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Yeop, I'm happy with all these ideas.

Sorry guys, but i've been a lot busier than I expected in the last week, and haven't made any progress since last time I posted.

I'll try to find some motivation and get some serious work done this weekend.



as I said, you know I can't remix but feel free to ask me any kind of help. I love this soundtrack and I really hope I can be useful in some way.



Just to say that I and my collab partner are working on the hidden palace mix. As I said though, I'm not posting too many WIPs, but be sure that it will be no less that great.

Just to let you know we're have been working on it :wink: . Oh and nice work, Site projects at last.


I thought the project was gone since i didnt see the old thread...ive been gone for awhile.

Im going to start a Sandopolis wip, and i MIGHT drop icecap and try flying battery (but its unlikely until i get one of these songs completley done). Im still definitley doing the credits and sanctuary, and sandopolis too. Ive been off the computer for a week so im going crazy composing crap :twisted:


I too am working on my mixes. I'm still waiting on hadyn as far as the Death Egg is concerned, & I'm stuck trying to figure out just how to take my Hidden Palace mix into the symphonica zone. So yeah, I'm working on it.

P.S. If anyones good at adding light electronica spices & uses FL5, I'd really like any help on Hidden Palace you could give me. Just PM me if you want. I still be racking (rack... giggles) my brain.

I'm still waiting on hadyn as far as the Death Egg is concerned

Sorry about death-egg man, I want to try and get Final Boss and Carnival Night out of the way first, and I've been lazy even with them. I'll try and get them done soon, then I'll try some more stuff with Death Egg.

Like I said, though, It doesn't nessecarily have to be a full on collaborative effort, I just wanted to give you some ideas. I'll try to work more on what i've got, but I think you should work on your own ideas too :)


Hers a new updated snapshot on my wip. Its developing in a very slow pace at the moment. Dont take the final section to serious at the time being. The melody sounds will probably be switched later. And that break is only temporary to... basicly, dont take much of this to serious, if you got any constructive comments on it, please, post them on the wip page instead of here.




Hey, I've been watching the project for a while, and it's really exciting that one of my favorite classics is gonna have it's own arrangement project. Anyway, I don't know if this will help anyone this far in the process, but I found a site that has the enitre S&K/S3 soundtrack on it in MP3 format, located here:


The only catch is that you have to go through Gamespy to download the mp3s. If anyone doesn't want to go through all that, I have the entire thing on PC for anyone who needs it. Good luck guys!


This is looking to be the most promising OCR site project yet. Excellent work by KFC and Snap to get this all set up. I look forward to the final product; I'm sure it will live up to the awesomeness of the original soundtrack and do it justice. :)

Now, can someone PLEASE pick up Marble Garden? :P

This is looking to be the most promising OCR site project yet. Excellent work by KFC and Snap to get this all set up. I look forward to the final product; I'm sure it will live up to the awesomeness of the original soundtrack and do it justice. :)

Now, can someone PLEASE pick up Marble Garden? :P

Unless you want more Sonic piano, it's a bit of a no-show for me I'm afraid :( But yeah, we can do with someone to help out on that field.

Come to think of it that would have suited AkumajoBelmont quite well o.O

Now, can someone PLEASE pick up Marble Garden? :P
I have some nice ideas about arrangements that can be made upon this tune, but (you all already know) I'm not a remixer so I need at least one experienced partner.

Well ive pretty much decided that my Sky Sanctuary WIP is complete, but it might need a little polishing. My sandopolis WIP is the BEST yet by far!

I MAY try marblegarden and drop icecap(im not worried about Flying battery anymore), or i might try 4 songs....hmm


So Beatdrop is just dropping his efforts because he might not make the album? His song was my favorite WIP by far. Sounds like an overreaction.

Anyway, I have some input on the format of these album projects. We waited for years for the Sonic 2 collab to finally come together. The results were mixed. There were definitely some gems, but others were filler-grade. Instead of sticking to the "one track per song" quota, why not measure them by quality? It looked like there would be two awesome Battery Zone remixes. Wouldn't it be better to have two awesome remixes from one song than a filler-grade cover of a separate track?


I offered him many options. In the end, he wanted to be the only person on that track. I then asked Master Hatchet if he wanted to quit and give the song to Beatdrop, but he was very enthusiastic about the song and just seemed more confident. So I told Beatdrop that MH was staying, and I never got a response.

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