds similar to some of analoq's stuff. :wink: That's really cool. This would rock with some more expansion to it, and possibly a cleaner guitar. The percussion I think is good because it sounds a little more authentic then the stuff I'm used to hearing.

Joker, your arrangement is cool, but that tone is all over the place. I dont know what your using but if you can center the pitch a little better so it dosent have such a hollow echoed sound it would be cool. On a postive note I like that sort of chiming effect on the high notes at the end, that was pretty cool.

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Soooo, I had a shot at the carnival night thingo earlier on, in an electronic style... sounded way too crap and generic, so I scrapped it. Then, about an hour ago, I came up with a way that I could do a guitar version... Thing is, i'm sick/tired/clumsy, and so couldn't record my own guitar without stopping every five seconds to sneeze/collapse/or simply drop something. Sooo, I put my idea down in FL using Slayer.

Here's the basic jist of it:

Keep in mind that I'll likely start again when I feel well enough to record live, but yeah. I'm looking for comments on the overall feel and arrangement :)


Hmm, I know that drum soundfont you're using. Some shitty power set from Hammersound, right? I don't think that sound works for the song. You need something that's more dry, and also other kinds of percussion too.

It would be really cool if you keep the originals carnival theme. Start it with a big fat bass drum, like the original, and then slowly build it up.

Tons of interesting percussion and a nice guitar lead would make this one really cool.

Cheers, i'll give all that a shot :)

Got any recommendations of drumkits I could use? I don't really have many, at that "Drums by Slavo" is probably the pinacle of my collection, so yeah... Help?

Sora - The bass in the original was just the same boom-boom thing I have going on, only I varied the progression a little to add interest and make it sound more interesting. Or do you mean the sample should sound similar?

Azar - cheers man, i know i'm on the right track when it's likened to analoq's stuff ^^;

I'm actually planning on a cleaner guitar, I just couldn't find one in the stupid slayer presets. But yeah, when I actually record live, it'll be nice and clean. Or atleast cleaner. As far as the percussion goes, I think I probably will change it. I want the song to be a bit... lighter, I gues. Just depends if I find some better kits/samples or not ^^;


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Yay, I made a demo that i'm happy with!

I'm gonna keep working on this one, methinks. What do you guys recon?



version 2 of my latest WIP:

I'm rather happy with how this is turning out, apart from two things:

1) the trombone stab section comes out of nowhere (although the lead-out is fine)


2) As Snappleman put it, "It needs to be cool and goofy. This is just cool"

He has a damn good point. I might try something a little crazier tomorrow or something, but for now, all comments and opinions on this are very appreciated.

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I'm assuming I need to repost my old WIP, as it's not in quality control, so here it is. The second version is on its way soon, there's just a few things I need to touch up on it still.

Oh, one other thing - to see what I'm probably going to change, I think I wrote it up on the other forum if anyone's curious.

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Cool! erm, what song do you need mixing? i noticed that they are all taken on the front page...

Or do i just pick one which takes my fancy?

Pick one.

I know KFC's busy, so I'll elaborate.

You can pick any one you like, even if somebody else is doing it, and in the end there'll be a vote to see which one makes it on the project :)


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Master Hatchet... dammit, his take on Ken's theme (Street Fighter II) for the past DoD was awesome, and it sounds great to have him on board.

Acoustic Data Select? Interesting. Given that source is the one that would start off the project (I think) I have good hopes for how this would come around :D

While I'm here, I can say I've been playing around with the re-writing of the middle portions of my contribution. Hopefully I might go back to it today, and with a bit of luck we may have a fresh MP3 on hold.

I've also been spending a lot of time yesterday doing something else relating to the project, but I'd rather keep that as a secret even to Sithlord ;)

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version 2 of my latest WIP:

I'm rather happy with how this is turning out, apart from two things:

1) the trombone stab section comes out of nowhere (although the lead-out is fine)


2) As Snappleman put it, "It needs to be cool and goofy. This is just cool"

He has a damn good point. I might try something a little crazier tomorrow or something, but for now, all comments and opinions on this are very appreciated.

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I'm rather happy with how this is turning out, apart from two things:

1) the trombone stab section comes out of nowhere (although the lead-out is fine)

Just a recommendation of what I would do in the immediate measure before the trumpet stabs/xylo come in (hey, you wanted goofy, right): halfway through the measure, do a hard volume cutoff and insert a giggling clown laugh. Cut the volume back right at the next measure with the stabs and calliope and whatnot.

Just a thought.

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Okay folks, we just got Master Hatchet onboard. He'll be doing Flying Battery and (maybe) an acoustic gutiar rendition of Game Select.

He's a very good musician, you can check out some of his work here:


Data Select... :( I'm doing data select...

Anyway, yeah SnappleMan getting on the project was just what the project needed. Welcome Aboard Hatchet.

Note - I might not be here for awhile, I'm having computer problems.

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Goodbye to Hydrolocity

Ok, I tried to take advice from the criticisms I recieve. I'd like to know how it sounds now. Yes, I believe there are some EQ problems (if not a lot). If anyone could please give me some helpful advice in that department, I'd greatly appreciate it (I use FruityLoops 4). Oh, and I'm trying to get the song to sound good, and then expand on it, without having to worry about going back and EQing it (because apparently I suck at picking up those kinds of things, unless they are REALLY obvious). This way you (the public) won't know how the rest of the song sounds like until I release it.

Rant Rant Rant.

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Xenon, I will divide my feedback in three categories:

1 - Sound quality / Technical aspects:

Most of your problems lie here. Everything seems drowned in reverb, the song indeed has a "watery feel". Some panning work would really help things to be clearer. The choice of the synths is also a complicated matter, it's pretty hard to work with synthesized brass (which seems to be the case here, but I may be wrong), so you might consider changing them (or at least working on them quite a bit). And the waterfall thing is great idea, just needs a better sample, that's all. Drums are ok, tough.

2 - Arregment:

The piece needs more original stuff. I barely see anything original going on (and come on, the Hydrocity theme is a fucking fun song to work with! :wink: ). The idea of putting the "drowning theme" (really I don't know how it is called) in the end is tasty, you might wanna go for an accelerando there, it would sound good.

3 - Overall:

I really think you need to have more fun with your remix. :D Your are working on a great song, it's quite tasty to mess around with the melody & harmony. Try new parts, solos, different harmonies, change of instruments. It's a sweet song to work with.

Hope I helped! :)

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You need dynamics in there, at the moment it goes like this : REALLY LOUD. get some climaxes etc.

That rain sounds kind of lo-fi. Trust me, you dont want sfx unless you can make them sound high quality or unless they actually are high quality.

Its hard to hear the drums, and what i do hear needs more variety. Especially that techno part you have at the end. I think that whole part needs rethinking.

Hope that helped

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