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Yeah, I'd very pleased to collab with Rexy, if my track from HER project weren't pissing me off... can't just go much further on it... :evil:

Don't panic, I am sure to comment on it before the weekend. And if you thought that was rough, I already have rough spots this week with TWO project WIP deadlines and some college work to hand in by Friday (which is based on working on a team that I really detest working with, on some video database or other).

Were you all serious about this???????

I don't know if Snapple was or not, but the project needs a Lava Reef remix, whichever way we can :)

Hadyn. WOW. You my friend are done.

Man, after almost a year working on this it feels pretty surreal. If you or the other directors need anything changed though - after a few more listens - that's still fine. If the other directors haven't heard it, maybe they can pm me about how I should send it to them, or they can get it from you.

Meanwhile I still have shiteloads of assignments. I will, however, try to work on a cd cover and some other little bits and pieces in my spare time.

As far as the conversion of the site goes (from coldfusion to php), I dunno. It'll have to wait atleast a few more weeks, until I'm done with college. I also have a paying web-design job which I should probably get started on... but I'm sure I'll have enough free time to get things working in the background. Maybe I can find someone else to help me convert, who knows.

So yeah. That's where I stand!

Just as another note, kind of pointless, but both websites I've done for Project Chaos (the Flash + the HTML/ColdFusion) have also been college assignments.

Kind of unfortunately the Flash one only got me a credit (aiming for a distinction there). I don't think the lecturer realised that I actually scripted stuff like the inbuilt music player myself. Ohwell.

The HTML/ColdFusion one is being marked twice, once for the scripting and again for the design. The scripting was marked today, and I'm proud to say I got an A. The design's not yet marked... I expect a credit though, because I didn't try to make it too amazingly detailed - I wanted the Flash website to be the fancy one, for obvious reasons - so this one's nice and clean. I wish I could you show guys, but alas I have to convert it from ColdFusion to php before I can put it up on a server (unless anyone can find a free ColdFusion server, which is really unlikely).

So yeah. There's some insight for ya'll!

And if you thought that was rough, I already have rough spots this week with TWO project WIP deadlines and some college work to hand in by Friday (which is based on working on a team that I really detest working with, on some video database or other).

Okay, you won. I'm on vacation till March....

Anyway, I've started Lava Reef yesterday and, unexpectedly, it developed really fast. I hope to finish it tomorrow.

And in case you are able to work on it: wouldn't it be better if you added your touch to the piece (like a revision of an arrangement) instead of a two-pianos composition?

And in case you are able to work on it: wouldn't it be better if you added your touch to the piece (like a revision of an arrangement) instead of a two-pianos composition?

So you're saying that you want the arrangement for solo piano and are hoping for me to tweak the composition a little bit when you're done? Or are you meaning something else altogether? Just curious :)

And in case you are able to work on it: wouldn't it be better if you added your touch to the piece (like a revision of an arrangement) instead of a two-pianos composition?

So you're saying that you want the arrangement for solo piano and are hoping for me to tweak the composition a little bit when you're done? Or are you meaning something else altogether? Just curious :)

I think he means:

  • He makes an arrangement
    You change bits and pieces of the arrangement to make a new arrangement.

That's how I read it anyways ^^;

DO NOT POST THE FINAL SONG HERE! Do not post it anywhere else online! Keep it a secret till the project is done! If we find that you've been spreading your song around the net, you will be canned!
greetings people, look what I've found on - LINK REMOVED . :roll:
Maturity is brewing strong with this cat. Anyway, Xenon, you can still try, we are seeing who can come up with the best track.

Xenon Odyssey


Hetcenus & Rexy


Geoff Taucer



Yeah, I don't stand a chance. Even if I started over from scratch.

Well, we'll just see how Taucer and the Ivory Masters do...

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